My Doctor's instructions


Staff member
I just saw my general health doctor today for my incontinence and he told me to do the following

1) stop drinking any fluid at 7 pm

2) stop drinking sugary and caffeinated beverages at 6 pm

3) at bedtime wake up ever 2 or so hours to void bladder

I'm sure others here received similar instructions before. Was just wondering what type of success you guys found with these strategies.

Thank you
No relief re linits on liquids and who can sleep only 2 hours wake and toilet themselves except a pregnant woman or mother of a newborn and call that a nights sleep?
This sounds like advice from the 1950s.
I have had a bit of success with the drinks bit when at home, but is almost impossible to follow away from home. The getting up after two hours sounds crazy to me, but I do like my sleep, Phil
Yeah thanks everyone , the waking up seems a bit crazy to do every two hours. Truthfully he might have just said wake up once after two hours of sleeping and my poor memory is remembering improperly. I'll try cutting out fluids and I will wake up after four hours of my bedtime to void my bladder. I'll see if I am able to manage that. I do need alot of sleep so I can imagine I might just stay in bed and not realize the alarm just woke me. I don't expect things will end up good with that strategy but I might as well try it. I will be referred to a urologist if it doesn't work so it's not like I will continue to be treated by the same doctor for my incontinence anyway
Sounds like something an idiot doctor who sleeps through the night would say to somebody. What an ass.........
No offense, but your doctor is an absolute moron and not educated on current practices. I’d find a new doctor ASAP.
Thanks for your views guys. I guess I should have had more of a reaction to his suggestion of waking to void. I'm just desperate to solve this and was willing to try a variety of strategies but I definitely didn't think through this one. My sleep is important to me because I have UARS, a condition similar to sleep apnea. So my sleep is already fragmented.
Ive tried it, it helped some. I set alarms on my phone to wake me up all night. It was exhausting and dehydrating. Not a good trade off for me.
Im sorry if i sounded harsh, i see this as a doctors brush off, s doctor who has no interest in or expertise in the issue. He probably will send you to a urologist as sending patients to specialists is ehat they do. Unless they know you have not got good insurance, then they might google the problem and Rx what webMd suggests.
I've had little success with that sort of idea, and having had Kidney Stones once, I'm not going to have them again because of an ignorant doctor. With sleep apnea comes a cpap machine; sp part of the medical profession has recognized sleep is important. The Doc is not listening to you. Find another one
I already wake up too often in the middle of the night to pee, so that cure would be worse for me than wearing a diaper to bed, I love my sleep.

I don't drink sugary stuff anyway, but the rule about no caffeine and not drinking too close to bedtime holds true for me. Add alchol into that mix too.
Yeah everyone. I tried the above strategies but as I suspected I just went immediately back to sleep after waking. Ended up still wetting my boxers anyway. I'll try limiting liquids earlier and if that doesn't work I will just see if the doctor can refer me to a urologist sooner. I think that would cover the switching doctors unless he recommends another bad one. I don't have good insurance so I don't have too much options honestly

What better recommendations have you all received ?
No, no, no. That is pretty much standard advice. At least that is what I heard from both my GP and my uroligist . You start with the behavior modification, then go to medications. (Or was it kegels?) And after the meds did not work or the side effects were worse than wetting you move on to "watchful waiting". Which for me is " I wet, so what. Get on with my life it is not going to kill me."
Oh notarobot they didn't suggest bladder Botox injections for you? I'm glad to hear someone else received that advice too lol
notarobot said:
No, no, no. That is pretty much standard advice. At least that is what I heard from both my GP and my uroligist . You start with the behavior modification, then go to medications.

Waking up every 2 hours is not standard for anyone. That is terribly bad advice. Every 90-120 minutes you enter the REM stage of sleep. If you don’t get to that stage it greatly affects your time while awake. The doctor is simply wrong by asking this and I question on whether he keeps up to date with medical journals, education, and advancements. Sounds like he got his degree in the 50’s and never kept up with it.
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