Merry Christmas!!


Staff member
Hello and happy holidays and merry Christmas! Its been a bit. I put up a new profile picture and new pic in album. I got a new puppy! Her name is Elsa. Female, yellow lab and husky mix. Im hoping she takes on mire husky traits than lab but im happy either way. My face is a bit funny. My left side sags a bit from damaged nerves and left arm is messed up. But im pretty much recovered now. No more surgeries! I just got cleared to work last month and just got hired at a dollar store as assistant manager. Its way part time at 2 day a week, 3 yo 4 hour shifts but im not ready to jump in full time. Im starting slow, really slow. Lol. Anyway, just wanted to check in. Ill try to come back here more often. I miss you guys! Oh yeah! One of my 18 year old sons just graduated Army boot camp in early November from fort Benning. He got stationed at fort Lewis/McCord Army base. It's only 2 hours from here! He was expecting to go full on GI Joe, and instead works reception. Lol. But he's new. It will get better. My other 18 son just signed his lease with his fiance right above me in an apartment. Hes so proud and me too! My grandson turned 1 on November 13. Hes walking very good, and running even faster. Lol. His dad, my 21 year old is doing a wonderful job as a new dad. He sings to help him sleep, despite having a horrible singing voice, but doesn't care one bit. It's all love. Good daddy. So that's my new and proud news.
Great to hear from you thank you for posting an update sounds like life is looking brighter, congratulations.
Much joy to you, Steven. Your family sounds wonderful. And much joy and good health and ease with incontinence to everyone.

Wow what a great post to read during this holiday season. Wishing you and your family all the best now and for the new year.
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