Medications for bedwetting

I'm given, Oxybutynin 15mg. and they want me to start Myrobretriq 50mg., but the Oxy is giving memory issues so we are not sure. They are encouraging what they call a Chronic Foley( having one all the time, just Dr jargon) instead of continued straight cathing and the UTIs and incontinence. Honestly right now, I just do what they want mostly

This message is similar to what I have posted before, but if you haven't considered it, there are external devices on the market that may work for you to control the leakage. The only one that I thought was suitable for me is now patent pending. It's essentially a soft silicone sleeve that can be worn all day or all night. It doesn't have to be removed to urinate during the day, which makes it more convenient to use. I'll be happy to provide more info, if you are interested. Regardless, try to reduce the leakage rather than deal with the leakage is something I suggest you should look into. Best wishes to you. Duane
Make sure you see your Dr and do your research on meds, and products to see what will work best for you.
First of all see your doctor as bedwetting can have under laying causes that are much more serious. I didn't know I was diabetic until I went to the doc.s about my bedwetting and incontinence
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