Has anyone overcome Bedwetting

it just stopped.My family was nice to me and didn't tease, I just had to sleep in the uglest iron bed. That was in the 50s and 60s. My mom took me to a Dr. and he said I probably had a immature bladder and it will heat itself. Well it did when I was around 12. I am a 68 yr old female and recently I Have gotten OAB worse and I wet the bed sometimes. I ordered a ApexM and that seems to help[.
When I was a kid I started to bed wet after my parents divorce. I was 5 and it lasted a couple of years. My mom was casual about it in comparison to some stories I have heard. By that I mean I wasn't beaten and punished. I know she was not pleased with the situation because she had plenty to do without the added laundry. We had an old wringer type washer and no dryer. Her solution was to put me back in diapers. It was not something I took lightly but gradually accepted it. And she kept her word, "it was our little secret".
I sometimes think I was the only 5 yo wearing diapers to bed back then, but then again no one wanted their secret out either.
Very old thread but this seems important. I stumbled upon a site while looking up ibs. I found a thing called SPINAL GALANT REFLEX. Look it up!!!!! It effects children and adults with bedwetting and even daytime wetting. Including irritable bowel syndrome. And for many, there has been very simple cures!!. You can even test your self for it. Seriously, look it up. It's very interesting. I've never heard of it and it's very new. Let me know what ya think about it.
sport said:
I was mostly continent while younger when reached 50 became a bedwetter.I,ve been in diapers and pants for almost 30yrs never got better pills gave me side effects this due to being a diabetic.
I have been a nightly bedwetter since turning 50 too and mine is caused by diabetic related problems.
gelu65 said:
I was a bed wetter until about nine and it was not easy to bathe in the winter time and I must have smelled bad as I grew up. I had sores all over my butt and it was an embarrassing young life for me. I did not think I would ever stop wetting the bed. I believe some children play so damn hard during the day that when they go to sleep their body relaxes so much they pee and don't know it.
I know growing up I stank of stale pee from my nightly bedwetting. We lived in an old house with no proper bathroom and got a bath once a week in a tin tub in front of the fire.
Since I posted this, I actually met a man who's claimed to help people stop. After a session with him I have gone from wetting twice a week to months in between. Right now it is on and off, I will go a couple of months and then I will wet maybe 2 or 4 times all at once. And then a couple months again. Which is a lot of progress.
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