Has anyone overcome Bedwetting

I never stopped wetting the. Bed tried bed wetting alarm s tablets ect wore nappies but now wear a condom Cather of a night
I know you are looking for a cure, aren't we all, but I have not found one yet. As background,I have had issues with bedwetting since I was in middle school. It is an occasional situation for me 1-2 times a month or less. Through the years, I am in my 40's I have tried the limiting fluids, bedwetting alarm in my underwear,and a host of other suggestions. None have got me total dry at night. I do realize that I tend to bedwet more when stressed or over tired.

I know these suggestions do not help, but hope they let you know that while bedwetting as an adult isn't common, it does happen. You are not alone.
I had to wear thick pin on cloth diapers with plastic pants to bed growing up in the 50s/60s. I wet at night, every night and often more than once a night.I was the second of 4 boys and the only one that had wetting issues. My brothers were told not to make a big deal about the fact I was diapered at night but that didn't stop my older brother from ridiculing me on a regular basis. I was allowed to stop wearing diapers when I entered high school, which I had mixed feelings about because I now had to deal with waking up in the middle of most nights soaked, exhausted, and having to try putting towels over my flood or moving to the floor to sleep. In the morning I was required to strip the sheets and let the plastic mattress cover dry out during the day. I would often skip this step which meant sleeping in either on dried out smelly sheets or even sometimes still slightly damp smelly sheets. My room quickly took on the scent of a bedwetters room and I really just wanted my diapers back because they made everything so much easier. Being 15 however I just couldn't admit to my mom and brothers I wanted to look like a toddler again going to bed so I just dealt with the hassle ubtil age 17 or 18 when I decided diapers were still the best alternative. Ive stayed diapered ayt night ever since and I'm now in my 60s
Congratulations to you to take that huge step to go back to wearing diapers! A pretty big but sensible step in my mind. Brothers, sisters and other children are more than capable of making your life hell!

That urine smell is horrible and can start to smell up the rest of the house. Unfortunately my daughter's 3 older brothers knew that it was her that caused the stench. As far as I know none of them have caused her any stress over it, at least she's never said anything! Those boys had better not or they'd have a lot of explaining to do to us.

I overheard my oldest son talk to his own soon when a comment was made about a friend who wore pull ups when they had a sleep over. I was quite pleased with my son when he took his son aside and addressed the situation positively and immediately!

Education is so important, letting others know that this problem is definitely not by choice! Susan
I agree with Susiecue. My life got remarkably better when I realized and accepted my need for diapers. The sudden onset of bedwetting was worrisome, tiresome, and annoying. The issue quickly became exhausting with all the waking up wet, laundry, struggling to get back to sleep and the general feeling of uncleanliness. While I obviously would have loved for this to have been transient and cleared up on it's own, when it became apparent that it was only getting worse and worse, an "absorbent wearable" seemed like my only hope.

Within a week I felt much better and well rested. I had no more crazy amounts of laundry, my mattress was no longer getting ruined etc. It did take a while to get used to it and to stop feeling ashamed of having my wife see me in a diaper but that eventually came to pass.

So far no one who has actually overcome bedwetting has replied to your post. That's not particularly surprising. The people who have conquered bedwetting have not reason to participate in a forum designed for people with an incontinence problem.
Thats a good point. But seeing as it is genetic, people on this forum could definitely know people who have overcome.
I was a bed wetter until about nine and it was not easy to bathe in the winter time and I must have smelled bad as I grew up. I had sores all over my butt and it was an embarrassing young life for me. I did not think I would ever stop wetting the bed. I believe some children play so damn hard during the day that when they go to sleep their body relaxes so much they pee and don't know it.
Cure bedwetting? I think if you get past childhood and still wet, you may never completely stop. That train left the station. I missed it.

@inconninmiss - if I get cured I absolutely will be back here to share it!

Hi, my daughter made it through a whole month of being dry, a real blessing for her as you all can imagine!

Unfortunately it has returned and taking her DDAVP is intermittent because she lost her health benefits and the pills are expensive! She will be back on benefits any day now!

How upsetting to be dry all month then bang the holiday is over!

She just had her 1st as an adult Urologist app't the other day. He wants to do a cystocopy, she's afraid, I told her it's really not a bad procedure. I'm sure that she'll go through with it to hopefully end this rotten life experience!

Hopefully I'll be able to be the 1st one to say yes it can be beaten! Susan
Kyan27 said:

What did you do to overcome, even if it was temporary?

I wish I knew, I've tried everything from diet to exercise to sleep patterns. In the meantime I just try and manage..the hardest part is that I travel alot so I have disposable bed pads and Depends with me all the time.
No never stopped completely wet from 7 till 15 was in diapers alarms never worked so parents just put me in diapers now I have to wear 24/7 and have adjusted ok to it
I was mostly continent while younger when reached 50 became a bedwetter.I,ve been in diapers and pants for almost 30yrs never got better pills gave me side effects this due to being a diabetic.
colin13 Does anyone think that adult incontinence is due to being a bedwetter when you where a child. I wet the bed till I was 11or 12 yrs old. I didn't have trouble with stress incontinence until I had a child, I has C -section and was in labor a long .time before they took him by C section, I think there is something wrong with my bladder. Now I also have urge incon. ahd sometimers I wet the bed.
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