Looking for Others Like Me


New member
Hi Everyone,

Glad to see that the site is back up again. First of all, let me say how grateful I am to have a website like this where those of us who have incontinence for whatever reason can share and support one another in a safe space. Although I'm basically completely healthy otherwise, I was born with an underdeveloped bladder. I'm a male now in my 50s and I've basically never been able to be reliably dry either day or night and have always pretty much needed diapers.

Growing up in the 1970s, I was a member of the first Pampers generation back when they came in the purple box and you had to separate them at the sides. I was able to wear the large size up until I was about 10 and then I graduated to Youth Attends and the early green Depends. Since then I've worn pratically every brand of disposable.

Obviously, being incontinent at any age--no matter how or when it starts--is hard. But dealing with it as a child and espeically a teenager is espeically rough (the teasing from other kids, frustration of parents and other adults, the humiliation of being in the drugstore or grocery store and having your mom pay for your diapers at the checkout line, etc. After that, being an adult with this carries a whole other set of issues (dating, work, etc.).

I would very much like to talk to others who have been dealing with wetting issues since childhood and still are to compare notes. Just FYI, I'm not and AB or anything like that, although the infantile feelings associated with this problem are always there. I hope to hear from you.
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