Looking for better rash cream??


Staff member
Well It has been a while but I am actually getting a rash. I use balmex or destin every few days but we have hard water now nothing is helping.

What is your ended all solution to fixing a bad rash??
this is strange (me that is) i rarely get any kind of skin issues but now and then i do and it seems to be fairly extensive in area size, but there is practically no irritation or itch. and if there is, it normally stops quicker than medication can heal it. i have used medication in the past and it clears up just as fast without. so now i always just leave it alone and it goes away by itself usually in a couple days. does this ever happen to anyone else?
I use A & D from Walmart. It works for me. In bad cases, it takes a few more day to heal back to normal. I also take 2 showers a day to keep clean down there. I also air out once in a while when at home. It also helps.
I suffered a stroke last July and was in the hospital 3 months which included in house therapy. I started having rash problems. I had my wife bring in a can of bag balm. My mom had used it when I was an infant. We used it on our 2 boys when they were infants. The nurses were very impressed with the results. You can buy it at Walgreens. It was formerly called Corona and now comes in a square green can.
deraven82 said:
When i get diaper rashes use this from Walmart or calmoseptin from Walgreens or cvs.

I actually just got some of this a bit ago. I works very well. Took the burning feeling away from my sweet.
I also use A&D ointment but if it’s that bad I use a a barrier cream from medline that is absolutely amazing at healing!!
I started using Cavillon from 3m. I use the spray and wipes, the cream is OK. it literally creates a polymer barrier over your skin. It works incredibly well. I then use something w/ 40% zinc, this is a must and many dont have it (I like boudreaux's). I have bowel incon every day and at night, I need protection for many hours at a time for bowel and this seems to work well. I was having issues before using the 3m and this was a Dr reco. I did notice one other thing, I was out of 3m and had recently switched from full plastic bloomer diaper covers to more breathable PUL type. This has also made a big difference as well. Odor control is not too different and worlds more comfortable.
I would agree with you totalinco about the products with zinc in them as this seems to help the skin heal much quicker to keep our skin healthy and happy so it doesnt scream at us!! I also use a zinc product on cuts I incur during work usually on my hands that even a little bit that stays on the cut helps. Thanks for the advice!!
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