@Boomersway Oh you are so right, you should see how many things he has and what privileges he commands. This photo is this Christmas alone. Don't worry, his things rotate and aren't always out

I have no idea what he is doing looking at the wall, though he is quite camera shy overall. He wouldn't have anything to do with the snakes, which were supposed to be "kicker" toys. Ditto with that big fish, which moves on it's own via batteries. In those little packets of food, there one each of lamb, rabbit, and goose, none of which he liked.

That red felt present was a joke and only cost $4 - I used to put his other presents in - but he TOTALLY! ADORES! it! and has made it his primary sleeping place, rather than his other beds. Now I am stuck with it's ugliness! I may pay my sew-er friend to make a light grey one without a ribbon, to match my couch. He is 97% an indoor cat (goes out with me on walks around the yard the other 3% of the time) so he needs a lot of exercise via toys and scratchposts, and it is important for the human to have new toys to play with him, also

Oh, what fun we have, playing!!!!!! I get on the ground and mess around with him.
It is very true what they say about people who don't have children: their pets are their kids. A qualifier: that is at my parents' house, not mine - my decor is all-white with some 10-15% grey involved. At tremendous emotional expense to me and my anxiety and pain, he is on loan to my dad because my mom get another pet in their remaining years, but he really wanted a cat. He has never not had a cat. He and Loki are the best of friends. Loki loves to sit on my dad's giant gut.
Cats' purrs are bone-healing and blood pressure-lowering for both themselves and their owners. Seriously, look it up, it's how they heal themselves from their many, many hairline fractures from their massive jumping feats and how they land on their feet - so amazing, wish *we* could do that!!!!!!! so he has been on loan to my dad for three years to help my dad recover from partial foot amputations on both sides, plus ankle fusions on both sides. He is better now. It has been harder than words can say and not to take meowissen back. I have just sobbed and sobbed over it over the years. But I am changing apartments in 1-2 months, must figure out how to do it with all the work overtime, and he will be coming with me. I can hardly wait to sleep with him again every night. He sleeps in his bed next to my pillow and pulls my hand into his tummy and holds it with all four of hims widdle paws, so endearing. I sleep much, much better with him. I can barely breathe right now while typing this for how much I miss him. I do see him for most of Saturday and Sunday when I help my parents, and formerly Mondays, also.
I can't tell you how many times I was within a breath of killing myself splitting with my husband, falling off the cliff, becoming incontinent, coping with the huge amounts of pain, coping with the loss of lifestyle sports and hobbies, coping with two kinds of caner, and coping with the 24 surgeries and recoveries I've endured in just the past 6.5 years. But I always think of him and how much he would miss me so I don't do it. I used to go to a movie theater that had this floor-to-ceiling fancy photo print that looked like him. When I was so depressed, I didn't get any enjoyment even out a movie, though movies tie for me with snow as my favorite thing in life. It was terrible. I would come out of the movie just wanting to die for the lack of pleasure. But there he was, telling me to home to be with him. There must have been at least 100 times that he was the only thing keeping me alive.
Cats in my family's lives last 17-22 years, so he likely has 10 years left to hims current 7. Oh I can't believe I have shared him; that has been a huge sacrifice to my majorly ungrateful and abusive father, but it was the right thing to do. Lokes also loves my parents' big house where he has more room to run and play, but I am his human. He never leaves my side when we are together. He will be glad to get back to me. My parents fight a lot and he hates human fighting.
Whew!!!!!! Breathe, Amy, breathe!!!!!!