very big sore

@ritanofsinger What a great quote, Rita, thank you! Faulkner is such a character! I thought "As I Lay Dying" was the most hilarious book I'd ever read, sort of still do! ;)
@Maymay941 Your story about the inside out pull-up is hilarious!!!! Thank for sharing! A few times I have a leg through the waist, rather than the leg hole, and wondered what is wrong! 🤣
@Boomersway Oh you are so right, you should see how many things he has and what privileges he commands. This photo is this Christmas alone. Don't worry, his things rotate and aren't always out ;) I have no idea what he is doing looking at the wall, though he is quite camera shy overall. He wouldn't have anything to do with the snakes, which were supposed to be "kicker" toys. Ditto with that big fish, which moves on it's own via batteries. In those little packets of food, there one each of lamb, rabbit, and goose, none of which he liked. 🤣🤣🤣 That red felt present was a joke and only cost $4 - I used to put his other presents in - but he TOTALLY! ADORES! it! and has made it his primary sleeping place, rather than his other beds. Now I am stuck with it's ugliness! I may pay my sew-er friend to make a light grey one without a ribbon, to match my couch. He is 97% an indoor cat (goes out with me on walks around the yard the other 3% of the time) so he needs a lot of exercise via toys and scratchposts, and it is important for the human to have new toys to play with him, also 🤣 Oh, what fun we have, playing!!!!!! I get on the ground and mess around with him.
It is very true what they say about people who don't have children: their pets are their kids. A qualifier: that is at my parents' house, not mine - my decor is all-white with some 10-15% grey involved. At tremendous emotional expense to me and my anxiety and pain, he is on loan to my dad because my mom get another pet in their remaining years, but he really wanted a cat. He has never not had a cat. He and Loki are the best of friends. Loki loves to sit on my dad's giant gut.

Cats' purrs are bone-healing and blood pressure-lowering for both themselves and their owners. Seriously, look it up, it's how they heal themselves from their many, many hairline fractures from their massive jumping feats and how they land on their feet - so amazing, wish *we* could do that!!!!!!! so he has been on loan to my dad for three years to help my dad recover from partial foot amputations on both sides, plus ankle fusions on both sides. He is better now. It has been harder than words can say and not to take meowissen back. I have just sobbed and sobbed over it over the years. But I am changing apartments in 1-2 months, must figure out how to do it with all the work overtime, and he will be coming with me. I can hardly wait to sleep with him again every night. He sleeps in his bed next to my pillow and pulls my hand into his tummy and holds it with all four of hims widdle paws, so endearing. I sleep much, much better with him. I can barely breathe right now while typing this for how much I miss him. I do see him for most of Saturday and Sunday when I help my parents, and formerly Mondays, also.

I can't tell you how many times I was within a breath of killing myself splitting with my husband, falling off the cliff, becoming incontinent, coping with the huge amounts of pain, coping with the loss of lifestyle sports and hobbies, coping with two kinds of caner, and coping with the 24 surgeries and recoveries I've endured in just the past 6.5 years. But I always think of him and how much he would miss me so I don't do it. I used to go to a movie theater that had this floor-to-ceiling fancy photo print that looked like him. When I was so depressed, I didn't get any enjoyment even out a movie, though movies tie for me with snow as my favorite thing in life. It was terrible. I would come out of the movie just wanting to die for the lack of pleasure. But there he was, telling me to home to be with him. There must have been at least 100 times that he was the only thing keeping me alive.

Cats in my family's lives last 17-22 years, so he likely has 10 years left to hims current 7. Oh I can't believe I have shared him; that has been a huge sacrifice to my majorly ungrateful and abusive father, but it was the right thing to do. Lokes also loves my parents' big house where he has more room to run and play, but I am his human. He never leaves my side when we are together. He will be glad to get back to me. My parents fight a lot and he hates human fighting.

Whew!!!!!! Breathe, Amy, breathe!!!!!!

Oh yeah, that mouse is electric and moves in circles around by itself, ever-tempting with it's feather tails, best of a cat's two favorite things: mice and birds! My old cat used to bring snakes home and would have liked those snakes.
We have given up on most cat toys as she is too much of a snob to play with anything that doesn’t involve human interaction! She is VERY jealous of our Husky as he gets to be out back all day, so she sits by the back door planning her escape to join him, but always chickens out at the last minute!
About a year ago she watched me fill my water jug from the ice maker. (the refrigerator is her mortal enemy, as she sleeps on top because the heat generated & it has the Gaul to drop ice cubes at any moment, disturbing her beauty sleep). Now she has figured out how to hit the ice dispenser sending ice all over the place. As a joke I started kicking the cubes around like a hockey puck (IDIOT!) now she MUST play ice hockey at least 2x a day!
How is it we fall in love with these little monsters? I must admit she watches far more NFL with me than my wife! She moves in between my knees when lying on the couch and must love the motion as she has attacked innocent players at times??????
Peppers is a very appropriate name for her!
Cat stories are hilarious and poignant.

My best friend has two young cats that I helped select from the shelter who ADORE HER and give me zero attention. I've hand fed treats of the most delicious type I buy and try to play with toys I bring they love with her or her daughter.
Do I get to do more than the occasional barely tolerabled head scritch or squawk for open my can at breakfast time
I do not.

I have a small meek dog they ignore and see them almost daily.
I've never had a cat treat me like this.
I thought some of you might enjoy this photo of True Royalty! This Golden Beauty is lounging on the wall of Tiberius’ Palace that Caligula grew up in on the Isle of Capri in AD 27. Cats have been protected in Italy under penalty of death as “Spirit Channels of the Gods” going back 2000 years!
Sorry about the pic quality, it’s hanging on our wall!
That's very interesting about Italy protection of cats! Very much want to check out this
I believe in Turkey they are respected and given food on the streets if my fb offering s can be considered true. (Because I am in dog rescue I get tons cat dog possum hedgehog etc offerings). It takes the stress off to see kindness to animals when I m working to hear stories like yours.
Maymay941-it'sa good thing you have a sense humor and call this a funny story. I'd be cussing or crying, maybe both. Just when you feel bad enough something else comes along to have to do. GRRRRR
Snow - The Reivers is the only book by Wm Faulkner that I've ever read. Thanks for the comment on another. I will get a copy to read. And thank you for the compliment.
@snow what a wonderful personality he must have! But yes, they do "own" you, and "they" decide almost everything. I find it amazing how they dictate what they want, and talk about control freaks!

But yes, I do feel as you mentioned they provide sometimes what we needed or need. And they sense when we need these times.

We had a few cats in my life. One stuck out, she was Ebony black and had Siamese in her. The vets called her the cat from hell! She would tolerate the world, but took a liking to me, and I ignored her. As dogs are special to me. So she would go out of her way to spend extra time trying to get me to see her way.

Snow, I pray things will get easier for you.
@ritanofsinger "As I Lay Dying" is funny because it is so bizarre. For instance, there is an entire chapter that says only, "I am a fish." HILARIOUS! Is the book you're reading like that?
@ritanofsinger Is there really swearing in video games? I had no idea. I knew there were murders, that's for sure! We are forever recording sounds of a character dying.
@Sprung87 Oh, how I laughed and laughed and laughed about your story, especially the refrigerator part!!!!!! Loki likes ice cubes, too! Thank you so much for sharing this with me. Loki sends his love and affection to Peppers.
@Maymay941 That is funny about the cats! And yes, they are protected and fed publicly in Turkey; I love it! Turkey and Greece have their priorities straight!!!!!!!

Lokes is from the Humane Society. My cat before him was from the pound in South Central Los Angeles. There was somehow a shortage of kittens at that time, so I went to a lot of places. I want a white and light grey cat to match my furniture 🤣 and I finally got one after looking for two weeks! He was a punk but had some good qualities! We had a lot of fun with him. When I moved to UT, my ex-boyfriend/best friend/roommate and his girlfriend kept him because where I was moving didn't allow pets. I am glad, because next game the best meowissen, ever!

Here is a weird thing that happened with both cats: I was initially told they were females, and that they were spayed. When I took them to the vet, nope, both were males. I was told they had been neutered. Nope! Now I am *very* picky about which vets I will go to! It's just so crazy that it happened twice in a row!
snow - your story about the gender of the cats is funny. When Bill and I were first married he was going to school for IBM and we had rented a newly remodeled garage apartment near a little village outside Saugerties, NY. Bill thought we should have a pet for me since I was at home all day and five months pregnant. We went to a pet shop in Kingston and purchased a turquoise parakeet which, the owner said, was female. We also bought a 45rpm record of Peter Parker a talking parakeet, which instructed us in how to teach a parakeet to "talk." We named our bird Gidget and commenced teaching her various phrases including the wolf whistle. We spent hours laboriously sounding out, "Gid-jet isssss pret-ty." Soon the parakeet was imitating very plainly. When our daughter was born the bird imitated the creaks of the bassinete when Joy moved, so that I was fooled into thinking that she was awake. Bill made some gymnastic equipment for Gidget and very patiently taught the bird to go up and down a ladder, swing and do little tricks on a bar.

We had such success with Gidget that our landlady asked us to take in her canary who had stopped singing. We got a record of a canary singing and played it over and over for the bird. She started to sing. One day we came home from shopping and Gidget was hanging onto the canary cage causing extreme stress for the poor singer! Maybe our parakeet wanted to hush up the canary and found a way to open the door on her own cage. The escaped prisoner became more excited with our return and started flying around the room, then returned to the canary cage, as though to intimidate. Meanwhile the canary record was playing over and over. Pandemonium reigned for a while.

Time went on and we had three more children. Gidget performed her acrobatic skills for my father-in-law and her vocabulary such as, "Billy, COME HERE!" etc. When first daughter was six years old our Gidget was not doing well, we took her to a vet who said she was dying. But he also revealed that our pet was a male. He said the color of the beak tells you the gender. This is particularly interesting to me now because of my transgender granddaughter. You just can't judge a book by its cover is so right-on.
snow - no. The Reivers is a yarn in almost stream of consciousness style, like the 11 year old boy thinks in his head. It's very funny but there are a lot of characters and for me it was hard to remember who was who. But I figured it wasn't that important and the boy in the story (Wm. Faulker?) was learning some big life lessons which was the most important thing.
@ritanofsinger Another neat story!!!! The time you came home to the pandemonium sounds hilarious in retrospect but I bet in the moment it was just intense! Glad to hear that one of the many things you've told with your life include being a bird whisperer, lol!
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