Is it ok to talk about depression

@AndrewRiker Stick with us; we’ll help you. You’ll make some even stronger individual friendships as time goes on, via private messages. But if you’re ever feeling desperate, please make a post here and someone will likely respond quickly to you to help you feel better.
I second what @snow has stated as well as what everyone else has said - the overall consensus is that you are not alone!

I think it is absolutely okay to talk about depression. Here at the NAFC, we talk alot about continence but that's just the tip of the iceberg of how it affects everyday life and symptoms.

If you ever need anything, we are only a post away - opening up helps.

Blessings In Christ,
I joined this forum after experiencing incontinence post RP in September. Is getting much, much better with kegels, walking, and returning to work. I feel a little guilty saying that because many here don’t see that light at the end of the tunnel. As far as depression, I had a bout few years ago for the first time. My mother spent many years dealing with depression and eventually committed suicide. The horrible thing about suicide is people seem to forget anything good about the person and never forget Insomnia has been my thorn of the flesh and led to depression and anxiety. Missed 3 months of work for first time in my life. I had a horrible time with medications that made condition worse for me. I use light therapy and exercise. It seems to help me the most. I also have a great family which helps me in amazing ways. One of the terrible things about depression is even if you overcome the problem it is always in your thoughts and the possibilities of it returning are real. My faith in Jesus Christ has helped me deal with that. Prayers to all of you that are dealing with problems that seem to have no answers. And everyone have a great Christmas.
One other thing. I never hid my bout of depression from my family, friends and coworkers. I live on a farm and have always been active in sports and physically fit. I was out in the open about it. A few looked at me differently but I was also able to help those dealing with the same problems. Hiding your problems only make things worse.
Please go to a therapist... I have and am on medication and have been for close to 20 years. It's okay to let others help you understand and treat your depression to gain a positive outlook on life and be able too could live life to its fullest.
Andrew, I am a psychiatric nurse practitioner, and I prescribe and work with antidepressants all the time. If you decide to go the route of medication therapy, I would be happy to discuss the possibilities with you. You should know that all antidepressants work equally well, but not all will work equally well for you. Let me know if you have lingering questions after discussing them with your provider. Wishing you the best.
@Jimfrompa I’m so relieved to meet someone else with chronic insomnia! It’s a very lonely experience. And you’re right; it can make a person “Mental” in all kinds of ways. I agree that one of the hardest things about having had severe depression is the fear that it may return. I’m always on the lookout. I also agree exercise really helps. I’m so excited to get my knee replacements to get back to daily exercise. Which light device do you use? I tried a blue light portable one but it gave me headaches. I would try a different one if it’s recommended. Did your insurance pay for it? A friend of mine recommended one to me but it was the size of a large computer monitor. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Sorry to learn of your mother’s passing. Personally, I firmly believe everyone has the right to end their life if they need to do so, and they’re not to be shamed for doing so; only they know the true extent of their own personal suffering. I’m sure it’s been horrible for you and I feel for you.
It’s called a Happy Light. Small and was fairly cheap. Think around $30-40. It’s not a blue light. Use 3-4 days a week for 20 minutes. Think it helps, especially in winter. I am outside a lot so not needed in summer. My mom passed nearly 30 years ago, but it’s still difficult knowing the circumstances. Thank you.
Incontinence can be very depressing. For me, it is depressing to have to put on a diaper, then later to take it off wet. To agonize over visibility from bulk, diaper sound while walking, and wondering if there is a smell. We have to just do our best to not focus on this or it can consume our life, concentration and joy. This forum at least helps me to be thankful for what I do have, seeing many others have harder stuff to deal with than I do. But this is a wonderful safe place to be able to open up and that can bring (emotional) healing for everything we are experiencing internally due to the incontinence.
@Jimfrompa Thanks Jim; after the holidays when I have some money saved up again, I’ll buy one. I found three versions on Amazon (a tablet, a short lamp, and a tall lamp). Which one do you prefer? How much would you say it helps your seasonal depression - like 20%, or 50%, etc?
I think mine would be the tablet. About size of shoebox. I would buy whatever one fits your lifestyle best. I would say probably 25-30% improvement in symptoms. If I can get early morning natural sunlight I prefer that but living in Pennsylvania during winter months makes that impossible. Hope it helps. I was told at least 3-4 20 minute sessions a week.
@Jimfrompa Thanks for the recommendation; that definitely helps. A 25-30% improvement could help keep me away from suicidal thinking. A connection between high elevation and depression has been established. The higher the town, the greater the rate of suicide. Residents of ski towns have it the worst. Salt Lake is at 4,500 feet above sea level. We’re plenty far north, but in addition to the winter darkness, but we get even less light because the 13,000 feet tall Rocky mountains block the sunrise by a couple of hours to the east, and the 13,000 foot Oquirrhs on the west side of the valley mean the sun sets a couple of hours early behind those mountains. So we have about five hours of direct light.
I love we are talking about lights - i have been looking up lights and things to decorate my bedroom in the coming months. There's a bedset on clearance that reminds me of 80's miami/Golden Girls that pairs perfectly with this floor lamp i want to get at our local home decor store.


I hodgepodge a photoshop job to see how they would look next to each other. It's a little womanish - i guess - but i still want my place to feel homey and i always felt at home watching The Golden Girls on television.

@Sarah060486 I feel the same way I’m still at times embarrassed to be in a diaper and dealing with the noise and bulk of it. Some days are good others not so good.
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