Is it ok to talk about depression


Staff member
I'm a 40 year old guy born with urological conditions. It's hard accepting the cards I've been dealt. I push people away and refuse to get intimate with anyone. I just joined because I'm tired of living like this and need advice
Absolutely talk, best thing you can do. I am 76 and have had over active bladder all my life. When my father and later my mother died, I had spells of depression and have been helped by friends and doctors. Hope this is encouraging
I’m sorry to learn that you, too, experience depression, as do most of us on this forum. I’d love to say it gets better when you’re used to incontinence, but you’re more used to it than most of us. I find depression, in general, waxes and wanes. Mine is always *MUCH* worse in the winter. I overslept wayyyyyyyy too much this week. I want you to know you are not alone. Have you tried talking to a therapist and/or a psychiatrist? I have found both to be very helpful. I consider this forum life-saving. I’m 46 now. When I was 39 and two weeks separated from my husband, I fell 20 feet down a cliff, damaging my spine and acquiring Neurogenic Bladder, particularly manifesting as OAB and worst of all, Nocturia. Nobody is going to date a diaper-wearing bedwetter; I wouldn’t.

So I’ve had to learn to look at all of life in a different light: I’m a single female for the rest of my life now. I live in the state (Utah) with the highest rate of gender pay discrimination: women earn 40% less here than men. I wasn’t planning financially on being alone for the rest of my life, though one of the things I’ve learned is that I should have have been planning for that all along in case it became inevitable like it has.

I have lots of other crippling conditions that I won’t go into today because I sprained my chest yesterday by carrying giant bags of heavy groceries on my shoulder up two flights of stairs and it hurts so bad I can barely breathe, but I wanted to let you know I hear you and that you’re not alone. I think you’ll like it here.
Absolutely! Not talking about it is worse. The lot of us deal with the same issues to various extents. You're among friends here. A lot of experience here.
Feel free to discuss, no judgments.
AndrewRiker we all here have different reasons for incontinence some it's congenital some a result of accident or illness or onset from another source but one thing we all have in common is we know depression!

The forum is very good for helping us all cope.

You should urgently ask for anti depressant medication even a general practitioner physician can help you there if you have not done so but here we are. We are all HERE.
I find it best to remember if someone has a problem with my condition it's their problem more than mine. I have always tried to be different or set myself apart from others. People will either accept you or reject you. The ones that tend to reject. The ones that reject tend to like people cause of the clothes or material things they have, or reject someone because the brand shoes they wear or even the color of their skin. To be the best you just be you. You will find the best people accept you for just being you.
I have had suicidal thoughts all my life but can't go through with it. I would like to see a therapist but don't think it will help. I've always kept my head down and took pride in my work but now it being affected.
I live in Indiana when I was 13 I had an operation called an Indiana pouch and now intermittently self cath through a stoma near my naval. I've ruptured twice and had other corrective surgeries leading to massive scarring everywhere.
Andrew please do go to your family doctor and explain very simply that you have incontinence and at this point the depression associated with it is causing you to become deeply depressed.

You absolutely can benefit quickly from an antidepressant.

I know from experience that making a call to the doctors office seems hopeless and insurmountable but just do it. Tell the reception it is an urgent need.

Congratulations on focusing on doing your work well. That says alot about your ability to focus on feeling better.
You reached out for help. Take that step.
I should've done this sooner it seems like a great community. I feel a little better knowing you are here and reading about others.
Andrew you've resolved to call you will follow through.

You WILL tell the reception it is URGENT.

I remember being so desperate and defeated making the call was harder than showing up. She said can you hold a moment please and I said NO!! IT HAS TAKEN ALL MY STRENGTH TO MAKE THIS CALL.
Resisting asking for help is by the way a hall mark of depression.
Andrew, it took a bit of gumption just to share your issue here. Therapy will likely help. You might be surprised. Taking action itself will be positive. People on here have experiences similar to yours. Come here when you need a sounding board.
Andrew, you’ve made a very big step already, just by joining this forum you’ll realize you’re not alone. We’re all here to listen and support each other. By joining, your attitude will change when you realize how much we care for you. So welcome aboard Buddy, we will share a lot of information, because we have a lots to share. We’re all in it together with all different kind of issues. Hold your head up, you have no idea how many people you walk by or meet with similar issues.
Welcome to the community. As others have said in earlier messages, we arrived where we are by many different routes, but now we help one another along by sharing our experiences and offering encouragement. You have been part of a community for all of this time; you just didn’t know it. I, too, have known depression, and I echo what others have said: ask for medical (psychiatric, either MD or NP) or non-medical (psychologist or social worker) help. Two quick added notes: 1. Whatever your depression tells you, you are worth the space that you take up and the resources that you consume. 2. When you are feeling self-destructive in any way, ask yourself whether what you really want is just for the pain to stop, but you don’t know how to accomplish that.
Welcome to our community. Welcome home.
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