In the hospital


Staff member
I was admitted to the hospital this morning. I have an abscess on my residual limb and it was so painful I couldn’t sleep last night. They didn’t want to lance it due to risk of infection so they admitted me and are hammering me with iv antibiotics. I got iv morphine for the pain and also some OxyContin. I’m tired and not looking forward to the next couple days here but it is what it is. Definitely not how I thought my Sunday would be.
This is not how you wanted to start the day, but on the other hand hopefully you are in good hands. Let's hope the antibiotics clear up the abscess completely and soon.
I had an abcess on my groin my doctor had to lance the other day. Lucky she got enough of it out to avoid me having to have surgery on it.
Those antibiotics can be hard on the rest of your system. Come out of this, be well, we want you back here!
Hi EJ, I'm really sorry to hear that your Sunday ended up with you being admitted to the hospital. But there have been a couple of times when my day started normally and I ended those days in the hospital. Definitely not something you had planned! That said I hope the antibiotics do the job and that you can get home quickly. Everyone here is rooting for you!!!!
So sorry to hear about this; my, how quickly things turn. I probably would have tried cutting it with an exacto blade before going anywhere near a hospital, then taken one of the several antibiotic courses I kept on hand for such situations. But I’m glad you went to the hospital and got good painkillers.
Praying for this- that the down-time will go by quickly and that the issue will be dealt with. I trust you brought a good book to read while off your feet?
I hope you get better soon! That's a crappy way to spend the weekend, here's hoping you're back home as soon as possible.
Hi@jeffswet, bringing a book when you go to the hospital is an excellent idea!!! It seems that hospitals (at least the one I was in) don't have lending libraries or volunteers who push a book cart round to patient rooms any more. When I was in the hospital I asked the nurse when the book cart lady is coming around. She looked at me like I had asked her to give me a round trip ticket to the moon and said, as she pointed to the TV, "we don't have one of those."
A friend of mine who came to see me brought me two or three books, none of which were the least bit appealing and looked like they had been dug out from a corner in the garage. Point is, if you can, bring along a book when you go to the hospital!!!! After all, daytime TV is really horrendous when you have no escape!!!
And EJ, it's Monday and I hope you're feeling much better today and they are discussing when you can go home!
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