In the er


Staff member
Hey folks. Once again I find myself in the er with yet another abscess. This one is pretty bad. I’m hoping they don’t keep me this time cause I have plans on Sunday! I’m so tired of this.
I am so sorry to hear that you're in the ER I have been there many times I hope they get you the proper needed treatment and get you on your way without waiting all day and if you wind up having to stay I hope you brought your own protection as I can tell you from experience Hospital Diapers SUCK!!
Im sorry, EJ. This stuff gets so old! I hope you get home today and get to keep your plans. We’re pulling for you!
Hi EJ, I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you can get back home in time for your Sunday plans. Just remember everyone here is pulling for you! Feel better soon!
Oh dear, sorry to hear this, EJ. Try to keep your chin up; you’ve been through this before and you’ll manage again. I’m rooting for you to be able to make it on Sunday! Hugs!
Thanks everyone. I’m being admitted with possible surgery tomorrow to put a port in. I actually kinda hope they do it because I’m tired of running back and forth to the er every time I get one of these damn things.
I am sorry to hear that you're being admitted although it sounds like they will be able to resolve your issues if that's the case I am happy for you and I hope that you have adequate protection as Hospital Diapers suck but not enough
I'm sorry that it puts the kibosh on your weekend plans. But if having that surgery is the best way to keep you from having to go back and forth to the ER whenever you get an abscess then so be it!! It's better to get it done and over with now so you won't have to worry about it later. Here's wishing that it is completely routine and uneventful and for a quick recovery! everyone here all wants the best for you!
@justej Sorry you have to spend the night. It’s utterly impossible to sleep in the hospital. Will the port be for drainage, or…?
Surgery sucks, but I hope that it will mean you can say goodbye to any more abscesses - and to repeated visits to the ER.

Good luck @justej. All the previous posts show that you have a lot of people on this site thinking of you and wishing you well.
I’m still here and I will be here for the foreseeable future. My white blood cell count dropped and my nutrophils are the highest they have been. I’m on antibiotics every 8 hours and blood is being drawn 2-3 times a day. The infectious disease doctor wants to keep me in the hospital rather than send me home with a port. She said she would consider it she is just worried about more infection. I’m running low on diapers but my friend is bringing more MegaMax from home tomorrow. This all pretty much sucks. Especially since my infection doesn’t seem to be getting better.
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