If they can make baby diapers that don’t leak...


Staff member
Why the hell cant they make adult ones???
Ugh I can’t wait to get my SPC and get out of these damn things.
Just a guess here @justej, and that would be....ready??? Babies don't have as much output as adults! As I say, just a guess. But in about 10 days you will have your SPC and please let us know how it's working out for you.

Through hours of research, I found out many things about diapers no one else in these forums has.

Baby diapers undergo FDA regulations, whereas there are no regulations or inspection of adult diapers, which a French study found contain 60 toxic chemicals.

A link to that article:

clickable text

Another link to a similar article:

clickable text
May I point out that babies are smaller, and they do soak a diaper pretty darn often? So you change them often. Those plastic covers for "real" diapers (cloth diapers - you know, the kinds you need diaper pins for?) - have been known to leak. Disposables were out of our price range, pretty much, used only for traveling. I used to be pretty good with a diaper pin - by necessity!
That's a good point, @AlasSouth! I guess it isn't so much the output as it is the frequency of said output! I stand corrected.;)
A few things.

First anyone who has seen a baby with a cloth diaper on know how much fluff there is between their legs. Heck most times it is down to their knees.

Big companies that make adult diapers don't seem to care about the end user much unless. I have found Abena and Confydry to be the best I have tried.

One thing I would love to see is a front and back leak guard. One baby overnight diaper had that when my nieces were younger and they never leaked or had a blow out.

I agree that they should be able to make ones that are better but truth is that with babies, they get changed every few hours and not like us old people who don't. Heck I have sleep 12 hours in the same diaper and when I got up it weighted a lot..
True enough & good points. A baby cries at night (due to wet/full diaper), or has to be fed, so they get changed. Their intake is all liquids fora while. No wonder mothers of new-borns don't get any sleep! You (or, at least, I) tend to forget that part. I do remember how heavy a diaper pail on the way to the laundramat was.
Toddlers might or might not get changed as often as they should, so they get called "droopy drawers".
I'm not very familiar with disposables for babies, any more; not at all for 40 years.
I've been musing on this lately as I've been having urge voids more regularly and the only conclusion I can reach is that they don't take discretion into consideration with baby products and so make them more absorbent. The highest capacity 'mainstream' adult nappy over here (Tena Ultima) struggles to handle a big accident. The plastic backed ones hold up around seventy percent of the time but without a booster, the cloth backed ones are useless and leak every time. Even plastic pants over the top don't always solve the issue with boosters and the tabs on the plastic backed ones fail me over time.

It has certainly been a big revelation over the last couple of years for me just how nonabsorbent a lot of products are. Even the 'Maxi' level Tena products failed to handle my regular post void dribble over five-six hours, let alone something on top of that. Ultimately, I get that you don't want anyone to be able to tell that you're wearing a nappy so manufacturers favour discretion but then leaks are hardly discreet either.

It's also a massive frustration that to feel totally 100% secure I have to go to the ABDL brands like Rearz and Tykables which a) are embarrassing as hell, b) crazily bulky, c) insanely expensive and d) impossible to wear in work situations for reasons a and b. I just wish brands like Tena would up their game a bit. There has to be a halfway house in between the 'Ultima' and the 6l capacity printed products. Plain products that are plastic backed with properly resealable tabs that can handle a full accident.

Apologies, this appears to have turned into a bit of a rant! My urology consult being cancelled has really taken the wind out of my sails. I've put in another bulk order and I should be good for two months. Hoping that it's the last order I put in and that come the Christmas holidays can afford a private consult and be done with nappies forever!
Hi SciFiFan, I agree that it is ridiculous that the major name brands like Tena etc., or whoever your favorite manufacturer is, won't or can't "up the ante" a bit and give you something that is highly absorbent and completely secure for working people to wear for several hours, but still be something you won't be embarrassed to wear going out into the real world! And of course tapers that can stand up to repeated refastening would also be most welcome. Discretion is great but not if it won't hold any more than one and a half voids!
I really sympathize with you that to get something like what you need that you have to resort to the ABDL brands which are obviously totally unsuitable for a working person. Sure, they are embarrassing as hell to wear, they are bulky as all get-out and they have silly designs. Then again the ABDL population enjoys wearing diapers and doesn't do it for necessity. The more infantile they look the better! But why would any of us who need to wear out of necessity even want that? There needs to be a happy medium and the industry could develop something like that if they really wanted to. Question is, why don't they?
I know how frustrated you are having your urology consultation cancelled and the fact you have to wait God-only-knows-how-long to get another one. So please don't apologize for coming out with your feelings. It is well warranted and you are not alone in those feelings. We'll all pull for you to be able to afford a private consult during the holidays.
@billliveshere Thanks for the support!

Yeah, it's a big frustration that regular brands won't improve their products. The fact that there seem to be far more cloth-backed products on the market makes me think discretion is one of the reasons. Perhaps there's also the fact that they have to keep them affordable and so having mass-produced premium products perhaps isn't financially viable.

I suppose also my issue is double fold in that I need something that will take several hours of post dribble whilst also having the capacity to handle an accident if the worst comes to the worst and so sort of do need 'double capacity'. Hopefully one day the perfect product will be out there. The Tena products have the best design, the Rearz the best capacity/discretion combo and the Tykables have the best tape system. One hybrid of all three would be great.

Really hoping to get my issues sorted out soonish. Teaching in the state sector is really getting me down and want to go abroad again but want this sorted out before I do (and the neuro/chronic fatigue stuff as well) as don't want to have issues sourcing products.
Would love to hear they sort out the ffatigue businesses you sound like you have so much energy and interests
Hi SciFiFan, Now I wonder if there is an entrepreneur out there reading your post who will combine the Tena design, the Rearz capacity and discretion and the Tykables tape system into a hybrid? If so, he would be working a gold mine!
It's as you say a matter of what's best for business and the bottom line with the diaper producers, unfortunately just like any other consumer product. I'd hate to tell you this but I think the cloth-backed designs are here to stay, simply because of discretion as well as economy of mass production. Sure, I'm all for discretion, at least at this stage of my life. But who's to say I won't need something with more capacity somewhere down the road? But someone needs to wake up to the fact that for those who need a heavier capacity, plastic backed works the best and cloth-backed is not a substitute.
But let's think ahead for a bit. Once you get your physical issues sorted out where do you want to go abroad to teach? That sounds exciting and a very worthwhile endeavor. At this point, you are lucky with all this Covid going on to still be able to teach anywhere. I was a teacher at a nearby nature center where we host field trips for elementary school kids throughout the school year. I took the kids to the lake and showed them some critters who live in or at the lake and we discussed what they are learning in school. To me that is a most fun and rewarding way to spend a day. But thanks to Covid, this hasn't happened for six months and who knows when we'll be able to host kids again?
But you are in a most important and worthwhile career and we are really pulling for you to resolve your physical issues so you can truly enjoy doing what you were meant to be doing!
Now my husband has been told he has OAB. Ha,wonder if it’s catching? Ha,ha. He has the test coming up in a few days.
What are these red flags for? Hope we all can get more help in the future. In the meantime,”smile and the world smiles with you”.😃😄😀
@Maymay941 @Maymay941 Bit of an update in that I went for a nerve test today and my arms and legs all fine nerve wise so it's definitely looking like chronic fatigue syndrome caused by Covid. Interestingly, these symptoms started bubbling in the background after I had chicken-pox back in 2018 so my osteopath has been reckoning the chicken pox combined with Covid is causing my issues now.

Some articles show some links between chronic fatigue and incontinence and IBS issues and both have certainly gotten worse since the chicken pox (the after dribble too) and the incontinence stuff definitely has post-Covid. I've been urinating a lot more which has resulted in more urge accidents. Whilst I don't get how chronic figure and icon. issues can be linked and reckon it's probably a coincidence, the timing does seem interesting. Fortunately, the osteopathy seems to be really helping with the IBS.

As for the teaching, I don't know really. I've been thinking of Italy as I can speak some Italian. I've worked in Eastern Europe teaching English. It's a funny one at the moment, I feel very fortunate to have a job in the current climate because of the massive employment issues Covid is causing for people. On the other hand, it very much feels like a 'job', which teaching never has before. Indeed, when teaching English abroad, I'd often have days when I couldn't believe I was being paid for doing what I love. Of course there were many bad days (and the working conditions were appalling!), but none ever really managed to kill my love of the profession. Three weeks into teaching in the state sector here though and I feel burned out and cynical and am even failing to get much enjoyment from the classroom stuff. It's the relentless schedule combined with all the admin and data collection. I'm often reminded that I went into teaching because I hated working in an office! So I guess it's less about the desire to work abroad per se and more just about escaping the nightmare that is the state sector here.

Will ride the academic year out and see what the future brings. It's been a big wake up call about the grass not always being greener somewhere else (I thought teaching in a 'proper' school back home would be more straightforward). I also think that perhaps the health stuff has shifted my priorities around a bit.

Back on topic about the lack of decent products, hopefully someone will make better products someday. However, hopefully by which time I won't be needing any nappies at all! I do find it interesting that the cloth backed products are seen as more discreet when I get a closer fit with the plastic backed Tena and so they seem less bulky. I alternate between them for skin health reasons primarily.
First, congratulations on passing the neuro test hurdle. So did you have a COVID diagnosis or was it presumed?
Sounds like a double punch with chicken pox.
Glad you found an osteopath.
Be kind to yourself as far as teaching goes, maybe prioritize your health with the goal of teaching abroad after this academic year?
Sorry about the unasked for advice I tend to do thst!
Hi SciFiFan, Frankly I think going to Italy is a good goal for you and maybe an incentive to do your best to get the medical stuff out of the way. That would be an incentive to work on that after this academic year is over. And if you know some Italian then so much the better! And everybody loves Italian restaurants and just the joie de vivre of the Italian lifestyle. (okay I'm mixing up languages here!) Teaching English in some picturesque town with tile-roofed houses on a hill somewhere out in the vineyards would be a blast!! Hey if you can swing it, then go for it! I see what you mean when you say teaching in a public sector (gotta be careful here because public schools in England have a very different meaning than in the U.S. I don't know why that is but that's neither here nor there!) But working in the state (I guess that's opposed to the "public" schools) sector would feel more like a regular "job" as in an office with a cubicle. If I had to do my career all over again I sometimes wish I had chosen teaching but as things have progressed over the years into it being more of a lot of record-keeping, calculating grades and dealing with administrative hassles it may not have been for me, so maybe it's just as well. But volunteer teaching at the nature center seems to be the best of all worlds at least for me. Now if we could only have the kids come back! I have been a substitute teaching in the past for a few years and that is a tough job. I liked the elementary schools the best. I've had some good middle school classes and then there was high school which I least enjoyed. That's because it was mostly just sitting there for 90 minutes a period and watching the kids reading their text books and answering questions at the end of the chapter. And at the end of the 90 minutes the class left and then the next one came in. Unless you made like a supersonic jet there was not even time to go to the bathroom! So do stick it out for the rest of the academic year and see what happens.
You did mention at the top of your post Covid along with chicken pox. Please try to get rid of anything to do with Covid first. No one here wants you to be bogged down with that! So do what needs to be done. So just keep up the good work and know that we are here!
Regarding the original topic of this thread, I have ONLY found decent absorption diapers online. Confidry 24/7, BetterDry, and Northshore Supreme diapers have all worked pretty well for me. I've used them all, while on vacation, both night time and daytime, when we're driving long distances with few restrooms. This year was interesting - several highway restrooms were closed due to covid.

Regarding the abdl diapers, I totally agree with others here about not wanting to wear a "baby print" design.. However, I HAVE found that a couple of the companies do carry some all-white diapers that hold just as much as their printed diapers. Bambino carries the Bianco and Bianco Ultra-stretch all white diapers, in addition to their TotalDry line, and none have prints on them. They also carry booster pads, which I've used with success. ABU carries a couple all-white diapers too, which hold a lot. I only mention these companies because they sometimes have sales, which makes the prices more reasonable.
As for cloth diapers, which I use for night time,(Except when traveling..) Adult Cloth Diaper company and Changing Times Diaper Company both sell pretty good night-time thickness diapers, which last for years.
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