Staff member
So, alright you guys. Im going to give you a little insider knowledge on a personal situation.
The other day i talked about the trauma and abuse i went through at my babysitters house. Well, shes an older long since retired woman. But i could spot that braude from a mile away.
She was just so mean to me in general - and stood herself up by her clout of the local community because of her retired husband and kids involvement in school politics, etc. But due to a personal situation i cannot discuss parties its being persued legally - i believe someone may have tipped her as i went to rehab in 2020 when my bladder issues worsened when my memories started coming back and the medicine was making it difficult to fully process everything and i was trying to find support for my feelings, memories and emotions that i didnt quite fully understand.
Well anyway, the situation is a double standard in a way - because the humiliation and the abuse i went endured made myself feel different on the inside. It was a feeling in my stomach that i just couldnt explain. As a child, i didnt understand it. And i know others who suffered from enuresis episode humiliation and are like myself may know that i am not alone.
My feelings are definitely warranted and valid.
So here we go. Here on the NAFC on a day i posted about a little over a month ago that i was at work and that i would get back to someone about the Interstim System - i could have sworn she came to my restaurant and ate lunch. My local chief of police came through the drive thru as well (who was made aware of my NAFC account because of the personal situation involving out of state entities).
But also, today - i told my church friends fhat i was going to do my laundry an hour prior to doing it; and i could have sworn i saw her there too. But you cant miss her. Her white hair i could have spot a mile away.
But even if it wasnt her (who knows to be honest) i was hype! Like i was ready to defend myself if she engaged me. Like it made me realize i can stand up for myself if i was put in a situation where i am going to have to confront the woman. Like honestly, i dont care. Im ready. I will chew her out for all of the things she did to me in the past, and how she made myself feel, and how her "old school" values are considered emotional and mentally traumatic and in many cases considered neglect.
And to be honest, the only reason why i feel these trials are coming towards myself - is to basically try to stop a train that has already left the station.
If honestly this turns out to be the truth if whe does know about my account here - i have spoken my peace and am standing in the truth.
Bladder Issues be damned!
Does anybody in your social circle know about your involvement in social circles and support communities? What would you recommended someone to do if they were going to be forced to confront someone who abused/tequmatized them?
The other day i talked about the trauma and abuse i went through at my babysitters house. Well, shes an older long since retired woman. But i could spot that braude from a mile away.
She was just so mean to me in general - and stood herself up by her clout of the local community because of her retired husband and kids involvement in school politics, etc. But due to a personal situation i cannot discuss parties its being persued legally - i believe someone may have tipped her as i went to rehab in 2020 when my bladder issues worsened when my memories started coming back and the medicine was making it difficult to fully process everything and i was trying to find support for my feelings, memories and emotions that i didnt quite fully understand.
Well anyway, the situation is a double standard in a way - because the humiliation and the abuse i went endured made myself feel different on the inside. It was a feeling in my stomach that i just couldnt explain. As a child, i didnt understand it. And i know others who suffered from enuresis episode humiliation and are like myself may know that i am not alone.
My feelings are definitely warranted and valid.
So here we go. Here on the NAFC on a day i posted about a little over a month ago that i was at work and that i would get back to someone about the Interstim System - i could have sworn she came to my restaurant and ate lunch. My local chief of police came through the drive thru as well (who was made aware of my NAFC account because of the personal situation involving out of state entities).
But also, today - i told my church friends fhat i was going to do my laundry an hour prior to doing it; and i could have sworn i saw her there too. But you cant miss her. Her white hair i could have spot a mile away.
But even if it wasnt her (who knows to be honest) i was hype! Like i was ready to defend myself if she engaged me. Like it made me realize i can stand up for myself if i was put in a situation where i am going to have to confront the woman. Like honestly, i dont care. Im ready. I will chew her out for all of the things she did to me in the past, and how she made myself feel, and how her "old school" values are considered emotional and mentally traumatic and in many cases considered neglect.
And to be honest, the only reason why i feel these trials are coming towards myself - is to basically try to stop a train that has already left the station.
If honestly this turns out to be the truth if whe does know about my account here - i have spoken my peace and am standing in the truth.
Bladder Issues be damned!
Does anybody in your social circle know about your involvement in social circles and support communities? What would you recommended someone to do if they were going to be forced to confront someone who abused/tequmatized them?