I swear


Staff member
So I'm on a medication to stop bladder spasms. It causes constipation. Which in turn. Get this. Causes bladder spasms.
I am so sorry for your predicament, but thank you for making me laugh a little - with you, not at you.
I can surly relate, and if we cannot get me moving, in 5 days, then I must see my PCP, and she will, order treatments, well you know
My dad struggles with constipation due to taking oxy & morhpine (he is fighting cancer) and was having terrible constipation - going 5 days without a poop. Phillips Milk of Magnesia has been like a magic potion for him. Since he started taking it he has only missed 1 day of pooping in 2 weeks. Good Luck
My mom had that post op for hip replacement. They didnt preorder any laxatives even tho they know she would be on opiods at 80 yrs of age. Things went south and she didn't eat or poop for 11 days. They couldnt give enema due to thin rectal wall. I swear the mds are dumb arses
Ewww! @JUstej. That sounds awful! A while ago on one of the spots there was a discussion on a certain prescribed pain med causing constipation. I was put on that after having hernia repair so my beef was if you have a hernia repair why the hell would they give you something that they know causes constipation? You don't need to have that when you've just had stitches and a mesh put in your abdominal wall! It doesn't make the least bit of sense! :O I called the surgeon and she said get a bottle of magnesium citrate. It does work wonders in getting things going, but do yourself a favor and refrigerate it for while before drinking it. Otherwise it's simply ungodly!!!:(
billliveshere said:
Ewww! @JUstej. That sounds awful! A while ago on one of the spots there was a discussion on a certain prescribed pain med causing constipation. I was put on that after having hernia repair so my beef was if you have a hernia repair why the hell would they give you something that they know causes constipation? You don't need to have that when you've just had stitches and a mesh put in your abdominal wall! It doesn't make the least bit of sense! :O I called the surgeon and she said get a bottle of magnesium citrate. It does work wonders in getting things going, but do yourself a favor and refrigerate it for while before drinking it. Otherwise it's simply ungodly!!!:(

My dad said the same thing a about putting it in the fridge. Thanks for bringing that up.
After my Prostatectomy, my doctor had me on Miralax. My sister said put it in your coffee so that it dissolves and the coffee will have the stronger taste.
Well, @stuart, if you don't put it in the fridge when you attempt to drink it warm you certainly will bring it up!!!! :D Yes it's that gross!!!:(
justej said:
So I'm on a medication to stop bladder spasms. It causes constipation. Which in turn. Get this. Causes bladder spasms.

That has been my world for the past few months.. I take miralax twice a day, three stool softener, Dicylomine for spasms four times a day, Doxazosin to stop bladder retention and Omeprazole for reflux, and a bunch of vitimans and essential oils as well as tea made to help go. And I still have spasms. I was told that it will get worse before it gets better but I have been dealing with this for months and it's just starting with therapy and seeing doctors that are trying to find answers so. I feel you.. hope for the both of us that it gets better.
billiveshere -- My husband had a hernia surgery at the VA hospital several years ago and the next day he was having a lot of pain in his back. The nurse and resident doctor told him that was natural and it would go away. About 11 pm he called me crying with the pain and said that nobody would do anything for him. Would I call the head cardiology doctor, who happened to be our friend? I called him at home and his wife said he was in the shower but she would tell him about Bill. I went up to the hospital and our friend had made arrangements for a surgeon to repair the damaged repair and he had the emergency surgery. His intestine had popped out of the mesh and was coiled up on his stomach, all black. Our doctor friend said that if they hadn't got him into surgery that he would have died in the next hour. And so, cutting out a large dead section of his intestines, caused him to have the pernicious anemia because the part of the intestine that uses the B12 vitamin was cut out. He later then, had to have B12 shots as tablets wouldn't work. Isn't it wonderful and terrifying how everything is so interrelated in our bodies? Bill took Ducolax, and then Miralax for constipation. He took Colase after his heart by-pass surgeries. As you can see from my little essay's my family members have also had our share of medical mishaps.
What medication is causing this? I've been on 30mg daily of Oxybutynin and unless I cut back on my fluids (not a good idea) I never have bowel issues besides the incon.
@CES97 Wow, that’s double the daily maximum dose of Ditropan! That’s what I used to take until it rotted every one of my teeth. Be careful!
Hi @ritanofsinger, it sounds like that hernia surgery had definitely gone bad and what a harrowing experience! That is truly scary! Just thank your lucky stars you're friends with the head cardiologist and that he was able to make arrangements to re-admit Bill and to re-operate! That was a close call!
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