How to stop it

I think you'll find that most of us would recommend visiting a medical professional if you haven't. I'm not helpful here since this is not my specific issue, I wish you the best of luck in finding a solution.
The Bedwetting Treatment Center ( claims to have a very reliable program to cure bedwetting. However, i went through it and never got cured. My wetting slowed down during the program, but never stopped completely. The best it ever got was about 1 wet night in every 4 nights. Since i never knew when it would happen, however, i still had to wear a diaper every night. So, didn't really see the point. Once i left the program (after 2 tries and 1 year), my wetting slowly increased until it was back to every night. I eventually got my money back from them. But to be honest, I knew of several others who were in the program with me who did get dry, as it seemed like most of the people did, or at least the ones I heard about. So, it could be worth a try. My counselor was Michael Stallsmith, and he is very nice and tried very hard. Maybe it was just that I was already in my 40's when I went for treatment. Most of the other clients were either teenagers or young men.
Hi @MarcusB, I think seeing your doctor would definitely be in order. That way they can see if there are any medical problems that can be causing it. If needed, the doctor can refer you to a urologist and will also order the appropriate tests for you. Hope you can do that as soon as you can and good luck!
Really depends on the reason for wetting. If its physical that would be more for a doctor to find whats wrong and come up with a potential fix. For me its psychological and I have had varying success with counseling and self discipline. Ultimately the problem never went away but was just controlled a little more. Eventually I kind of gave up and just sort of accept i have always had this issue as the remedies caused a lot more sleep deprivation and anxiety. For me it wasn't worth the effort. I know that sounds odd that I'm ok with being a bedwetter but being able to live normal for 16 hours a day puts me in a much better place mental health wise.
I found Cornsilk tea helps. The only time that I have a wet night anymore is when I skip a couple of days of drinking the tea. I let it steep for about an hour and then drink it. That’s what helped me anyway.
I was almost 22 before I was dry at night. Growing up I saw the doc many times and no underlying reason was ever found.
One final comment on this thread. The BTC that I mentioned deals with underlying sleep disorders and the program is based on their theory that these disorders (primarily Sleep Apnea and extreme deep sleep) are the actual problem, and that bedwetting is merely the symptom. As a (soon to be retired!) physician myself, I will say that I believe they are correct in that. I have Sleep Apnea and at times have used a BiPAP to control that. Unfortunately, this did not completely resolve my bedwetting issues, but it did resolve a life-long affliction with migraine headaches. That alone was reason to continue! But then about 15 years ago, I lost a good deal of weight (from 225 down to 175), began a rigorous exercise regimen and healthy diet, and I began to have a lot of trouble sleeping with the BiPAP. So, I gave it up. I do still have mild Apnea manifestations but overall, it is better for me to continue without the BiPAP. I consider the bedwetting to be a more acceptable condition (re: JC1471's comments) than losing sleep with the BiPAP and regularly returning to the sleep clinic for sleep tests (very unpleasant). I am, however, aware that it is possible to get BiPAP machines now without a sleep study, and they are self-titrating, so no sleep studies needed. Maybe that will ultimately be my answer!

Sorry to ramble on - probably way too much info. I guess I'm really just saying that I think the BTC is a good option for younger people with bedwetting. I do believe they have the right answers.
Hi @laalaauk, I've never heard the term chocolate tea pot! That's a good one. I assume if you put a chocolate tea pot on the stove it would melt and would be a real mess in pretty short order! :D
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