How can you get the morning coffee boost without the liquid?

@Ruhappy I’m surprised they’ve never made those; you should write to them with that suggestion!

@wyr13 Sorry to hear that your work life demands you consume so much caffeine. I don’t think you’re drinking too much, though. You might be drinking less than the average American, even. I also save my 5 Hour Energies for my most tired days. My last job required I work so much overtime that for the first time in my life, I would fall asleep in the middle of the day at my desk with my head on the table and keyboard. I’m no napper; that’s a skill I don’t possess. Unfortunately, the time I fell asleep the most often was during long Zoom meetings where I was listening more than talking. I needed to be able to pay attention and stay awake (though I’ll admit, there were some meetings I gladly slept through!!!).

I brainstormed about what I could do to stay awake when caffeine wasn’t cutting it. I tried chewing gum but that didn’t work very well. I tried hard candy suckies; didn’t work. So then I tried suckers, and sure enough, a sucker could get me through about 20 minutes through that sleepy phase and then I could get on with day. There’s something about the risk of swallowing the stick and the ability to roll it around in the mouth that keeps me awake. Blow Pops worked well because they lasted a long time and there was gum at the end for blowing then popping bubbles with, for even more wakefulness. Just remember to brush your teeth afterward, wipe them off with a napkin, or chew sugar-free gum afterward to avoid rotting your teeth.

I’ve tried things like NoDoz, but they really gave me a stomach ache and a very jittery, anxious buzz I didn’t appreciate. It sure kept me awake - for way too long, but it made me feel like an alien somehow. I wasn’t able to concentrate on that stuff; instead I felt sort of out of my body but in a negative way. If I drink coffee, eat an espresso bean, drink a 5 Hour Energy, or take an Excedrin, I become more upbeat and focused. I really appreciate that positive mood boost when I’m tired. But instead, I got negative feelings from NoDoz.

I found taking one pill of Excedrin for Migraines, with a gel coating on the outside to protect the stomach lining, and brand-name only, not generic, gives me a very amicable amount of caffeine without jitters. It boosts my happiness nicely and lasts for 8-10 hours for me. In that regard - the happiness quotient - Excedrin is the most like coffee of anything that isn’t actually coffee. The Excedrin that isn’t for migraines doesn’t last as long; that’s the only difference from the original Excedrin. If one buys the pills in a large bottle, it’s pretty cheap to take just one Excedrin geltab as a caffeine solution. It’s much less expensive than a 5 Hour Energy or a latte from Starbuck’s. It’s even less expensive than a coffee from a convenient store,. But the Tylenol and Aspirin in Excedrin can hurt your stomach, liver, and kidneys with long-term, regular use, so I also save Excedrin for special occasions. They do make an aspirin-free or Tylenol-free Excedrin, which my mom says works just as well, but I don’t feel the need to try it because the kind I take works great for me. The small dose of Tylenol and Aspirin also help with chronic pain I have, so it’s a win-win. I can’t take two at a time or I definitely get a bad gut-ache. I would probably never take more than two per week. Right now I probably only take one pill per month.

Anyway, there are some potential additional solutions for those seeking energy stimulation :)
@wyr13 One of my dreams is that somebody would bring me a bedside Starbuck’s Venti Mocha then pour it down my throat right when I need the energy to actually wake up and get dressed to go someplace that might make coffee, lol! The first 20 minutes of the day are the hardest! Sometimes I put a 5 Hour Energy on my nightstand when I know the next morning will be extra rough. I wake up and drink it immediately - soooooo gross!

Coffee I make at home just doesn’t taste the same to me as coffee from a cafe, even when I use Starbuck’s beans. I have a French Press, a pour over device, a stovetop espresso maker, and a standard coffee maker. 30 years ago I had an official espresso maker, but I’m not sure what I did with it. I’d love to have one of those really expensive espresso machines, or a Keurig, though I hate giving up counter space for devices. Keurigs make expensive coffee which results in a lot of wasteful landfill materials. But when I’ve stayed with friends who have them, they’re pretty fun; so easy and so fast!

Maybe I just need to get better at making coffee, but I’m pretty sure I know what I’m doing. During times I’ve stayed with my friends, I have loved the coffee they make. That’s why I think I just need somebody to make it for me so I can enjoy it. Looking back in life, I can’t believe none of my ex-boyfriends nor ex-husband ever brought me a cup of coffee in bed. I probably woke up first and took a cup to them, back when I had boundless energy and ***thrived*** on four hours of sleep per night.

For the first time in my life, I’ve recently been experimenting with flavored creamer, which can provide a nice change but also kind of yucky and gross. I do enjoy a mocha mix from. . . hmmmm,I think the company is called Nespresso. That’s a fast way to wake up, but it’s not very strong and doesn’t quite do the trick. I would have to drink 2 to 3 cups of that for it to really affect me.

I have some long-term friends, a couple. They’re significant coffee connoisseurs. Their coffee ritual is one of the smartest things I’ve ever seen. They use a standard coffee maker and high-quality beans. They prepare everything the night before, and have the coffee maker plugged into a timer that goes into the wall socket. It’s timed to start brewing 5-10 minutes before the moment their alarms go off to get up for work, so they wake up to the smell of coffee brewing automatically and can get a fresh cup immediately upon waking. I think that’s so awesome!

I’ve tried doing that myself - they gave me an identical timer the next time I visited them - but like I said, I don’t like devices permanently sitting on my counter space. I think I should use that more often because I have such a hard time waking up, especially now that I live alone. I think the smell of brewing coffee is an ideal awakening stimulus.

Fortunately, my cat is excellent at waking me up, but then it’s staying awake for the next five minutes that’s typically the most challenging part of my day. My parents say I’ve been really hard to wake up since I was a kid, another life curse. I think it’s because it takes me so damn long to fall asleep that once I finally do get some sleep, I’m buried deep in outer space.

Anyway, this is a funny, long post for someone who drinks coffee less than 20% of the days in a month! I guess my point is that I’d like to drink more, but somebody needs to make it. Maybe I’ll teach my cat how to do it; he’s very clever and knows and obeys multiple commands!
@snow LOL! Wow snow it sounds like you "almost" have every coffee making machine covered. Although no doubt one of those fancy do whatever you want machines have probably improved - years ago a friend of mine had one and advised me to see how much hassle it was to clean before buying. - I agree that the smell of brewing coffee is wonderful. Especially If you have ever gone camping. Even if some else near by was making coffee, waking up to that smell was wonderful. - It would be terrific if you could train your cat, but alas until then... Big sigh. - Pam
@Snow Try just a regular Wal-Mart $19 Coffee Pot with Auto timer function set for just before you get up. Next to that have some Sugar Free Chocolate powdered creamer and a touch of splenda. For coffee use Pumpkin Spice Startbucks or Duncan Donuts. Works great for me but then I am pretty easy to please. I make 10 cups and take the rest to work in a Thermos because it's there, might as well use it. The coffee at work I just drink black when I have it.
@wyr13 Thanks for the tips. I had no idea there was chocolate flavored powdered creamer! I will give it a go!

I do like Pumpkin Spice lattes sometimes.
Out of interest, is decaffeinated coffee not of interest to you coffee lovers? I switched at the suggestion of my cancer specialist nurse a couple of weeks prior to my RARP. Still get the taste and the smell. I guess the full buzz is not there but I still find it enjoyable and have not noticed the lack of caffeine. You do still get a bit of caffeine in it anyway.I have had a few ordinary coffees over the past 7 months. I didn't find any difference in how they made me feel.
@Snow. You know I've never had the pleasure of visiting the States. Is decaf coffee something that Americans drink or is it a dirty word for you??

Really old photo. I'm 68 now. That was taken when I was 17. I was very privaliged that I had a dear uncle (not sure exactly what he would have been termed as; he was the brother of my Grandad. Well he died when I was about 14 and he left me and also my brothers and cousins £600 each in trust. I eventually persuaded my dear mother to let me have £469 to buy a new Triumph Bonneville. At that time the Bonneville was the bees knees of motorbikes. I am so grateful to this day that I was able to experience buying something like that at such a young age. I loved it. My mother was really against her boys having motorbikes but we all had them. She could never go to sleep until we were all home safe and well, which fortuneately we always were.

I wouldn't want to share a photo of what I look like now -:) In fact, for a good many years now, whenever I have had to apply for a passport, driving licence, etc I have used a photo a few years old because I feel embarrassed about what I have become -:)Mind you, I'll be using a photo of me now in a few years time I expect when I have to renew something and I'll think to myself then that I didn't look too bad now, if you understand what I mean.
@static Yes, I completely understand!

People do drink decaf coffee here, but I found that they typically drink it at night after dinner so they won’t get so stimulated, but there’s still some stimulation with it. I only drink coffee when I really need some extra super powers. If I drink too much I get a stomach ulcer, and the coffee’s potency becomes less powerful. So I save it for when I really need it. Most days, I’d rather have a Coca-Cola than a coffee.

I’ve had major insomnia most of my life, so I would never drink any kind coffee except right after I wake up for the day.
@Snow Maybe coffee is more potent in the States. I cannot say that it has really affected me. I like coffee but I have always been able to drink it in the evening without it affecting my sleep.In fact I have usually had one mug full almost immediately before bed.Do you have sugar in your coffee?? If so could it be the sugar which gives you super powers?? I like that ""Super Powers"". Makes you sound like a Super Human. Does go to show you that perhaps it is not such a good idea to drink it if it can cause ulcer. Surprising what most of us will do even though we know something is bad and perhaps we even make ourselves believe the substance does no harm. Typically many are guilty of that by smoking, drugs and alcohol. I am lucky I only have one of those vices and I perhaps I don't consume too much alcohol,perhaps one drink a month except for special occations.
@static Mwah ha ha; love the insomnia joke!

“They“ say the average cup of coffee contains 75 mg of caffeine, with a cup of black tea from one tea bag providing 47 mg. I think at an American diner were cheap coffee is available, it probably contains less, at home it probably contains more like 65 mg, and at Starbucks it probably contains more like 150 mg. I’ve read a lot of articles about it, but there’s really no value that is agreed-upon. I’ve spent a good deal of time in England because my mother was born there, but I don’t I drink tea when I’m there, not coffee, so I’m not sure how it compares. Next time I’m in the UK I’ll give coffee a try!

Here’s an article with some things folks should keep in mind:

I experienced that all what you name as "coffee" in US is more or less only some brown colored water. I prefer - and I'm not the only one in Europe - a good Italian espresso. I have an original Italien Espresso-machine at home, and what's coming out there earns to be called "coffee"! For those who can't drink that one I create a Cappuchino, which is and Espresso (in a bigger cup, half filled), the other half is - with high pressure steam - foamed milk.
That's a shot which awakens you in the morning, no matter what you did the night before!
@Hbic60 Depends on who’s making what. I get seven shots of espresso in a Venti coffee from Starbucks when I order 1-2 times per month when I really need the help. That’s way stronger than a typical Italian espresso. But in general, yes, most European coffee tastes, and is, much stronger than American coffee, but I bet American coffee is stronger than coffee in England, because English folks are so used to just black tea so they wouldn’t do well to have a strong coffee. European coffee is nowhere near as strong as Turkish coffee or coffee from Arabic countries.
I have some Greek neighbors about 1/4 mile up our dirt road. They make the best espresso I think I ever had. I think they even add a little water with the coffee and sugar but don't take that as gospel. :)
@static LOL Bees Knees LOL. Really showing your age on that one. I am 67 so we are close. We didn't use the phrase growing up but we knew it. Our age was more Groovy (which I still use) and far out. Sorry, has nothing to do with the conversation but couldn't resist.
@wyr13. Well I have heard / used it all my life. Still used in the UK a fair amount. We must be behind the times this side of the pond-:). Groovy is also used a fair amount. That I think became popular during the "Flower Power" era of 1960's. Was also promoted in the Austin Powers movies.
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