
Staff member
I am battling urinary incontinence. Yesterday I had 2 large cups of coffee early!- Kerig. A small breakfast and took my vitamins. I wear overnight Depends all the time, because even though they don't work that great at night, they are all I can afford everything has gone up in price. - Anyway, I didn't have anything to eat or drink after that ALL DAY Not healthy I know.I use 3 pads on our bed. The top pad of course was wet,the second one was not as wet and the third one on the bottom pad was damp - and I or course was wet. Given what I put in my body - why was I so wet.? It is driving me crazy.
I can’t answer what’s happened to you. I can tell you that I wet heavy a night. One of my reasons is that I have arthritis threw out my body. Extra fluids are stored around my joints during the day. This benefits in keeping pain down. I know I don’t pee as much as I drink during the day. At night when my body relaxes the rest of the fluids releases causing me to be soak it the morning. Some days are very heavy and other days are lighter.
Also nerve damage and sciatica will cause night wetting also.
Caffeine is a diuretic. Next you must drink water to keep from having concentrated urine. Both high concentration and caffeine are irritants to the bladder as is alcohol.
So 1 cup of coffee and at least 64oz of water thru out the day. Nothing to drink 2hrs before bed. Do these things and you should see some improvement within a week. Good luck.
Thanks for your info, i too wet alot at night and also during the day, so depressed all the time. I am having a hip replacement to more because of severs arthritis in it, i am hoping it will help my wetting problem. I am about ar my wits end and cant stand it anymore. People who dont have this proble, dont know what your going through, its pure helll I quite reading on this site for along time because i wasnt getting out of it, but I saw the cite today and your entrees helped me to feel alittle better, to know that other people understand. thank you both
@PatRnFl I understand that caffeine is a diuretic , but I mean really at 6:30 to 7:00am,you would think it might last all day,but all night? - Drinking 64oz of water a day sounds almost counterintuitive.
I know how it sounds. But the less waste concentration will help with the bladder imitation. Thus less night enuresis. You may go a little bit more during the day, but this will help.
@Pammy53, one thing to keep in mind is that your body produces urine while you sleep, whether you had anything to drink in the evening or not. Urine is waste, so your body wants to get rid of waste. I know you said you had coffee in the morning. The caffeine can take as long as 12 hours (and probably longer!) to clear from your body. So coffee at 6 am means you are still feeling the effects at 6 PM, and your body is making more urine than it normally would have without the coffee.

Two suggestions: Remove the caffeine from your diet, as much as possible. I have switched to caffeine-free coffee and tea and have noticed a huge change in my urinary output - both day and night. Also, try making regular trips to the bathroom throughout the day, even if it means setting an alarm on your phone. It takes some getting use to, but 6 or more trips to the bathroom every day might help lower your urine output at night. This has been helpful to me.
@jwhillyer - Thank you for your detailed explanation. I will try to cut down to just one cup of coffee a day:( - As far as going to the bathroom during the day. It works only if I can make it in time to the toilet in my wheelchair, which has worked only a few times. Usually I just squirt or leak in my Depends when I move.
I agree with minimizing caffeine intake overall. But I don’t agree with drinking all day to stay hydrated. I would have major accidents every night if I drank more than 24 oz. per day. I’d rather be dehydrated (yes, I know it’s really bad for the entire body) than have major accidents every night.

You’re right; the pricing of diapers is insane - so much so, that I’ve started sleeping sitting up. I have next to zero accidents unless I’m horizontal. Sleeping sitting up isn’t really sleep, however - it’s horrible for the neck and back. I’m tired all the time. But I’m saving $16/week in diapers!

Remember that your total fluid intake also contains yogurt, soup, ice cream, etc.
@snow Even before all this started (broken hip, incontinence)I had heard to drink your weight in onces. Or was it half your weight in onces? Anyway, I would diligently set out my bottles of water. Even before the incontinence, I never could finish them all.
@Pammy53 I used to drink two liters per day. Loved it; felt better than I do now. But I wouldn’t be able to get off the toilet if I didn’t restrict fluids now. It is a double-edged sword.
Hi Pam my I think the answers above cover alot of good advice.

On how to manage because nothing is a perfect solution:
Justaguy(look for his post in search of the forum home) once posted about buying inexpensive Amazon disposables and also cheap baby diapers. Cut the plastic off the baby diaper and insert baby diaper pad in adult diaper. That's been very good and absorbent for me. Bab diaper is very very absorbent b
ut I find thrift stores have baby diapers cheaply when I go there I look.
Another solution for absorbency is to have a stash of designated wash clothes they can be folded on with leg side and also make a middle pad. I soak and wash them in the sink when I shower and dry on towel rack.
Good to hear from you May May. I have been missing you lately. Plus good advice for Pammy and others including me.
Hey Boasammy!

I feel as one grows accustomed to living with incontinence he need to put more attention to other aspects of one's self take over. It's not my favorite identity and there usually not much to add to the be excellent ideas on coping.
Full support for the members here always!!
I have dealt with similar issues for a long time, but prior to my accident I rarely ever got up to pee at night. With all of my back and knee injuries I was told to sleep with my legs elevated to reduce spasms etc. Overnight it felt like the volume doubled! I spoke with my Docs and 2 things 1) knees & back were still healing so not nearly as active so legs were retaining fluid, 2) By elevating my legs at night it accelerated the volume through my kidneys and I was pumping 2-3x my normal output overnight.
I am guessing the wheelchair came with the hip problems so it might be a similar scenario, all those fluids once your legs are up?
As an aside, I have used cloth diapers with waterproof pants at night forever unless traveling, much more comfortable and easily adjustable absorbency. The cost of everything is through the roof! The cloth might be worth a try so you can drink what you want/need and still get a good night sleep.
Keep in mind when all of these “Analysts” of which I used to be publish these inflation /CPI numbers with an addendum attached which seems to always get left off by our media & currently the White House. These numbers do NOT include gasoline, heating natural gas / electric, any kind of food and finally medical / hospital supplies.
The reason I included this is our incontinence supplies have almost doubled in some cases because a container (almost all disposables come over from China in a container) cost has gone from est. $800.00 to $30,000 per container because of Covid ( Much of China is still completely shut down & locked down) gasoline up 75%, and heating gas will go through the roof this winter so get some extra blankets & warm PJ’s as we will likely be sending natural gas to Europe now that Putin has shut down Nordstream 1 as well to Europe. With the additional interest rate hikes coming things are going to continue up, up, up!
Sorry if I am spreading lousy news, but the media should at least be honest so people can be prepared. Sad truth, bad financial news doesn’t hold viewers like a flood or a fire
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