How can you get the morning coffee boost without the liquid?


Staff member
I really like my 2 cups of coffee in the morning, and yes I know it makes you have to pee. I do take Pumpkinseed oil (NOW brand, 2 in the morning and 2 at night. Some people have better luck with it than others AND it can take 4 to 6 weeks to see a change. It does "help"(even my husband thinks so) But, I still wear pull-ups just because I am not always fast enough to get to the bathroom or I will have some surprise squrts.- My question to everyone is, since I will probably have to give up my coffee, is there anything that you can take in the morning that could be a good replacement for my two cups of joe? Thanks Pam
Extra Strength 5 Hour Energy contains 233mg of caffeine in about just 1.5 oz. It doesn’t make me pee worse. It also contains taurine and a bunch of vitamins and electrolytes that are powerful to energize you. Unfortunately, no form of caffeine is quite as powerful as coffee itself, though. If you go with 5 Hour, don’t waste your time with the less-expensive generics; they only contain about 30mg coffee. Every gas station and big box store sells 5 Hour Energy. You can buy it in bulk near the pharmacy section in packages of 10 or 20. It comes in many, many flavors. You might want to go to the 7-Eleven nearest to you, where 5 Hour is kept near the register and is overpriced, and buy yourself a couple just to see if you like them. They taste disgusting so have a chaser right next to you in preparation. Just drink the whole thing very quickly and get it down ‘ya, just like you do with a shot of whiskey.
Something important to remember is that, as with all drug addictions, people are also addicted to the ritual of preparing their drug of choice as much as they are addicted to their drug. If you switch to 5 Hour Energy, you will miss the sugar and cream in your coffee, if you usually use those, and you’ll miss the process of making and smelling coffee.
I have a routine that I follow and I allow myself coffee in the morning. I had a great therapist tell me that I didn't have to cut all the good things out of my life as long as I planned beforehand. As long as I stay on schedule then I know when I need to change without worrying about leaks.
I have taken caffeine pills. You can get them in any drugstore, Target, Walmart, etc. That way you can get as much caffeine as you want with just a sip of water.
@MezaJarJarBinks @snow @CES97 - Thank you everyone for the ideas, I really appreciate it. When I was younger and a road trip was in the works - we would get some chocolate covered coffee beans. Pricey for us at the time, but it saved taking the time for pit stops and they were YUMMY 😋 - Pam
I still drink two to three cups of coffee daily. Sure I have a few extra trips to the RR but it’s worth it to me. I drink strong black coffee not necessarily for the caffeine, I love the taste.

My issue is with diet sodas. I can not tolerate a couple of brands. Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi. For no reason why Diet Coke causes more problems for me than Diet Pepsi. I have no idea why. Has anyone else noticed similar issues with drinks that are so much alike?
@Alh63 - That is interesting. Have you compared the ingredient list between the Diet Coke and Pepsi? I too would be curious to solve the riddle. - Pam
@snow That is true snow when I started thinking about it. I do like how coffee tastes with half and half and sweetener. But, I do love how it SMELLS when brewing. - Pam
I have not compared the ingredients. My daughter suggested something must be different in the ingredients. I don’t drink enough to worry about it all that much. Just drink either a few times each week not nearly every day. And I know they both cause some degree of problems.
@Pammy53 I won‘t make a big deal out of it! You like your morning coffee (me too!), and you have a proper solution: wearing a pull up. I won‘t give up such things I love only for to improve my continence a little as long as I can manage without problems…
@Alh63 Diet Coke makes me per more than regular Coke. Maybe it’s because coke is neutral and Diet Coke is an acid.

I’m also willing to bet the Diet Coke contains a different fake sweetener then does Diet Pepsi. I looked it up. Yep: Diet Pepsi contains Aspartame while Diet Coke contains Splenda. I much prefer Coke Seto and you may also because like Diet Pepsi, it also contains aspartame and acesulfame potassium (or Ace-K).
@Pammy53 Oh hes, the yummy smell of coffee, especially from a Starbucks….. I still get a Cafe Mocha there every 2-6 weeks.
@snow Diet Pepsi makes me go more than regular Pepsi. May have something to do with the artificial sweetener also.
@Hbic60 Hi there. Yeah, you make a good point like CES97 re his therapist who advised not to give up all the things you like. Plan ahead and enjoy. So like others here who still partake of a favorite and enjoy. We all have enough other things that we really have to be concerned about. Thanks for your input- Pam
I can’t go without my coffee so I have learned to just enjoy a small cup of coffee in the morning when i go out in the morning if not I will be using more diapers than normal
I always have the extra strength 5 hour energy around for that extra boost when necessary but I still like my coffee in the morning getting ready for work. I also have a Monster or something like that (was Reign but hard to find in mass)with lunch and a Coke Zero on the way home. My physical therapist said only water 2 hours before bed as pretty much everything else is a bladder irritant. LOL, she said the goal is to get back to sleeping at night without the pullup. I laughed because that was something I had not even considered as a goal. I really need to quit all of that and I might be able to stay out of the bathroom every hour, at least try it for a while.
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