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I left this site out of embarrassment and fear of someone figuring out that I'm on here. But my bladder woke me up at 2:30 and thanks to my anxiety as well, I can't go back to sleep. I started therapy again in February and I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, high level of social anxiety which I already knew, and also possibly OCD but we haven't talked much about that, that's just from my own research and self-assessment. I told my therapist about my annoying bladder concerns because I don't even have a bladder condition. However, I did have 15 inches of my intestines removed as an infant due to Necrotizing Enterocolitis so I think chronic constipation might be affecting my bladder. Plus I get really hyperfocused at work and by the time I get up, I'm panicking. I had an accident last week at work but it was also my time of the month unfortunately. So no one knew because I took care of things...but I knew and it made me sad. Good part is we had candy in the office so I ate candy and watched Hulu on my phone and felt fine. But I'm paranoid now that it will happen again when I'm not wearing a pad already. So I don't know. My therapist told me multiple times that it's not a big deal if I have to pee during our sessions but I only can meet with him when I'm at work (I work in a different state than where I live and he's licensed for that state) so it adds to the fear. I just feel paranoid because all my doctors say I need to drink more water. I also feel bad because I'm technically not incontinent, never been diagnosed with OAB or anything. I just forget to go sometimes or I don't get enough time to get there before I leak a little. But that's been an issue since I was 5 so I figured this is just my body. I don't know. I did struggle with bedwetting 12th grade and in college. But that was because I didn't want to drink a lot of water at school because we could only go during the first 15 minutes of class, last 15 minutes, or in between. Add the fact that we only had 2 stalls in one of the bathrooms and also had to wait for the hall pass to go and I had a lot of uncomfortable days. So, that fear carried over into college and the self consciousness got worse when I realized I didn't have to ask to go in college but no one else had to go in the middle of class like I did. Which has carried over into my job where I feel scared to get up and we don't have cubicles just a huge room with a bunch of desks so I feel so exposed. I don't know. I just get scared that the night issue will come back fully because I don't drink a lot of water at work either, I'll get a latte at Starbucks and drink maybe one water bottle or 2. But I'm 100 pounds so I should drink at least 50 ounces I think. Side note for people wondering why I'm that small, I'm 4'11.

Anyway, I just feel bad because my therapist and I have already talked about this and I feel bad because he made a note about it after one session and I don't want anyone to know. But the system we use is confidential and the messages are confidential allegedly yet I'm still paranoid. I didn't even want to come back here, i had deleted my account. I apologized in advance to my therapist because it's really hard to talk when I have to pee and by the time I do talk, I end up stuttering or saying it in a really childish way like I'm 4 years old and I hate that it comes out that way when I panic. Like when I went to the concert last year with my friend and I was waiting to use the porta potty. I was hyperventilating and pulling my hair out and she told me "Breathe" because I was about to cry. I whispered "I gotta go potty," didn't even realize I said it until we talked about it later on that night. Then she also said I should come up with a code word for when I can't get my words out. But when we went on vacation, she forgot all about that and would ask me outright if I needed to go or why was I fidgeting and it hurt my feelings that they asked me so much and that she wanted me to just say it when that's hard to do in a public place. She was really nice though when I had a nightmare and when I had an accident in my sleep at the pool. I told my therapist about all this too and he said stop apologizing but I'm so scared of him seeing me all regressed and crying or close to crying. I don't know it sounds stupid out loud. I don't even know why I say it that way. I'm way too old to use that language and I usually don't talk like a kid except for when I'm really sad. Just realized I posted about that exchange with my ex-best friend before. Sorry guys. I was trying to give an example but I don't want to overpost here when there are people here with bigger concerns than a couple accidents. Which I also has come in therapy because I almost peed on myself in therapy once because I told my therapist I had to "go," and he said "Go where" and I said "I had Starbucks." So he said "Oh you're going to Starbucks," and "I already had Starbucks, I gotta go." So then I felt bad and I was scared to get up and I told him "I can't move" and he said "What do you mean you can't move, did you have an accident?" I got up but felt scared and sat back down. Then I started panicking because this was all before we even talked about my stupid bladder during the day(only old night time issues in high school)so the fact that he even thought that was a possibility made me want to cry. Then I did end up going and he asked "what just happened, that was an anxiety attack because
because you had to go?" And he told me "don't stress, it's natural, it's okay." He even gave me more information that I won't disclose. That was in April and we've talked about it since because I told him all my fears about more people in the office and the beginning of my post and I'm still scared and I'm still nervous that he's going to think I'm weird and childish and a cry baby although I have never cried in front of him yet. I held them in until I get home at night. He also said I have to focusing on what people think including him but that's hard and I don't want him think I'm weird for not being able to wait and not being able to vocalize when I have to go sometimes and for saying it like I'm little. Even though talking to him makes me feel little anyway. That's why I feel bad for even coming back on here because people have it a million times worse and I probably sound like I'm complaining which is why I was going to quit therapy anyway. I also have trichotillomania and one of my big triggers for my hair pulling is feeling like I'm gonna potty on myself. I'm really sleepy too and I have to get up in an hour. I never get enough sleep at night. I hate it so much. Knowing other people have things worse makes me feel even worse that I'm talking about it. I don't know.
I feel so sorry for you. All I can say is try to get it into your head that all people are different. Try not to care what others think or do. Just be yourself and work on your own issues you may think you have. But remember a lot of people have issues far worse than you have on here. You will be alright....just give it time and look forward to the day that even you think may be far away, will arrive soon, and that you can let all those feelings you have go, forever. Good luck to you and keep reading people's thoughts here. They have really great ideas. Hang in there.
Actually you all can disregard this, I realized I wrote most of this before when I first introduced myself and then on my two other posts. Forget I said anything at all, there's people on here with cancer and people that have actually given birth and other real issues that I have not dealt with . I'm going to delete my account for good this time and just talk about it with my therapist next week. He wants to talk more about childhood trauma and I guess this was also a contributing factor in my childhood. Lots of accidents and bullying and confusing feelings. I'm having surgery (minor not related to this) next Wednesday so I was also kind of concerned on if I'll wet the bed when I'm high off painkillers. But oh well whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen. I'm deleting this again because I shouldn't complain when people are dealing with way deeper shit than I am. I'm just gonna go, sorry I said anything. Not you guys fault that I can't sleep... there was a typo in my post I meant to say he said I need to STOP caring what other people think including him
I’m sorry you’re going through all that you are dealing with. This forum is a safe haven to share your feelings without judgement and maybe even find some comfort in knowing you are not alone, and not so different than a lot of other people. Remember the good Lord loves us all no matter how different we think we are. God bless you moving forward.
Don’t be afraid to talk about your issues on this site. Yes, we all have problems and no one’s problems are worse than than any others. Here is my first suggestion. Go see a urologist and get yourself checked out. There are many reasons for your wetting problems and they may be able to give some medication and suggestions on how to deal with your issues. Another suggestion is to wear some type of protection. There are many types to choose from (i.e. pads, belted pads, to a full on diapers). Don’t be ashamed to wear them - many people do for the exact problems you have. I wear a diaper 24/7 and it makes me feel very secure and nobody knows. Just be who you are and live your life with confidence. You might also want to confide in a friend or family member. Most people are understanding and will help if you let them. Remember, everyone has skeletons in there personal closets. If you come out, they might do the same. That’s part of being a friend and friendship. I talk to my friend, Ron, about any and all things in my life and he does the same. I hope my suggestions help. Be who you are with all your gifts and curses. No one’s problems are better or worse than yours. Be happy with who you are. God bless and keep writing on this site. This group has a lot to offer you.
@Chris318 Thank you for your kind words. But I literally wouldn't be able to hide it. I can't wear baggy clothes everywhere and I'm so small, it would be obvious that I have a diaper on and my confidence is literally so low as it is. I think I would be depressed if I wore them, just speaking about me personally. I think the biggest thing is I don't feel everything I wrote when I drink enough water. Literally, my gastroenterologist, dermatologist, OBGYN? PCP all suggest I drink more water because of my acne and my gut surgery as a baby. Drinking more water makes me anxious which leads to me going a lot more and I don't know, I just think I have a small bladder.So, it's a real mental struggle of knowing if I'm okay or not. I was also told I had ADD when I was 12 but never looked into it. I think that could also be a factor because I hyperfocus at work to where I can't feel it until I'm close to having an accident. I did try incontinence pads last year when I worked in a call center. But the plastic on the sides irritated my skin and the pads felt really uncomfortable when I had flares from my HS (Hidradenitis Suppurativa, it's a skin condition, hormonal in my case). Physically though,I don't have accidents all the time, more so when there's a really long line or we're stuck in traffic, the train breaks down, the meeting took too long, etc. The other thing is my family never put me in pull-ups for road trips or the mall after I was 3, I think that's when I started wearing underwear. They would just pack an extra outfit. Even now when I travel, I pack at least two extra outfits and extra underwear. If I had an accident, I would just change clothes. The pull-up thing stopped early so I really don't know how I would feel with one on. I wish I had a real friend @Chris318 but the girl I thought was my best friend last year, doesn't even talk to me any more. She talked a lot about how this other girl that she was friends with didn't like me and that sort of caused a rift. Also, I would check in to see how she was doing way more than she would with me. And she said I make small things into big things, yeah because I have fucking anxiety. She made me feel bad about being nervous about our trip as I told you all in posts before, and I knew something was gonna happen. Even though I didn't predict the nightmare, I had an uneasy feeling in general about going and should have trusted my gut. I think I'll just try and space out how much and when I drink water because I tend to dehydrate myself out of fear and see how that goes. I don't think my skin or mental health can handle the pads or pull-ups. My therapist also said the regression in language doesn't bother him but I'm sure he thinks I'm weird. But I really don't know why that happens, I think it's because it's leftover childhood embarrassment from a lot of Public accidents including one in front of my whole class in 6th grade. So maybe it comes from that, I don't know. I just feel like a dumbass because it's like every time I end up saying it that way like I'm 4 years old again. I'm way too old to sit their fidgeting my leg and too old to feel like crying over a little pee. I hate feeling like I'm such a baby even though I'm not. But some of that is from the culture of growing up "big girls don't have accidents, big boys don't wet the bed, etc." I want to feel like I'm an adult and I really don't. Plus people already treat me like I'm still a child because of my stature so I don't need to sound like one too. It's also a big fear for me with driving, I don't know how I'm going to start driving soon. I have so many memories in the car (as a passenger)with wet pants and tears. I don't know how people driving needing to "go."Thank you for your other statement as well, "Be happy with who you are,"I've been working on that in therapy. It's hard but I'm trying really hard to be better and feel better about myself. And God bless you too @Chris318
Thanks for your response. I really think you need to see a urologist. They may be able to help you through medication that causes you to go less or relax your bladder. I suggested pads or pull-ups because there are many types that feel just like underwear and will help with those “oh-no” situations like long meeting or very busy times. I understand you know you best so do what works for you. I will only offer suggestions. Have a great day and keep your head up and enjoy life. I hope your anxiety improves. Take care.
@Chris318 Thank you for being so nice and I apologize if I sound argumentative or bitchy. I just feel too insecure to wear those and also my skin is super sensitive. But I might take you up on the urologist suggestion. I think that might help, I'm just a little frustrated because I've been to a lot of other appointments recently(dermatologist made me go check if I had PCOS or Cushing's, I have neither). Gastro told me go to a rheumatologist, OBGYN said go back to the dermatologist. Primary recommended my surgery (removing old scar tissue from when I was in the NICU 27 years ago) that I'm having next week. I'm just frustrated with a lot and I hate my job. I don't want to be an asshole to you when you're trying to help. I'm not mad at anything you said @Chris318. I just want to make sure you know that because things get misconstrued when you're reading versus hearing someone's voice.

Have a great day too and thank you again. I apologize for complaining, I know that's not what this platform is for and it's no one's fault that I suck at listening to my body until I'm on the verge of tears, and no one else's fault that I have the bladder of a 2 year old. My issues are when I'm not home, around strangers. At home I'm fine and with my family I'm fine, because I already know where the bathroom is at most places we go to. But it's also contributed to my social anxiety and I didn't realize that until therapy. I know everyone else has way bigger physical problems, I don't have cancer and I'm not a mom. I also have all my limbs (I only had half my gut removed as a baby and some muscles in my eyes at 10,IV's in my head, feeding tube when I came home from NICU, and more) But overall, nothing really incontinence related. That's not even a diagnosis for me so I probably shouldn't even be on here. I don't even have a bladder condition, just a small bladder. Anyway, sorry for bothering you guys.
I think I might have to wear something at night now. I feel so fcking sad like I don't get why this is starting again. I hate this so much. Last week, my aunt came over and I let her sleep in my room and I slept with my mom in her room and I almost wet her bed twice. Thank God I woke up and just had wet underwear but I felt so bad. And then a few days ago, I had a nightmare where I was talking to my therapist and had a daytime accident and couldn't stop crying. So in real life, I woke up panicking and my pajamas were a little wet. But luckily, my sheets were fine. I just feel like such a fcking baby. I'm sorry if that's offensive, I'm not trying to be. I'm just frustrated with work and my stupid social anxiety and I'm pretty sure I have OCD. I really want to text my therapist but I don't want to feel like a bother and I don't want anyone reading our texts if they see my phone. I don't get why this is happening again, it's not fair. I don't even get why I keep having nightmares like what is wrong with me? I hate this so much. So far since Monday, I keep forgetting to even drink water. And I know this would probably go away if I drink more water during the day instead of waiting and then drinking it later when I eat dinner. But I get so scared at work that I'm gonna have an accident. I hate this and my stupid regressing brain makes it all worse because the minute I panic,I sound like a kid. I don't want my therapist to think I'm a psycho because majority of times when I gotta go, I can't get my words out and then when I finally say it, I end up stuttering and saying I gotta go potty since I was little, I end up freaking out and saying it that way out of panic because I'm already leaking or pretty close to it. I don't get why that happens like my brain reverts backwards the minute my bladder is full.

Should have put this in that anxiety incontinence post.....but oh well.
ayam, just my 2 ct from my side. I think your main problem is missing self acceptance. As my urge IC came in 2 years ago my first reaction was to limit strictly my fluid intake - just with the simple idea that if I limit the input also the output will be limited - with quite bad influence to my ability to concentrate on things, influence on my blood pressure and others. Of course my wife remarked this, and after opening up to her my bladder issues (and med. examinations about the causes) I finally (and quite soon) accepted the fact that IC is my fate with getting older and decided to wear proper protection, enhanced immediately my fluid intake to a normal level and continued my active and social life with nearly no limitations. With wearing appropriate clothing (in my case mainly simply trousers one size bigger) really nobody else gets aware that I'm wearing diapers. So, in fact the protection gives me the freedom to do anything I have to or like to do, only limitation is that I have to change once in the morning, once in early afternoon and once in the evening and must keep an eye on my supplies. I don't have to care whenever an urge comes up (usually 10-15 times over the day, 4-5 times in the night), I know that I'm protected, that nobody else can see it, that I can rely on my diapers and my clothing and my bed always stays dry.

So, for sure, first thing is to find out the cause of your urges - which can take some time, it might be physical or mental or both - try to fix it, in the meantime or in long term if it is clear that it cannot be fixed easily manage it with wearing (and using) according protection. There is no reason for embarrassment or shame, there is a medical condition behind it and diapers are only a simple tool with no big side effects which help you to live a regular and happy life!

You are for sure not a baby or a kid, millions of people worldwide have continence issues, you're not alone with it and feel free to report your issues and ask for any advice in this forum - everyone will try to give support!
@Hbic60 Thank you. I really apologize if I was being offensive. I just have a lot of feelings and a lot of my feelings about myself are pretty negative. I'm trying to get better with it. I just feel bad because it's really only bad at work and when I'm talking to my therapist or just when I'm in public which makes me think it's because of my stupid anxiety. Since no one ever said it's a physical issue with my bladder or kidneys. My therapist did suggest I wear protection too but I just can't. I already look like I'm 10 and no one treats me like an adult even though I'm 27, granted I'm a young adult but still an adult. So it's more of an insecurity issue and my skin is so sensitive. Technically my OBGYN and dermatologist told me I shouldn't even use pads for...that time because of my Hidradenitis Suppurativa flare-ups. But I never had s&x, so I can't even use the other products because it hurts really really bad. So I don't know I feel like protection will make me itch and my mom never made me wear it when I was in elementary school or even in high school when I struggled at night in 12th grade. I didn't wear those, I just washed my sheets. And for the day, every vacation, road trip, long car ride, I always had extra clothes because road trips for me,it was always inevitable that I wouldn't make it at least one time out of the trip...I don't know. I just feel really really embarrassed and I don't know how to make that go away. Like when I was at work last week and really focused on the report, I was working on, I almost peed at the desk in front of our entire branch and I didn't even know I had to go until I stood up. My I just Thank God, I already had on a pad but I just . Even the ones marketed for women (they always show women way older than me on commercials or moms and I'm not a mom), feel huge like a diaper which makes me feel sad and the plastic itches my skin. I did try those last year when I was working for a call center. I don't even know if I should address it in therapy again because we talked about it twice and I don't want to be annoying. He already said I apologize too much and I do, it's a bad habit from childhood that I can't get rid of. I just want to cry. mom has accidents sometimes but she's had a hysterectomy so she has an excuse. I, on the other hand, have horrible time management skills and drinking less water makes it worse but drinking more water make me scared when I'm not home.
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