@Claytonp Sounds like a really cruel grandma to me!
Incontinence and overactive bladder are *definitely* exacerbated by extra stress.
My guess is that your Gran hates the fact that she herself needs to wear Depend so she’s taking it out on you, which is totally unfair! I agree with what the others said that she’s also probably extremely stressed right now because she’s worried about your mom and you. Just try not to take it personally if you can. Just keep insisting to her that it’s a medical issue, because it is!!! Some people are born with a small bladder and have this condition for life. Myself, I fell down a cliff snowboarding and severed the nerves between my bladder and my brain when I fell down the cliff because I did severe damage to my spine. There are endless medical reasons for incontinence.
Unfortunately, there are basically no cures for incontinence. We all agree here that none of the medications help. We’ve all tried them. They have bad side effects and they don’t even work. Maybe you can show your grandma this website because maybe she needs to read how hopeless some of us are here and this is a problem worldwide! This is not a realm of science like cancer treatment where there’s a lot of research going on to cure it. There’s no research going on into urinary incontinence cures.
Do you have any friends who could loan you some money to buy your own pull-ups until your mom gets out of the hospital? Like if you could even get a friend to loan you $20, then you could go buy two packs of Depend for yourself and won’t have to go ask your grandma for them out of her room.
Soon, you’ll be old enough to get a job and start buying them for yourself and you won’t be reliant on your mom nor your grandmother. Can you start a newspaper route or moving lawns?
Once you’re an adult, there are some procedures/surgeries that men can have that can help. Most insurance companies would likely pay for those.
Have you heard of Botox injections that women get in their face that paralyze their wrinkles and then their wrinkles disappear and they look much younger? One of the procedures you can do as an adult, or you can even do it at your age if you had your mom‘s permission, is you would go to the doctors office, they would stick a plastic tube in your urethra, and then they would give you injections of Botox in your bladder to paralyze your bladder so that you don’t have any more accidents for the next 3 to 12 months. That’s what I do. There *are* some solutions, just not cures.
Maybe next time your grandma‘s giving you sass, you can snap back at her, “What’s wrong with *you*, grandma, why are *you* wearing Depend? You know it’s a medical condition! If you want to know what’s wrong with me, then take me to the urologist! I don’t wet on purpose, and I never have! If you get off my back and quit stressing me out so much, I’ll wet less. But the more you stress me out, the worse it gets!!!”
Also, that alarm clock trick she’s doing on you is never going to work. All kinds of people here have tried it, and their parents forced it on them and it never, ever works. All it does is give you sleep deprivation.
The reason she’s wearing Depend could be any reason, but she may have a small bladder that you inherited from her own DNA! But most likely with most women, after they’ve had children and everything has been stretched out, they lose some bladder control with age.
I hope this helps. I hope just knowing that ***we*** here all support, understand, and care about you, can help lift you up and make you feel a better.