Helping my grandmother understand bedwetting


Staff member
My mom’s been in the hospital for a few weeks unfortunately. I’ve been having to stay with my grandmother and she gets upset whenever I have an accident and often times yells at me.

I’ve dealt with for most of my life off and on. I’ve been on medication that helped a little bit, and some not so much. Since starting to stay with my grandma, a week or two ago, my bedwetting has gone from one to two nights a week, to almost every night, and Sometimes during the day.

How do I make her understand that I’m not doing it on purpose? So that she doesn’t get so upset at me.
I can try and ask her, but I’m not sure she really knows a whole lot about it either.

I just feel like her getting upset at me and doing stuff is making the situation worse
Probably your teacher could tel her that your condition is one she was aware of and it is a medical issue that she researched. Stress makes it worse.

I don't know if you have access to a little money but on grocery stores you can buy pull up disposal mens underwear the store brand costs about $10 for 16 pieces. (I don't think the famous Depends brand is anything worth the money) and more expensive) Or a Walmart brand is an alternative.
What you described is incontinence that is worse with stress so wearing that at night or on a stressful day could be helpful.
Obviously it would be good on the long run to have your mom go to a doctor and see what they can suggest.
This might be a way to help contain yourself
Clayton I can also tell you from a parents perspective, your Grandma is also likely stressed about your mom being in hospital and as a parent we think our children and grandchildren are so important it's really painful to see a daughter or grandson suffering for any reason. We want them to be well and healthy.
So unfortunately we lash out as we feel helpless to fix our family member.

This insight doesn't "help" except to know she is stressed and can't help her worrying
You absolutely do need to go out and buy pretection. That would surely ease your worry about wetting a bed in her house.

You have a medical problem, and your gran needs to realise that, and that even if part of the cause were 'just' stress, it is involuntary. Is she good enough at technology to read some of the other posts, including the one I wrote, in answer to your previous post, about my having medically diagnosed lifelong Over Active (Irritable) Bladder Syndrome? Can she get her head around this if there is evidence? I hope so. I didn't say specifically in that post that I need to wear protection all the time - pads and pants - and that I have a protective sheet in my bed always, as well. There are many many of us in this situation, becaue that is the way we were born or as a result of accidents affecting pelvis/bladder. This forum would not exist without us! Let her see what we have to say.
There's no doubt @Maymay941 is correct about your grandmother's stress with your mother being in the hospital. I also agree with @abigailbear, get yourself some bed protection. Lastly, your issue is something your grandmother may not be willing or able to understand your bed wetting simply because of the generation gap. How many of us have found friends and loved ones who can't understand the medical situation each of us deals with?

If there is any way to avoid the conversation with her and express how much you love her and want to be helpful while her daughter is ill, maybe things will improve between the two of you.



I would encourage you to get in touch with Northshore Care Supply. They have great products and send out free samples at no cost.

I know firsthand that Grandparents can be tough when it comes to this situation but their hearts are in the right place most of the time.

My grandmother was very much, "As long as you're doing something to try to deal with it then whatever."

Because I was handling it as best as I could there was never an issue.

Sometimes grandparents will be upset/mad simply because they don't know what to do to help you with this. The truth is that they can't help.

Also if have medical insurance than look into Aeroflow Urology. They get you products from insurance for free.

Best wishes.
Maymay941 said:
Clayton I can also tell you from a parents perspective, your Grandma is also likely stressed about your mom being in hospital and as a parent we think our children and grandchildren are so important it's really painful to see a daughter or grandson suffering for any reason. We want them to be well and healthy.
So unfortunately we lash out as we feel helpless to fix our family member.

This insight doesn't "help" except to know she is stressed and can't help her worrying

I’ve been wearing pull-ups at night often on majority of my life. So my grandma is pretty much always known that I’ve had accidents at night. I very rarely leak out thankfully, but she just gets upset that I’m having an accident in general. She’s been coming in in the middle of the night to wake me up to use the bathroom and see if I’m dry, but, a lot of times I’ve already had an accident, and I don’t know how to get it to go away. I’ve been on medicine before, and I am now, but it doesn’t really help a whole lot.

She wears depends that she gets from her insurance. So I know she has accidents at night too so I don’t understand why she isn’t more understanding with me.
abigailbear said:
You absolutely do need to go out and buy pretection. That would surely ease your worry about wetting a bed in her house.

You have a medical problem, and your gran needs to realise that, and that even if part of the cause were 'just' stress, it is involuntary. Is she good enough at technology to read some of the other posts, including the one I wrote, in answer to your previous post, about my having medically diagnosed lifelong Over Active (Irritable) Bladder Syndrome? Can she get her head around this if there is evidence? I hope so. I didn't say specifically in that post that I need to wear protection all the time - pads and pants - and that I have a protective sheet in my bed always, as well. There are many many of us in this situation, becaue that is the way we were born or as a result of accidents affecting pelvis/bladder. This forum would not exist without us! Let her see what we have to say.

I guess I should’ve put it in the post I made, but I do wear protection at night. I’ve been wearing goodnites pull-ups for most of my life.

I think she understands that accidents happen, but I think she really only thinks there are a thing in small kids and older adults like herself. Because she wears depends pull-ups at night. I know before my mom went in the hospital she would always try and explain to her that I’ve had this condition, my whole life to where I’ve had accidents, but she’s never really tried to understand. She thinks I’m just being lazy or don’t want to get up and use the bathroom.

I know that since I’ve been having accidents during the day that she’s blaming it on me drinking too much and being too lazy to get up and use the bathroom.

And now especially since I started having accidents during the day she gets upset that I go through so many pull-ups and says it cost a lot of money to buy them. It just stresses me out and I wish I could get it to go away.
fleemoore said:
There's no doubt @Maymay941 is correct about your grandmother's stress with your mother being in the hospital. I also agree with @abigailbear, get yourself some bed protection. Lastly, your issue is something your grandmother may not be willing or able to understand your bed wetting simply because of the generation gap. How many of us have found friends and loved ones who can't understand the medical situation each of us deals with?

If there is any way to avoid the conversation with her and express how much you love her and want to be helpful while her daughter is ill, maybe things will improve between the two of you.



Thankfully, I do wear pull-ups so I don’t leak out very often, she’s just mainly upset that I’m having accidents in general and she’s having to buy pull-ups.

I can’t really get around not talking to her, because she keeps the pull-ups in her room. I’ve lied to her a couple times and said I didn’t have an accident when I did and that made her upset and she’s keeping the pull-ups in her room so that way I can’t lie to her when I’ve had an accident.
@Claytonp Sounds like a really cruel grandma to me!

Incontinence and overactive bladder are *definitely* exacerbated by extra stress.

My guess is that your Gran hates the fact that she herself needs to wear Depend so she’s taking it out on you, which is totally unfair! I agree with what the others said that she’s also probably extremely stressed right now because she’s worried about your mom and you. Just try not to take it personally if you can. Just keep insisting to her that it’s a medical issue, because it is!!! Some people are born with a small bladder and have this condition for life. Myself, I fell down a cliff snowboarding and severed the nerves between my bladder and my brain when I fell down the cliff because I did severe damage to my spine. There are endless medical reasons for incontinence.

Unfortunately, there are basically no cures for incontinence. We all agree here that none of the medications help. We’ve all tried them. They have bad side effects and they don’t even work. Maybe you can show your grandma this website because maybe she needs to read how hopeless some of us are here and this is a problem worldwide! This is not a realm of science like cancer treatment where there’s a lot of research going on to cure it. There’s no research going on into urinary incontinence cures.

Do you have any friends who could loan you some money to buy your own pull-ups until your mom gets out of the hospital? Like if you could even get a friend to loan you $20, then you could go buy two packs of Depend for yourself and won’t have to go ask your grandma for them out of her room.

Soon, you’ll be old enough to get a job and start buying them for yourself and you won’t be reliant on your mom nor your grandmother. Can you start a newspaper route or moving lawns?

Once you’re an adult, there are some procedures/surgeries that men can have that can help. Most insurance companies would likely pay for those.

Have you heard of Botox injections that women get in their face that paralyze their wrinkles and then their wrinkles disappear and they look much younger? One of the procedures you can do as an adult, or you can even do it at your age if you had your mom‘s permission, is you would go to the doctors office, they would stick a plastic tube in your urethra, and then they would give you injections of Botox in your bladder to paralyze your bladder so that you don’t have any more accidents for the next 3 to 12 months. That’s what I do. There *are* some solutions, just not cures.

Maybe next time your grandma‘s giving you sass, you can snap back at her, “What’s wrong with *you*, grandma, why are *you* wearing Depend? You know it’s a medical condition! If you want to know what’s wrong with me, then take me to the urologist! I don’t wet on purpose, and I never have! If you get off my back and quit stressing me out so much, I’ll wet less. But the more you stress me out, the worse it gets!!!”

Also, that alarm clock trick she’s doing on you is never going to work. All kinds of people here have tried it, and their parents forced it on them and it never, ever works. All it does is give you sleep deprivation.

The reason she’s wearing Depend could be any reason, but she may have a small bladder that you inherited from her own DNA! But most likely with most women, after they’ve had children and everything has been stretched out, they lose some bladder control with age.

I hope this helps. I hope just knowing that ***we*** here all support, understand, and care about you, can help lift you up and make you feel a better.
Perhaps since you are computer literate AND have some sort of insurance (if your mother got you meds which are expensive by the way) it is likely she has medical insurance covering you.
you can look up Areoflo urology and get contact phone number for your Grandma.

I do not endorse sassing at her verbally because you have to live with her and unfortunately a side effect of incontinence is having to COPE on a mature way like it or not.

I suggest you write her a letter to the effect of

Grandma i don't like it when we argued about my condition. As you know Mom took me to the doctor and the medication didn't work.
Some people are born with bladder conditions or small bladders .
Stress makes the problem worse.
Can I help you by doing my own laundry and washing my bed sheets?
I researched and found a company Areoflo urology that accepts insurance for paying for disposable underwear.
I'm trying to deal the best I can and not complain.
No one young would want this condition.

Step one would be to be honest with your grandmother. Lying never gets you anywhere, and you're just hurting relationships.

I have been there and done that myself.

I would look into seeing if you can stay somewhere else for a few days. Realize this is a big change for your grandmother as well as you.

Find a Diaper bank near you, A lot of them carry larger sizes and will help you get the stuff you need.
Does your school have a school nurse? If so, that person could discuss this problem with your grandmother and, perhaps, arrange for you to get the supplies that you need.
snow said:
@Claytonp Sounds like a really cruel grandma to me!

Incontinence and overactive bladder are *definitely* exacerbated by extra stress.

My guess is that your Gran hates the fact that she herself needs to wear Depend so she’s taking it out on you, which is totally unfair! I agree with what the others said that she’s also probably extremely stressed right now because she’s worried about your mom and you. Just try not to take it personally if you can. Just keep insisting to her that it’s a medical issue, because it is!!! Some people are born with a small bladder and have this condition for life. Myself, I fell down a cliff snowboarding and severed the nerves between my bladder and my brain when I fell down the cliff because I did severe damage to my spine. There are endless medical reasons for incontinence.

Unfortunately, there are basically no cures for incontinence. We all agree here that none of the medications help. We’ve all tried them. They have bad side effects and they don’t even work. Maybe you can show your grandma this website because maybe she needs to read how hopeless some of us are here and this is a problem worldwide! This is not a realm of science like cancer treatment where there’s a lot of research going on to cure it. There’s no research going on into urinary incontinence cures.

Do you have any friends who could loan you some money to buy your own pull-ups until your mom gets out of the hospital? Like if you could even get a friend to loan you $20, then you could go buy two packs of Depend for yourself and won’t have to go ask your grandma for them out of her room.

Soon, you’ll be old enough to get a job and start buying them for yourself and you won’t be reliant on your mom nor your grandmother. Can you start a newspaper route or moving lawns?

Once you’re an adult, there are some procedures/surgeries that men can have that can help. Most insurance companies would likely pay for those.

Have you heard of Botox injections that women get in their face that paralyze their wrinkles and then their wrinkles disappear and they look much younger? One of the procedures you can do as an adult, or you can even do it at your age if you had your mom‘s permission, is you would go to the doctors office, they would stick a plastic tube in your urethra, and then they would give you injections of Botox in your bladder to paralyze your bladder so that you don’t have any more accidents for the next 3 to 12 months. That’s what I do. There *are* some solutions, just not cures.

Maybe next time your grandma‘s giving you sass, you can snap back at her, “What’s wrong with *you*, grandma, why are *you* wearing Depend? You know it’s a medical condition! If you want to know what’s wrong with me, then take me to the urologist! I don’t wet on purpose, and I never have! If you get off my back and quit stressing me out so much, I’ll wet less. But the more you stress me out, the worse it gets!!!”

Also, that alarm clock trick she’s doing on you is never going to work. All kinds of people here have tried it, and their parents forced it on them and it never, ever works. All it does is give you sleep deprivation.

The reason she’s wearing Depend could be any reason, but she may have a small bladder that you inherited from her own DNA! But most likely with most women, after they’ve had children and everything has been stretched out, they lose some bladder control with age.

I hope this helps. I hope just knowing that ***we*** here all support, understand, and care about you, can help lift you up and make you feel a better.

None of my friends really have any jobs. I talked to my grandma about letting me get a job and she said once summer comes I could.

That sounds super painful! Idk if I could go through them sticking something up there! I’d pass out.

I want to snap back at her, but I try not to. She just gets so annoyed at me whenever I say I need a new pullup. And I had an accident this afternoon, but I’ve been afraid to tell her I did so I’ve been trying to hide it. But I know if she comes in to wake me up tonight she’s gonna see the pullup is full and be mad at me. Should I tell her now or try and hide it?

It is a family thing with the bladder. Cause my grandma has problems and both my little sisters pee their pants too.
Diana said:
Does your school have a school nurse? If so, that person could discuss this problem with your grandmother and, perhaps, arrange for you to get the supplies that you need.

I can talk to the nurse maybe tomorrow. She might be able to talk to her, but I don’t think it will help. I have the supplies I need my grandma just keeps them in her room and makes me tell her when I’ve had an accident
Maymay941 said:
Perhaps since you are computer literate AND have some sort of insurance (if your mother got you meds which are expensive by the way) it is likely she has medical insurance covering you.
you can look up Areoflo urology and get contact phone number for your Grandma.

I do not endorse sassing at her verbally because you have to live with her and unfortunately a side effect of incontinence is having to COPE on a mature way like it or not.

I suggest you write her a letter to the effect of

Grandma i don't like it when we argued about my condition. As you know Mom took me to the doctor and the medication didn't work.
Some people are born with bladder conditions or small bladders .
Stress makes the problem worse.
Can I help you by doing my own laundry and washing my bed sheets?
I researched and found a company Areoflo urology that accepts insurance for paying for disposable underwear.
I'm trying to deal the best I can and not complain.
No one young would want this condition.

My mom use to have insurance at her old job, but she hasn’t had insurance for a year or two.

I’ll try and remember to write a letter out to her like u said and see if that works. I don’t normally leak out of my pull-ups most nights. So she never really does my bedding.
Sounds like you are a good listener Clayton, taking in ideas and sorting out what is useful and being proactive.
Thats really what it boils down to isnt it, being IN CONTROL of something we cant control (our mysterious bladders).

But you are being proactive taking charge of your situation, first by reaching out here to people who might have some good suggestions on how to live with this condition.(many who have not apparently seen or commented on your post have expressed earlier they dealt with incontinence since childhood).

Consider FlGuys idea of reseaching "diaper banks your city name" its a other avenue.

And it helps alittle to know bladder issues run in your family. Something to mention in your letter to your grandmother.
Proud of you for taking action to get a handle of the issue.
@Maymay941 how do I find a diaper bank? What would I google?

I wrote the letter a little bit ago so she might read it tonight when she comes to wake me up to go potty.

Yes, it’s sad cause where I know for a fact my grandma, aunt, and maybe my mom has bladder problems that it prob runs in our family. Both my little sisters have problems too but they are kinda young. One sister is only 9 and the other one is 13. Still thought before we started staying at my grandmas they would only maybe have 1 accident a week compared to my 1-2.

My one sister peed pullup after dinner when my other sister was taking too long in the shower, but my grandma was super understanding with her, but if I told her I peed myself she would be annoyed.

The worst day I’ve had so far was last Friday. I woken up 2 times in the night by my grandma and I had already peed myself. And then I had an accident and a small accident after dinner. And my grandma was so mad she made me sit on the toilet from 7pm-10pm so I would stop wetting and going through so many pull-ups.

I feel like mainly it’s the stress, but idk what to do at this point.
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