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So I've always tried to hold it. Desperate to be normal. Even when I know an accident is unavoidable. Even when I have a pullup on. I just HATE admitting to myself that I'm not going to get to the toilet in time. Well a little earlier somethimg clicked in my mind. I suddenly had to pee. Bad.The normal feelings of panic, embarrassment, discomfort, hoping desperately that I wouldn't have an accident.And then I thought. "You have a pullup on. What's the worst that can happen? Take control." Control?? What an odd concept for soneone who struggles with wetting their pants. So as I hurried down the hall, I got that all too familiar feeling that it was about to be too late. So instead of panicking and struggling to hold it back and then feeling upset and ashamed when I couldn't, i let go, stopped fighting it and just peed. Then I quietly changed my pullup in the far stall and no one was the wiser. No,I'm not advocating being lazy and using your protection when you can get to the toilet, I'm just saying that if its pretty obvious you're not going to make it, you can take that bit of control over a situation that normally gives you feelings of shame and helplessness. Kind of a reverse psychology. Don't fight the inevitable; take charge of it. Strange but I didn't feel quite so bad about my accident when I handled it like that. I took control. Instead of ending up wetting my pants and the floor trying to get my clothes down in time, realizing it was inevitable, I made the best of a bad situation. Maybe a bit strange but it really helped my mindset to take charge where I could. Food for thought.