just not ready

Mike James, I agree. To some, the act or even just thinking or considering going to a doctor can be more fearful than the bad news or diagnosis they might receive. Even if it's good news. I've had patients/clients who saw doctors as a last resort upon pain of death! Others it was a fear of being seen down belo. Especially the older female clients. Showing up in a diaper, even in front of medical professionals, is a huge issue. So, as you said, many do not see a doctor or even report their new issues of incontinence, especially bowel incontinence. Many seek advice online, but I feel like some go online knowing they will be urged to seek medical help. It's like getting a pep talk. "If enough people tell me to go, then maybe I'll go". I completely see the other side too. It can become too repetitive to constantly read the words, "see a doctor". But this is from those who have gotten help from a doctor. To the newbie, it's good advice. To the experienced, it's old news. But we can't assume who is new or experienced, who has seen a doctor and who hasn't. So we go with the safe answer, the one answer that may annoy some, but can never be a wrong one. Go see a doctor.

So here are my thoughts on 'just not ready'. When my bedwetting started in my teen thankfully it was very very rarely so while my bedwetting was disturbing it was manageable wetting only a few times a year. However there were times then and in my 20's where I could not chance a wet bed. No matter how infrequent they were I could not leave it to faith (staying over at friends or family and the like). So my just not ready, but did what I knew I had to do I bought myself some Goodnites to wear during those times.

Now talk about embarrassing, humiliating and just awkward .. me buying Goodnites as a teen. I'd tell myself that no one knew they were for me, but In my mind I said everyone will know you wet your bed.

The thing is, I did it, embarrassing as it was, but I did it. And you can too. You are taking care of yourself and your needs. Never be ashamed to do what you need to do fro yourself.

Mike The MAJORITY of people on this forum do and have been going to doctors and specialists for YEARS with either limited or no results and in some cases a WORSENING of condition. Your statement that the majority of people on the forum are the few is not correct. It's just the opposite. I suggest you read some of the posts on this forum, it might open YOUR eyes to a real world reality check.

You made it a point to quote me but the problem is you didn't comprehend my post. I NEVER suggested for someone to not go to the doctor. You twisted my quote to fit your agenda. The next time you quote someone make sure you comprehend the context.

You state that I am making something out of nothing ? This coming from someone who made a Broadway production out of the guy that was a diaper lover ? You state that I am taking it personal and to get thicker skin ? This coming from someone who singled me out even though I did not single you out ? My previous post was generic without naming or singling any specific user out. May I suggest you get thicker skin and give the same diligence and degree of support to the users of this forum as you do doctors.
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