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I am 67 year old and I am 2.5 months into living without a prostrate. I have major leakage all day and all night. From what I read I may be expecting too much improvement in the short period of time since my radical prostectomy! I go through about 5-6 depends a 24 hour period I do let them get pretty full before changing. I do kegels but I just can’t seem to be able to hold back the huge rushes when I stand up from sitting or laying down. I am pretty frustrated with all this but this forum has helped me realize I’m not alone!
I still go through 2-3 pads a day and my operation was 2.5 years ago. I’m very frustrated and probably be this way with leakage for the rest of my life. Oh well it’s better than having cancer.
I’m sure things will get better for you. I think I’m an exception to the one year rule of improving in a year.
I had salvage radiation after RP, and that caused me to leak 40+ ounces per day. So, after 2.5 years, I had the Artificial Urinary Sphincter implanted, and that has been like a miracle. I suggest doing everything that the doctors suggest to regain control, but the AUS can be a good option.
Welcome to the forum. 2.5 months is way to early to expect much improvement. It takes up to a year to recover continence and then there’s options available to help if you are not where you want to be. Have patience as you elected to aggressively treat your cancer and get a cure. Congratulations on being cancer free! Hopefully You will regain continence as most do. If not (as I did not) there are options.
That’s the great thing about this forum. We all understand exactly where you are and how you feel. We’ve all been there. We are all pulling for you.
I couldn’t recover continence despite trying everything and ultimately elected to get an AUS. I’m now dry and happy as well as cancer free. Keep hanging in there, hopefully you will continue to make improvements. It’s weeks and months rather than days for those nerves and muscles to heal.
Rdj67, recovery is a unique thing for all victims. You’ve got a long way to go, and stay cancer free. I’m 76, RP 6 years ago. If I am not active, which doesn’t apply to me as I push the physical envelope with exercise almost daily, I’d probably be drier instead of 2-3/pads/day. But I prefer to live my life as energetically as possible.

Don’t apply ‘rules’ you’ve read or been told by your urologist to your individual status. Many guys here have been told or not told things by urologists, as you’ll read in the forum. But you’re in good, honest company here!
I am 78 yrs old and 4.5
yrs post radical prostate surgery. My spincture muscle was damaged during surgery or radiation. No one will make decision.

I have 100% incontinence

I also have CHF and take lasix and other diuretics which doesn’t help. I use external Cathaters from Men’s Liberty and RHO suspension
Under wear. They are the best option I’ve found. I am active. I fish,teach bible study etc.

If you send me an email I can give you information. My insurance pays 100%’
Good luck to you RDJ67, you’re in the right place for information from a lot of experienced people. I must say too that it’s still too early to see improvement. But considering your age it’s a good chance you might not get full control again. Hope you do but if you don’t there are other solutions. I’m 69 and my surgery was just about 4 years ago. Still had leakage problems until about a year and a half ago. Then I had the AUS surgery. It was life changing. It’s one of your options if you still have problems down the road. Good luck to you and keep doing kegels.
I'm 74 and most of my prostate has been taken based on green laser light surgery in 2021 where 65% was removed and then a TURP procedure that took all but 5%, based on what the doctor told me after that emergency surgery in 2022 for a swollen testicle (epididymo-orchitis). After those procedures, I learned my urgency issue had to do with OAB (OverActive Bladder). I've had 4 Interstim devices implanted to deal with that since 2017. One worked for two years and two were implanted improperly. The fourth worked to some degree and I still have it implanted. The thing that finally has gotten my quality of life back was to have Botox injections into my bladder (Thanks again, @snow!!).

I share this with you, @Rdj67, in case it has value to you in your situation. As has been stated previously, this is an individual thing, but time seems to be the best healer along with Kegels.

Have you been checked for OAB? That might be worthwhile after you've had some time to heal from your procedure.

Please know every person on this forum is here to listen and help when he or she can.

Best wishes to you.
Hello, and welcome! I am 3 1/2 months post RP and have recently seen some success. I was using 8-10 maximum protection "diapers" in a day, including 1 or 2 at night. A couple of weeks ago, I was all of a sudden, dry at night. In the last week I've been able to "hold" some until I use the toilet/urinal, about once an hour. I've been using "only" 4 or 5 per day now. I still leak when I walk, stand up, cough, push, pull etc. I think part of the process will be learning to hold it with a kegel (which I can) when doing these things.
I'd recommend seeing a pelvic floor therapist, to make sure that you are doing your kegels properly and for strengthening exercises. I know all are different, but success is slow. My PSA came back as undetectable, so there's that too!
The fact that you've found this forum means that your motivation and attitude are better than some!
Ricard said:
I had salvage radiation after RP, and that caused me to leak 40+ ounces per day. So, after 2.5 years, I had the Artificial Urinary Sphincter implanted, and that has been like a miracle. I suggest doing everything that the doctors suggest to regain control, but the AUS can be a good option.
How long have you had the AUS and is there any leakage or anything else that you think I should be aware of?
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