Stress Incontinence and alternate solution


Staff member
I am posting this in the hope that someone will be able to benefit from it.....

I am almost 1 year post Robotic Laproscopic Radical Prostectomy. Surgery and Recovery went well, got back to work (self employed so can pretty much set my own schedule). Met with my Doctors regularly and really put a strong emphasis into doing kegels every single day. There was good progress, but I needed to use a Depends Guard Pad all the time. My pad usage was higher than necessary, I hate the discomfort of partially damp pad. From the time of the biopsy I no longer sleep all the way through, normally up at least 2 if not 4 times a night....but the pads were 99.9% dry at night. I consider myself lucky because the Doctors sent my tissue samples off to GenomeDX for study and forecasting. Came back 31% likely to recur within 5 years so I am now moving into Preventive Radiation Therapy for 8 weeks.

My primary concern since surgery has been the leakage, mostly stress (cough, muscle use, sit/stand, etc) related. First time in my life I was dealing with it. I talked with the Doctors, their staff and did all kinds of reading on high percentage good solutions....none of the surgeries have good results and they dont last Radiation is nearing I got concerned because I would not have a pad on....

However, I expressed my concerns about leakage to the Radiation Tech on my 1st appointment....whalla! There is a solution. A Bard Incontinence Clamp.

I have to emphasize that these work good for me BUT you must follow the instructions and monitor your own situation carefully. The tech stressed not to keep it on longer than 1.5 hours and to move it slightly when reapplying so as not to keep clamping the same area of the could collapse which would be bad.

I have gone from many pads a day to 3, I purposely remove the clamp in the evening for a few hours prior to not wear it to bed (too long to go). BUT.....I remove the clamp and empty my bladder every 1 to 1.5 hours, if not sooner...depends on what it is telling me. As I understand it if you the user does not follow the instructions carefully they risk a number of problems - one being a UTI.

Although this is not a cure or fix to Stress Incontinence, for me it is a solution to the wet and related concerns - which I greatly appreciate.

I suggest anyone interested go to the BARD INCONTINENCE CLAMP site and read their information as well as the many users helped me a lot.

Good luck!
I guess my biggest fear here would be the cumulative effects of sleep deprivation. If you can never sleep longer than an hour or an hour and a half, over time this could make your driving hazardous, not to mention the influence of sleep deprivation on other activities of daily living.
Patrick, Thanks for your concern. Personally I dont have an issue with it. As long as I can remember I have been a short cycle sleeper, sometimes if sick or medicated I would go 6+ hours. But I have functioned fine on short sleep that I don't drink much caffeine its rare that I go a couple days without sleep. (Pulse and BP are fine too) I'm getting this into a routine....once a week I keep going back to bed until I'm 7+ at which time my joints/muscles start to complain.
I have the Bard Clamp and like u said you have to take it off in about an hour bcs the clamp cuts off circulation some. The Bard Clamp is an older style and cheaper than other clamps which is why it is recommended more. It helps but depending on your job it will hard going to the bathroom every hour
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