Hello and Intro.


Staff member
Hi, I am Genevieve. I am a 33yr old female from Georgia. I have had bladder issues most of my life. My bladder issues were made worse and were joined by bowel issues at 20yrs of age. This was due to a back injury. Yes, I have a SCI(spinal cord injury).
I am here to help give support and learn from others how they cope. I hope this thread get to all and all are fairing well.
You have almost the exact same name as a woman who just recently left this forum. She was Djenn1968, but she was supposedly in her 60’s but had a picture of a young woman wearing a diaper.
Oh, ok. That was not me. "djenn1968rome" is just a nandle that I decided to to use. Spaz, I am not an idiot. Do not be a blasted troll!!
You have basically the EXACT same name as the person who was banned. You have racy profile picture. You write pretty much exactly like said banned person. You are not fooling anyone. You are the troll and need to get the hell out.
They changed their picture after I said something. It was a woman in a bra and underwear. This crap gets old. I don't need someone getting their thrills off of my medical issues.
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