Has anyone overcome Bedwetting


Staff member
Has anybody who suffers/suffered from bedwetting actually cured it? I've read about things such as classical conditioning, limiting water intake and other things, but nothing has worked for me. I really try not to wear diapers as I want to stop the bedwetting at the source. Anyone have any advice?
I stopped it when I was 9, seems like I outgrew it. Diapers prevented a wet bed. Now that it is back at 68, diapers once again give me a good nights rest. If I out grow it this time,something says it will really be the end.
Wonder how a bed wetting alarm would work for you? Watch your diet and liquid intake. NSAID's seem to lessen the urgency for me.
I haven't had any success but my problem is due to weakening muscles and the surgeries just aren't an option for me. Life is full of twists and turns and I am not going to let this one stop me although it does cause bouts of depression I am just trying to deal with it day by day. Good luck and do lots of research there are options out there!!
So far I've tried a bed wetting alarm twice. I've limited water and food intake, I've limited caffeine, I also tried to void several times throughout the day in order to ensure my bladder is never full, and I've set a nightly alarm in the middle of the night to wake me up before I go.. But nothing has worked.
Ya I've tried the same but always wake up wet or wetting and can't stop. It's frustrating as heck but you just have to come to terms with it and the struggles it comes with. I'm sure you will find a solution that works for you!!
There are some nights that I wake up dry. Most nights are wet. Thank god for diapers. I have come to terms with myself on wearing diapers at night. I have also fallin into the daytime wetting also. Not as much as during the night. I have to wear the more expensive diapers at night do to heavy wettings. I was told from my doctor that I have OAB. He has given me all kinds of meds. Nothing works for me. He tried to get me into having surgery. I did not want to go that route just in case it didn't work out. So, I deal with wearing the diapers.
My daughter has been thru it all alarms, getting up 1 to 2 X's a night,diapers! The best thing that worked was DDAVP meds. She's 29.

Something strange but wonderful is happening. She has gone several nights without pills or wetting! Extremely exciting as you all can imagine!

It's almost as though she jinxed herself when she told me about her great news, the bedwetting seems to be returning, not as bad as it was but such an extreme let down!

To look at the positive side maybe all is not lost!

Good luck to all of the bed wetters, hopefully a cure will be found, though the diaper business sure is laughing all the way to the bank! Such a huge user group and continuing to grow in leaps and bounds! Susan
I tried immaprine and DDAVP I believe were the two during university and did notice a difference. On the pills I would wet a couple times a months and without them its a couple times a weeks (if I'm lucky). I just don't want to depend on pills or diapers my whole life. I'm still so young.
Back in the 60's, I was an older kid then a teen bedwetter. Untill 12/13 I had no dry nites, I was finally cured aged 14.5 by the alarm, at that moment I still wetted 2-3 times a week.
I was not punished for sleepwetting but at the time my Mumm had clear rules: I had to wear plastic pants and diapers to bed (first used towels and then the first disposables for the last 2-3 years) plus matress vinyl cover plus liquid restriction in the evening.
I was the eldest of 3 and the only one with the condition, my siblings often managed to bully me.
Now I am 63 and after prostate surgery 4 years ago I am back to sleepwetting (several times a month) with no hope for improvement.
Bedwetting diapers have indeed improved as compared to the late 60's. However the shame to have to wear them is still the same.
I wet the bed till I was 15 and I was a very heavy wetter every night. I wanted very much to be able to wear diapers I hated waking up wet from head to toe everyday and having a room that smelled like a diaper pail. Would rather have woke up in a warm wet diaper then a cold wet bed and all I ever got was a plastic sheet in my bed.
Sorry, I think the majority are misinterpreting my question. I'm aware diapers are a good way to stop discomfort of wetting, but I'm more interested in those who have overcome wetting completely and would like to know how.
Hi, I wrote earlier saying that my daughter seems to be finally having some success with dry nights without taking her DDAVD meds at night.

We were told by so many specialists that it should improve with time. I'm sure, you, like her, didn't like that answer 1 little bit. Next month she's going back to another specialist!

Maybe her "time" is slowly, very slowly coming! I can't help but wonder if no one has achieved total success! There are a few who were lucky enough to be able to have surgical procedures but same as any surgeries etc. nothing, absolutely nothing is guaranteed!

Keep trying to find a cure but please make sure you share it here, alot of people are asking the same thing you are! Susan
Thank you Susan!

Other than the pills my doctor hasn't given me any option.. he pretty much said the pills were my last resort. I didn't even know surgery existed until I came on this site. I agree with you though!! If anyone has any advice on how to stop the thing for good please share. I don't want to rely on medication or a diaper for the rest of my life.

I always joke that by the time I have kids in diapers, I want to be out of diapers.
I will definitely be following this thread. I'm 21 and have wet all my life. I was on imipramine for a few years and it definitely helped significantly but there were still some wet nights. I would still be on the pills but I changed doctors and have been having issues and now it's back to being wet almost every night 🙁.

The level of frustration I have at medical professionals is astronomical. Why is it they'll tell us "oh it's really a very common thing but we have no foolproof cure yet"? If it's honestly that common why have they not put in the time to find a way to solve this. Many times I'm told they're never even sure why it occurs. I'm married, I want to have a family some time but I don't want to possibly pass this on without knowing my child will have better resources. Sorry about this ending up as a rant.

But I am definitely on board with having a cure found and would love to hear if anybody has found something that works.
No such luck for me. My bedwetting started early last year. Just started one night and slowly became an every night thing. I decided to wear diapers when it got to be a 3+ times per week issue but planned that to only be temporary. Then i started having daytime urgency and eventually started having a few daytime accidents. Went from guards to pullups to diapers 24/7. I was diagnosed with OAB. I had the whole slew of urology tests done, tried a bunch of meds. Tried kegels and bladder training and other behavioral modifications but had no real success. I may consider discussing surgical options but i needed a break from the poking and prodding.

Im so used to wearing diapers to bed that honestly the bedwetting isnt a big deal to me anymore. My wife is very supportive and accepting. Diapers allow me to manage it very well. I HATE having to wear diapers during the day but theyre better than wet pants.

I definitely get the reluctance to give in to diapers. See a urologist and get a diagnosis and go from there. LOTS of people get a fix whether its meds or surgery and the successful people tend not to hang around boards like this so dont think its hopeless for you based on our lack of success. Worst case if yours only stays as a night time problem is wearing diapers to bed. Trust me that you can get used to that and live a very normal life. Even being in diapers 247, i live quite normally.

I honestly have trouble even falling asleep now of im not wearing a diaper. Its become much a routine and mundane non-event for me. Im hoping my daytime wearing acceptance level will continue to improve bc i honestly think im in diapers for the long haul :/
Hi LovelyPhoenix, love the name!

Personally I really don't think that there will be much progress in finding cures for urinary incontinence. The only way would be for everyone to start making an awful lot of noise!

Also there will be trouble getting grants, financing etc. Do you think the diaper manufacturers are going to support any research? I don't think so, they've really hit a gold mine!

I also feel that they are making so many changes to the diapers is to generate more interest in their product and more money for them!

So that's the way I see it, that's my rant!
Lovely Phoenix

Sounds like we are on the same boat. I know that diapers will ease the problem but I still feel so young that I want to get rid of the problem completely. I joke that when I have a kid who wets the bed he/she is going to come to my room when he pees, and I'm already gonna be squished on my boyfriend's side of the bed because I peed also... so silly.
Bed wetting is a very complex issue with many know causes and some not so know. As we see from responses here and other places The causes are many and encompass many medical specialty's, so it is no wonder why so few doctors truly understand bed wetting. I believe the causes vary widely thru various age groups. Certainly a 5 year old may not have the same causes as a 45 year old, but sometimes they may. If this sounds confusing, it is, because it is. Consider some of the known cures and causes. Drugs, surgery,sleep modification, diet change, allergies, chiropractic, neurological implications, psychological issues, birth defects, prostate care, child birth, heredity, etc. You would need a doctor well versed in many specialties to cure some of the difficult enuresis cases. Did I mention a doctor that is really dedicated.
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