Favorite thing about the NAFC Message Boards

My favorite thing is that people can ask whatever they need to ask without fear of being embarrassed. No one can really identify you. This is a safe place.
Agree. People are very respectful and quick to offer advice.

Only downside is the boards aren't very active.
I agree with what has been stated. I feel I can ask a somewhat embarrassing question without being embarrassed. I'm still fighting with the stigma attached to adults that need to wear diapers. Message boards like this one help me with my anxiety.
The opportunity to be honest is critically important to me. I am thankful as well for the assistance and willingness of others to share and sympathize. My hope is that I can be as great a blessing to you all as you all have been to me.
I found it mind blowing just seeing the # of people with urinary problems here, so can you imagine how many there really are?

It's great to read the moral and educational etc support so many give here.

Hopefully thru word of mouth the number who post will Grow!
All of the above. This forum is exactly what people need who are seeking help and answers for their concerns.
Hi! Incontinence seems more difficult and embarrassing than many other health issues. Remember that everybody has something! If you're a woman, maybe you feel like you should be a Size 10 when you REALLY ARE A 16! Maybe some men who are 5'6" feel like they would rather be 6'2". Maybe you're not athletic but everyone you know is either running a marathon, or hiking or climbing walls. Eventually, every one of us will probably be dealing with some health issue. I think that this cite is wonderful because people are able to share their concerns and so many people generously offer advice. Everyone is always kind, respectful and understanding. I appreciate everyone who responds on this forum.
Hearing other's stories and learning about other's struggles is inspiring to me. We're all facing the same battles. That's my favorite thing about this forum. Somebody may offer a different perspective on a problem that I have, or I may be able to provide some insight to help somebody else.
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