ED? Can this topic be discussed here???

Has anyone tried BiMix? Urologists can prescribe it.
"Bimix Injections for Treatment of Poor Erections and Inability to Keep Erection."
and: "Bimix refers to a class of medications that contains 2 components: papaverine and phentolamine."
There is a TriMix, too.
Some in my support group also endorse it.
Also a note that reactions vary per individual, so the dose does too.
Mayo Clinic has it on their website; just search for "bimix".
If you do a general web-search, be careful which site choose. ED is a subject scammers like to take advantage of.
In WIKI, search for "Intracavernous injection"
It can only come from what is called a "compounding pharmacy", and only some of those. Not every state has one, so it ships via climate-controlled packaging. My impression is that a lot of Insurances don't cover it, but I could be wrong.
Good luck.
At this point I would be willing to try something else. Cialis does very little if anything for me. I am contemplating scheduling an appointment to see what else I can try.
I am incontinent and impotent due to a neurological disorder. I experience not only the inability to get an erection but also the lack of longing to have sex or an orgasm. I can get an orgasm without an erection but it takes quite some time because I don't have much feeling below.
I wonder if more men feel less interest for having sex as they got erectile disfunction?

I am 47 years old. More or less incontinent all my life and impotent for about 10 years.
I wouldn’t say I have less interest. It just seems futile when trying, not to mention the level of embarrassment that goes along with attempts.
Alh63 -- Why do you feel embarrassed? Has anyone ever shamed you for not having an erection? Perhaps it would be a good idea to see a therapist about your embarrassment.
No one has shamed me. It is more of a personal thing with me. My wife and I have been married over 33 years and she has not had a great deal of interest in physical contact for some time anyway. I guess that’s why it is embarrassing for me because it takes so long to become slightly aroused.

My next visit to the urologist will definitely involve the Trimix conversation and beginning trials with it.
@Alh63 I'm in a similar position to you mate, married 38 years, great marriage, great friend, soulmate and life partner ~ but she also has had declining interest in sex or even sex play in recent years so my windows of opportunity are small. So like you it is more a personal thing with me, plus I still find her very physically attractive and it is very frustrating for me as prior to surgery I had always found it very easy to become aroused with her. My next appointment with my Urologist is in 4 weeks time at 7 months post surgery and we had already agreed when making this appointment that if I had my incontinence pretty much under control we would start looking at ED options.
@pegasi99 I think embarrassment to some level is normal, even in a longtime relationship. I have seen a psychologist and mentioned my embarrassment for being incontinent and impotent. His reaction was it takes 2 to cope with it. Myself and the one i feel embarrassed toward. I can talk to my wife and explain my fears, feelings, shame and thoughts I have about my condition and she is very understanding. Still sometimes i feel ashamed. I can not fulfill her needs and it is not only physical but also hormonal. And I certainly can not discuss this with others in situations where i feel different. Shame and embarrassment is not always something you have to overcome. It is also a normal part of life.
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