ED? Can this topic be discussed here???


Staff member
I've posted once about incontinence in this forum and received a lot of knowledgeable opinions. I am thankful.
Would this be the right forum for ED questions and expectations along with others personal experiences as to when is a reasonable time table to see anything going on down there?
If not, can someone point me in the right direction for knowledgeable input of others experiences!
... this question followed a radical prostatectomy in January 28th. 49 year old. Double nerve sparing.
What's a realistic time table? I read some people gain erections within days naturally... Some within months with meds... Some never.
I get the part that we are all different.
But damn!! One might worry himself into a heart attack trying to figure what category he fits in.
Any take on this
I would like to discuss the subject of ED; A subject near and dear to my heart. :) I am 75 years old, 10 months post surgery in reasonably good health. I exercise regularly and do kegels each day. I take 5 mg of cialis daily and inject myself twice per week.
Injections are working but it is a bit difficult motivating myself to stick my penis with a needle, and there is no spontaneity. But this is better than nothing. Also it seems there is some movement, especially when I wake up in the morning, a mild erection. I hope this post gets a discussion going.
63 years old, consider myself in good shape, and 18 months post prostatectomy. ED is definitely a issue. Viagra and pump haven’t really worked and I have no desire to do injections. I’m cancer free and that’s the important part. Someone jokingly told me prostate cancer is nature’s way of telling you your role of fathering children is over😂. Time to just enjoy being alive and otherwise healthy.
I am 67 yo (today 🍺 ) and 5 1/2 months post surgery, nerves on one side spared. My Urologist told me at 1 mth postop consultation that he expected I would have a 60 - 70% chance of regaining natural erections by around the 12 month or so mark postop and put me on 5mg daily dose of Tadalafil, explaining that this would maintain blood flow to my penis and help prevent wasting/shrinkage.

At 3 mth postop consult my PSA levels were "undetectable" which is the result we wanted. He booked me to see him again at 7 mths post-op when he expected I would have incontinence pretty much under control and be dry enough to start dealing with the ED via pump, injections etc. He maintained the 5mg daily dose of Tadalafil and I am booked in to see him again 22 March for another PSA test and to start working on ED.

I have found the Tadalafil does keep my penis engorged and has prevented shrinkage :). Despite feeling some sensation in my penis I haven't been able to gain any stiffness at all to date despite experimenting with manual and visual stimulation in the last few weeks now my incontinence is much better. I have been able to generate a mild dry (no fluid) orgasm of sorts, but no stiffness at all yet. I am taking the sensation I am feeling as a positive sign and am looking forward to my next Urologist appointment.
I say go for it. I just started w 3 of the blue pills to see. Not a subject I like at all and my wife gets very upset with me over it. Funny as diapers don't concern her at all?
Ty 4 your input.
Hate that your end result is what it is...
I'm hopeful for a different outcome myself... I'm not ready to... Just be thankful for life. Selfish? Maybe so... 😬

Ty 4 your input as well. I am scheduled in a few weeks.. March 4th for a follow up with my urologist. I believe that at that time I will be prescribed a small dosage of Cialis to get blood flow going again.

I was also told my nerves were wrapped in umbilical tissue to help regenerate them. Is this a common practice as well?
At 49 years old, and double nerve sparing, I’d say your chances for a positive ED outcome should be pretty good. Best of luck to you and fight the good fight. At my age things were ramping down anyway so I’m very happy to be able to enjoy my motorcycles and time with family at this point in my life.
I'm 73 and a year since my prostate being removed. I also had nerve-sparing surgery. I take 5 mg of Tadalafil before going to bed. I had an easier time with ED than I had with incontinence. I had my first erection a month after surgery and haven't any problems since. I also use a medical type penile pump twice a day to keep blood flowing through the penis. If that occurred at my age, you should be fine but give it time.
@Wowjustwow It has been six months for me post-surgery, and I still have ED. Viagra and Cialis have not helped, and they both caused intolerable side effects. I plan to start generic Levitra tonight. I'm hoping I start to feel some stirrings down there with the new medication, though I can't say that I'm optimistic. It's been very frustrating because I still have a sex drive, but I am incapable of getting much satisfaction. I can have a dry orgasm without an erection, but it just feels unsatisfying. I have nerve-sparing on one side, and I had no problems getting erections pre-surgery, but I do have Type-2 diabetes, which can interfere with recovery. My surgeon doesn't seem concerned, but I very much want to experience an erection again.
Wowjustwow said:

Ty 4 your input as well. I am scheduled in a few weeks.. March 4th for a follow up with my urologist. I believe that at that time I will be prescribed a small dosage of Cialis to get blood flow going again.

I was also told my nerves were wrapped in umbilical tissue to help regenerate them. Is this a common practice as well?

Sorry, I have no idea about wrapping the nerves in umbilical tissue, my Urologist didn't say anything apart from he was able to spare the nerves on the left side. He said he considered also sparing the right side as the cancer had not actually grown into them yet but it was very close to them and I had instructed him prior to the op to do whatever he thought necessary to give me the best chance of avoiding any need for post-op chemotherapy or radiation treatments, so I was happy enough that he chose not to.

Ty 4 your input. I'm sorry for your pain. I believe that the entire ED thing can be and is overwhelming. Holy S#!t!!
At 6 months, I have to believe that's still considered a early stage.
What kinda side effects from the medicine did you have?
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