Early Post Robotic prostate surgery Leaking Advice


Staff member
Just had robotic prostate surgery 2 weeks ago. I know it’s early to see much improvement, but like advice on leaking. There are times during the day I leak with almost any movement(walking, changing sitting positions, standing). And it’s heavy leaking. Like a squirt with every step. Other times during the day are much better. My question is do I fight it every time I feel the leaking or just let it go? Doesn’t seem to help if I try to stop it anyway.
You will hear that it takes time, and it will. I had surgery in July 2021 and was using pads until March the next year. You won’t see big improvement day to day but when you look back the improvement will be more obvious.
This too shall pass.
Don’t fight it. Make sure you are doing your kegels regularly to strengthen the sphincter muscle and hopefully you will see improvement in the coming days and weeks.
I had RP surgery Nov 21,2023 and the first 2 days after they removed the catheter were scary as all heck. But after 6 months I am down to 1 pad a day and sometimes 2 but getting rarer as time goes by.
I have been doing kegels since 10 days after the surgery and not necessarily too many but about 20 to 50 per day spread out over the day!
And the pads I a a m using now are the thin ones…….so much more comfortable this way.
Good luck on your journey.
I had a Foley until 3 weeks post surgery so you are already much better than I was. Hang in there. Do your kegels and be patient. The last part was the hardest for me.
@KLP You have to consider what was done to to remove your prostate. It is part of your urethra. The pathway urine travels from your bladder and out of your body. I large part of that anatomy was cut out. Also there are potential nerves that were either spared or not. There are two sphincters that control urine flow. Kegels may improve one or both. It is way too early for you to know. See the attached article. Stay patient and keep positive attitude. Good luck!

clickable text
El día 22 de Marzo me sometí a una RP robótica da vinci en hospital Sanitas de Barcelona(anteriormente tuve una vaporreseccion co láser thulium)después de dos meses llevo una toallita delgada durante el día por si acaso. Tengo pequeñas fugas si realizo mucho esfuerzo y deporte de intensidad. He mejorado mucho en casi dos meses, ninguna fuga nocturna tampoco hay fugas sentado ni en movimiento normal. Cuando camino con intensidad por algo más de 9 km suelo tener alguna pequeña fuga pero cada día hay mejoría. Control de la orina y buen chorro. Se preservaron los nervios de ereccion y tengo buenas relaciones con ereccion por el poco tiempo que hace desde la operación. De momento estoy muy contento con la decisión tomada. Tengo 64 años. Espero que te sirva mi comentario
Gracias Klew11. En este tipo de operación robótica como en otros tipos de intervenciones es muy importante la experiencia y habilidades del cirujano así como el estado físico general del paciente para una pronta recuperación
If you are in a horizontal position ,you should not leak and you can run to the bathroom. I think the pelvic floor muscles need two,three,or four months to develop. That was my experience from my procedure five months now.
Eso es muy cierto. He tenido mi parte de dificultades, pero feliz de tener un psa no detectable. Me pregunto si debería haber buscado una segunda opinión.
Everybody is different so we all heal differently . Let's not forget the most important aspect of it all : experience and skill of your surgeon. Also what day is he having, good or bad. God forbid on the day of the surgery he found out his young wife is leaving him taking half of his assets with her and her new lover. You get the picture? 😃
I am 3 weeks from prostrate removal. I have had more bad days than good. I do my kegels on daily basis. I am up to 66/day. I never wet the bed. It’s hard but I am just praying it gets better.
On another subject, I had a catheter in me for 1 week. It was the worst experience of my life. My penis still hurts. I was leaking with the catheter in me. Just a horrible experience.
@Health26.. be sure not to overdo it with the kegels. It is possible to cause fatigue with the sphincter muscle which can make things worse. It’s generally recommended to do sets of 10 3-4 times a day.
My experience was similar but had catheter for 3 weeks due to complications and bleeding. Horrible 3 weeks. Hang in there. You are very early in the process. Year and half post RP I am down to one thin pad per day. The hardest part for me was to have patience.
I'm 6 months since surgery this week and use 2 to 3 pads per day. It seems that if I have liquid in me, I leak. I'm good thru the night and wake when I have to go. But during the day it generally sucks. I mowed the lawn this afternoon, got a shower and put on a new pad. It was on only about 2 hours and it was soaked. I am doing the Kegels and went to pelvic floor pt. I have seen no improvement over the last 2 to 3 months. I am beyond frustrated.
@Chesco In June I have set up an appointment with a Physical therapist. They have a special program for incontinince. I have heard Good things about this program
Chesco did your PT evaluated your PFM. Sometimes in desperation we are weakening them with too many exercises.

I didn't see any progress for 2 months. Did Kegel exs. and followed PT's recommendations.

It proved to be very difficult and frustrating day to day existence . Little progress was made until my PT noticed that my PFM are extremely tense , perhaps due to overzealous approach on my part or simply too many exercises on top of long daily walks and stationary bike rides. She suggested to cut my Kegels to only 15 reps 3 times a day while concentrating more on longer relaxation. Soon after I have noticed huge difference. Last few days I was able to do 3 hrs walk on a treadmill and remain dry. Still leaking during walks outside perhaps due to uneven ground placing more pressure on the bladder. Also at the end of the day leaks occur more often than not since I gather PFM are tired at the end of the day from our daily routine. I had my surgery aprx 3 months ago.
Thanks Josh. I have questioned whether I'm doing too many Kegels and have by intention, skipped a day occasionally to see if rest made a difference. It has not. I do 4 sets of 10 Kegels daily holding each rep for 10 seconds. I guess I'll continue that routine and hope that to see improvement in the near future.
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