First, I understand your thought. As I either self cath or have a Foley, yes I'm strongly supported from my medical team. First, I did use a Duette probably for 2 years And contrary to what the medical community says on Foley's and the size. Nothing fits every patient. So back to the Duette, its a good product, my nurses commented and my Dr. said after a cystoscopy that my bladder wasn't scared up like a conventual Foley would do. But the main reason I had to stop using the Duette was constant UTI's, and horrible leakage. (Duette 16-18fr max) Several years ago my Dr. gave me 2 choices either go back too self cathing or he would demand surgery. I went back to self cathing.( I have isotopic bladder, horrible bladder spasms and pain, testicle issues)
I continued to have UTIs. So we (Dr.& I) decided on using a Foley using a Foley for a week or 2 or longer if everything was working as the Foley does good things also, like with me, it decompresses my bladder, and dilates my urethra which I need with my painful constant spasms. This is the procedure we are now doing. With me my bladder spasms settle down so to speak, when the nurse inserts a Foley.
What we found out regarding the 4-5 UTIs per years was I was using a belly bag, and my bladder could not push the urine into the bag, so it would stay in bladder and eventually infection started. The infection eventually colonized, and it was much worse. But going away from the belly bag, my UTIs got less.
Ok where this is all going is. I still self cath when I want, or if pain or other issues I can go into my PCP nurse as I did Friday and have a 24fr 30cc Foley(smaller Foleys leak horribly) inserted. I feel right now at peace. So you see I cannot use a Duette any longer. Like others as my nurse mentioned many times my Foleys still leak. But a pullup over the Foley during the day and a tape one is put on me at night. And so important to get plenty of rest. I start getting ready for bed at 830pm and into bed with my medications at 930pm
I have a working relationship with my PCP and my urology team, that listen and offer options and listen to mine.