Do you suffer from adult bedwetting?

Laura said:
Life long bed wetter. Have more of a handle on it now with protection. I wear diapers every day and night.

Well, Laura:
A number of us are out there and doing the same thing!
All in all, few are the wiser!

We can and do manage with protection, just so ya know.

All, thank you so much for your replies. And I agree with everyone who has said that "suffering" may be an inappropriate word. There are so many things that you can do to manage the condition that I hope no one has to truly suffer. Attitude is key and it sounds like there are some really great ones out there. Thank you all for sharing!
NAFC said:
All, thank you so much for your replies. And I agree with everyone who has said that "suffering" may be an inappropriate word. There are so many things that you can do to manage the condition that I hope no one has to truly suffer. Attitude is key and it sounds like there are some really great ones out there. Thank you all for sharing!


Yes...we may 'experience or manage' this. To say that suffering from enuresis / incontinence somehow indicates we can do nothing about it or even that pain is involved.

The word 'suffering' tends to elicit pity for us or relegation to a near sub-culture exclusionary term that seeks to set us aside as societal outcasts. Bah!

Assuredly we are NOT that. We take control, we stay in touch,
and continue to seek solutions, better products, support from others here and we even welcome a touch of humor in the process. Imagine that!

Take a negative (the 'suffering') and turn it to a positive.

We continue to seek better ways to manage.

You have entered a STIGMA-FREE ZONE and here we are.
Speaking of positives, Thanks to depend I'm enjoying Glacier National Park and Flathead Lake this week workout worrying about accidents. Had to share.
gbannister said:
Speaking of positives, Thanks to depend I'm enjoying Glacier National Park and Flathead Lake this week workout worr8ying about accidents. Had to share.

I think the Depend Underwearness marketing campaign really helped making incontinence acceptably mainstream.
I have a disease that affects both of my inner ears and makes me walk like a drunk. I manage it with hearing aids. My eyes do not work as well as they should, so I wear glasses. I wear diapers because my bladder and colon do not work as well as they should. However, passers-by would never guess that I need and wear them, unless I have an accident. I simply do what I need to do to manage and get on with life with minimal disruption to the lives around me.
I have just the last two nights started bed wetting. I used to as a child but that was years ago. I've made an appt with doc today , I'm baffled and worried
Been to the doctor he thinks it is because of all the worry and stress I am going through at the moment. I've bought some tena nigh time pads and some mattress protector pads just incase it hPpens tonight. Does anyone have any tips on how to help a stop it happening
30years old and still bedwetting,i get depressed and especially when i met a Guy ,i always avoid going to spend the nite in his house.on that faithful day i decided to go hoping that ll be my lucky day of a dry nite,it happened i almost died in shame and did i say he never called mi or picked my calls guess it was his loss :),i couldn't stand up it was a horrible experience. I lost hope thinking i was the only one in d world,but yesterday i found this forum that has changed my thot and i know as time goes i will get results
30years old and still bedwetting,i get depressed and especially when i met a Guy ,i always avoid going to spend the nite in his house.on that faithful day i decided to go hoping that ll be my lucky day of a dry nite,it happened i almost died in shame and did i say he never called mi or picked my calls guess it was his loss :),i couldn't stand up it was a horrible experience. I lost hope thinking i was the only one in d world,but yesterday i found this forum that has changed my thot and i know as time goes i will get results
Alexandraariche said:
30years old and still bedwetting,i get depressed and especially when i met a Guy ,i always avoid going to spend the nite in his house.on that faithful day i decided to go hoping that ll be my lucky day of a dry nite,it happened i almost died in shame and did i say he never called mi or picked my calls guess it was his loss :),i couldn't stand up it was a horrible experience. I lost hope thinking i was the only one in d world,but yesterday i found this forum that has changed my thot and i know as time goes i will get results


I do feel happy that you have found this forum and have decided to tell us about yourself. Those were important steps to help you find a treatment or accommodation to your enuresis (bed wetting) condition. There are many here who will offer support and good information. Please read through many of the post in this forum over the past few years and you will learn a lot.

I can only think of the many others world-wide in similar situations who may never reach out for support and medical treatment. That is indeed so sad that they will continue to feel alone, especially in the early years of life.

The national flag by your name indicates you are from Africa (Nigeria), so you probably learned 'British English'. I'm sure we probably have a few members here from the UK, but in most cases the translations of our U.S.A. terms and expressions will come clear on their own and we will understand your idioms.

We welcome you here!
Alexandra, my bedwetting only started this year...well not exactly, I wet once or twice a year my whole life, but over the past year or so it randomly started increasing in frequency and now is essentially every night with a dry night here and there. I was already married when this became a problem so I can't pretend to know what it's like to date with this issue. I wear diapers to bed and my wife is very understanding of it. Married or not, it was SO embarrassing for me when the time came to start wearing diapers. But it is what it is. Life goes on. I'm getting quite used to it now. Maybe I'll beat it one day, maybe I'll be in diapers forever. Whatever.

If you meet a person, think of your bedwetting as a good litmus test. If someone can't accept you for you, including your faults and imperfections, then they're NOT the right person for you anyway. MOST adults can accept things like this. The ones who can't arent' worth your time. While it's SO hard to be open about this, let someone see you in a diaper, it makes you feel so vulnerable. Vulnerability is NOT something I'm very used to as a man but I can honestly tell you I think it's made my wife and I MORE intimate (not sexually intimate but emotional closeness).

You only have one life. DON'T let incontinence define you or be the overriding factor that determines your life. Once I accepted that I needed diapers and started waking up in a dry bed, it was a huge weight lifted off. While I'd never tell lots of people, I'm not incredibly ashamed anymore. I buy my night time diapers online but I buy depends mens pullups at the local gocery store of pharmacy. The first time I bought them I was humiliated. Now I could care less. I'll walk right in, get what I need adn go about my day. I don't care what anyone thinks.
May I speak frankly as a wetter and a guy. If I'm really into the girl, I'm not looking at what she's taking off. I'm excited that she wants to be withe me and that's what matters. All I'm looking at is her.

Also, I'd like to echo Mike. The people who should matter don't care that I have to wear pullups and diapers.
I'am sorry Alex about the bad deal.I wet every night so can't take chance's my wife is understanding but not to wetness.Alex it is that guys missing out.Good luck
I am here to stop my worries and it helps me a lot, first I am not alone adult bedwetting second acceptance. The more I read the more I am happy to share my experience. Started years ago and the interval of wetting once is years too till I was diagnose having ovarian cyst and undergo operation twice. Then we move another country ( my job is a helper to an expat family) in this country it happen trice again couple years of interval and now recently twice happen this month of October that is why I am here. Just want to ask if anybody use alarm here on going to toilets to go during the night? Is it effective?
Hi Wilma. The alarm didn't work for me. I wet multiple times in the night, and while the alarm might have cut that down a little, I still needed to wear an adult diaper and all I really got out of it was sleep deprivation. Losing a good night's sleep wasn't worth the price of admission for me, especially since I was still wetting. If you give it a shot, I hope it works out for you. If your wetting is sporadic you might want to see a Doctor. It could be stress or something medical.
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