Do you suffer from adult bedwetting?


Staff member
Dear Users,
We at NAFC know the burden that bedwetting has on so many adults and we are working to expand our offering to this audience in the near future. In addition to offering more education, samples and coupons, we'd also like to feature some real-life stories from those who have struggled with this condition. So many people come to us thinking they are the only ones. Please help us show others that this condition affects many by sharing your story. All who share their story with us will remain confidential (we can use fake names). If you are interested in helping others by sharing your own experience, please send us a private message and we can work with you to craft your story. You will be helping many people by showing them they are not alone. Thank you, NAFC
Wether or not it's relevant my mother took D.E.S. To safeguard against miscarriage. My mother has always told me that she believed it caused my incontinence problems during the day and night. I wet and messed no matter what she tried. I've always worn diapers and use them more or less always. I'm not sure if I could become continent now. My mother explained it to me that some people never stop having "accidents" and kept me wearing diapers. So I knew others used the toilet but I never learned. I have memories of being changed in the women's room till I must have been 10. I had to carry the diaper bag when we went out, and pin on cloth diapers with plastic pants were all there was.
I had friends that all knew I wore diapers and I don't recall any bad memories. An embarrassing moment happened though while at a friends sleepover. During the night I had a diaper blowout that I couldn't deal with by myself and my friends mom had to change me and clean me up. All my friends were aware it happened but was nice about it. During elementary school my teacher was to check if I needed a change and sent me to the nurse if I did.
Every morning I wake up wet and messy most mornings and no control during the day. My doctor believes that congenital narrowing of the spine is actually the problem. I'm glad there are disposable diapers now!
As far back as I can remember, I've always struggled with incontinence and Have always worn some kind of projection - pull-ups with an insert during the day and a diaper at night. Thanks for sharing your story. I'll share mine when I get the chance to suit down and write.
I have been wetting about 15yrs due to diabetic and prostate problems.When I first told my wife she said that diapers were the route to go as couldn't stop it with meds as the side effects were not ok.I now use diapers and have a mattress cover to protect my wife and bed.The stigma was heavy but have come around.
I had a urinary sphincterotomy for neurogenic bladder in 1999. As a result, I leak continually, day and night. I wear heavy night diapers and plastic pants, which rarely give me grief.
Thank you all so much for sharing with us. If you are willing, please Private Message us and we will work with you to craft a story. It doesn't have to be long - just a few sentences that tell 1.) How long you've struggled, 2.) what the hardest part of having this condition is, and how it has made you feel, 3.)how you treat it, and 4.) if you have found a solution, or other management trick, as that will provide great reassurance to others. Thank you for your openness.
Yes. I'm currently 29 and it's been a lifelong issue for me. It slowed down for a while around 18-19 to where I was only wetting two or three nights a week but around 22 it became nightly again. I just accept it and bave always worn protection at night.

Being 29, it sometimes gets me pretty down. But I try to remain positive.
Neurogenic bladder here also, so its just part of it, had to make bed changes so its protected, and I wear something all the time so, that is out of the way. All you here understand and know.
I do wish thou I could quit having to cath or have a Foley thou

The only problem I have with this topic is the title. I used to "suffer" about bed wetting but once I became resigned to it, protected myself from its effects with good thick diapers, and changed my attitude about it, the suffering left. I am sorry so many of you, and myself for too long suffered over this condition. For many of us and maybe even you this is simply a condition in life to deal with. Let the suffering go and just accept it as a reality for yourself. You will be much happier and content.
I agree Daco4 on this...when discussing bedwetting, the term "suffering" is often used. True, it is a very disheartening condition that can be quite stressful at times, for many of us it isn't going away.

Acceptance is key.
Life long bed wetter. Have more of a handle on it now with protection. I wear diapers every day and night.
I developed continence problems as the result of an unexpected side effect of surgery when I was 14 years old. I'm 74 now. So I've been dealing with these issues for 60 years. I've never been reliably dry at night since then. I was in diapers 24/7 for a couple of years after the surgery, but I managed to develop enough daytime control to go without a diaper except at night by the time I went to university. However, my incontinence increased again when I was in my forties; and I've been in diapers 24/7 since then. I strongly agree with with Daco4 about "suffering". Incontinence is just a part of my life, and diapers are the kind of underpants that I wear. I do not "suffer"! I just manage my incontinence as a nuisance that isn't much worse than needing to wear glasses or going bald and not nearly as bad as my arthritis.
If your bedwetting is treatable, see the necessary doctors and get it treated. However, if it's chronic and not going to go away, acceptance and management with good diapers are the keys. "Suffering" is optional. I recommend just getting on with your life. Incontinence in general and bedwetting in particular are nuisances that need not ruin your life unless you let them. So don't let them do so.
I'm 27 an this has been life long it's a big burden an I'm really tired of waking up there really not a solution for this disease
There ARE medications available that can reduce accidents. But for the most part,I don't believe there are any "cure alls" for bedwetting.

The best thing to do is accept that you have the condition and take steps to manage it. Look into products like mattress protectors, bed pads or even diapers.

I'm right there with you...I'm 29 and know how frustrating it is. But I've accepted that diapers are my best option for me. Trust me, taking off a wet diaper in the morning is WAY better than having to change and launder sheets and clothes.

Good luck to you.
Couldn't agree more, once you adjust to the diapers taking off a wet one in the morning is SO much better than putting up with the mess. Leaks do happen but if the diapers are layered on thick leaks are minimal.
I'll echo these last two posts. Diapers are the only way to manage my issues. They keep me from cleaning up a mess in the morning,and they make sure that I do not embarrass myself during the day. Couldn't live without them.
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