Disability lawyer TSA

I have to agree that seems to be a high percentage and I also second what Maymay says about getting everything in writing and in plain English. If you know of someone else who can be a second pair of eyes and ears for you that would serve you in good stead. But you are between a rock and a hard place here so continue to work with the lawyer. Does this lawyer in Hawaii specialize in anything like working with disability discrimination?
I would be on the phone with an attorney before leaving the airport... Also reach out to every news network in the country. This is not okay. I worked armed security for two years even spent time at a federal reserve sorting facility. TSA is must follow ADA guidelines..

I would call Morgan and Morgan first as sometimes they will take cases without a fee if it is going to get exposure which what happened to you definitely would..

So sorry you went through this... and my parents wonder why I don't want to fly to Florida for Christmas... nope I will drive.
That seems fair to me the deal he offered then. Obviously he thinks it is a case that is winnable since he is willing to take the risk. But I would do some research on the lawyer before just agreeing to it. That said, I don't think the issue is with the TSA in general, there are idiots and assholes working in the TSA just like there are in any job. It just happened that you ran into some of the biggest idiots out there. Also based on your initial statement in here (noted I have no background in law) but you could also even have reasonable claim to some kind of crime for the inspection of your privates. It would seem that their would be no circumstance where that would be acceptable for TSA personnel to do. Strip searches are borderline acceptable but as far as I'm aware they shouldn't be contacting you during the strip search. Once again no law background though
@trucker go for it!, you've got a strong case. Work very closely with your attorney, follow his advice. Just have him clarify the flight home details. Also have a back up plan for payment in case its required.
We want you to have a safe trip home, oh and also check his ratings with state B.A.R (its a association or some regulatory agency for attorneys)
Wow. Just wow. I'm speechless.

I'm so sorry this happened, Trucker. I wish I had some good advice to give, but I think you've gotten a lot of good suggestions from others here.

As far as the lawyer's commission, it seems high to me. That said, whether it's acceptable to you will depend on what you want to achieve. If you want to hold the TSA accountable and discourage future assaults against disabled people, then you might not care what the percentage is. If you want compensation for your pain in this experience, you can probably shop around and find a lawyer willing to do it for less so you maximize what you get to keep. If it were me, I'd want to do both, and I'd talk to several lawyer's before choosing one.

Good luck in whichever course of action you decide on!
A private flight just from SLC to Las Vegas (a short 300 miles) costs $17,000. A flight from Hawaii back to where you’re from may cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. So then if this attorney loses your case, you owe him hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Make sure he has experience handling federal cases, because NSA is a federal organization so you will be tried in federal court. If you’re found guilty you’ll have to go to federal prison. This is a very big, bad, horrible thing. I wish I knew someone in Hawaii to help you.

Research his reputation online extensively. Ask for client referrals, especially clients he’s represented in federal court. Call them and have questions written in advance that you want to ask them.

I used to be a Legal Assistant in Chicago. What you’re looking at are three separate legal cases, for which you need at least two different kinds of attorney:
1. Fighting the federal criminal charges brought against you by the NSA. For this you need a criminal defense attorney experienced in fighting federal crimes.
2. A federal civil rights case you’ll file against the NSA for disability discrimination and improper touching. Did someone else witness what the jerk did you? There should always be two people in the room when a person is searched/touched. For this you’ll want a federal civil rights attorney.
3. A local civil rights case you’ll file against the individual who massaged your testicles. For this you’ll want any (state or federal) civil rights attorney.

Is the charge against you a felony/felonies? I suspect so. Did you have to post bail? When incarcerated, did you see a judge who released you on your own recognizance? You may not legally be allowed to leave the state of Hawaii. You’ll want an attorney to carefully read the terms of your release from jail.
Also, usually, you typically first have to win in your criminal case before an attorney will be willing to file a civil case.
Well they dropped all charges so the lawyer is basically just suing to get me off of the no fly list witch long as it’s not on my record and that I can fly im happy. I also don’t want to go to trail or to the news because I like to be private. They just told be that all changes have been dropped I never seen a judge and didn’t need bail
@LiveLifeJR, Trucker, I would listen to snow's advice better, as she has worked in the LegaL field. Don't take that flight, wait a little. You mention the charges were dropped?, see if the attorney can get you accomodations while the case progresses if possible to minimize economic losses
If that is the case then I would go with that lawyer assuming your not going to have to pay out of pocket. I agree with your decision to try to keep it private because honestly I don't think any of us would want our incontinence to be part of a news story or anything like that. On the bright side though if your willing to go to trial or at least force a settlement based on what you've said here and knowing the American court system you could probably sue for a large sum of cash.
I’m very glad your charges were dropped. I’m so sorry you had to go to jail.

I’m not sure which kind of attorney would be qualified to get you off the no-fly list. I’ll think on it some more.
Trucker, as bad as your story is I sincerely hope it is not a fabrication for any reason. You've always struck me as a private personality in previous posts who sought to maintain dignity and privacy.
That said, I googled "can the TSA do strip searches" and found an interesting post from USA Today about an older woman who claims to have been taken to a private screening room and made to lower her pants and underwear to expose a panty liner. The case is being handled by a green attorney Jonathan Corbett who had a blog post on the USA newspaper and said his contact is corbettrights.com urging anyone subjected to a private screening room search to contact him.
@Maymay941 Mama I don’t lie. That is my number one problem with people is all the lieing but here is a time stamp photo for you. I have a meeting with my lawyer at 9. I have been raised not to fight authority. Like when I was in the army you don’t fight bad leadership on the spot, “unless life threatening”honestly figured get search and be not quick and easier so fuck it go along to get on my flight

Waiting on lawyer but going to try to enjoy the extra time in Hawaii got nice hotel again. Called my boss and he’s giving me more none paid leave.
Found two lawyers seeing one at 9 and one at 1
Atta boy! I realize it was not my place to say anything but at the same time we've had some odd ducks in this site and yet there is nothing I've read from you that says you are anything but a private self respecing person just trying to get along the road of life.
I'm glad you've got a nice place to stay and some legal representation.
If you care to check out that legal case I quoted, it may give your legal team something to chew on or collaborate with, i don't know.(the lawyer quoted said it is his first case as an attorney?!!) The article referred to a case of this invasive inspection a year prior to the case May 12th.
The forum got quite heated up over the situation you are in, I think made worse because you are on an ISLAND and can't just shrug off the thugs and drive to your destination.
Please keep in touch. And as the old saw goes: thank you for your service.
Well, I guess on the bright side Hawaii isn't the worst place in the world to be stuck a few extra days. Hope everything gets worked out soon for ya
Hope and praying thing do work out for you. Feel bad you are in that situation. I’ve been on flights and didn’t search me but they made me toss my soda. What happened to you could have been any of us. Hope things work out exceptionally well for you because of this.
Hi @trucker, I'm sorry this is happening to you especially since you are like the innocent bystander unwittingly caught up in someone's unwarranted display of power. And it is unfortunate you happened to get in that line that was manned by that one person who although he didn't know you from Adam chose to call you out anyway! Just a matter of literally being in the wrong place (or wrong line) at the wrong time. And you were just minding your own business and only wanted to get home! I hope you have some decent lawyers and that they can smooth the way for you and restore your rights to fly. When the TSA tries to screw people with disabilities, there should be repercussions with a clear message that such treatment is not to be tolerated! I, along with everyone else here, am thinking of you and hope that you can get home really soon and when it's time to vent you know we are always around!
Good luck and keep thinking good thoughts!
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