Disability lawyer TSA


Staff member
Anyone know what to do if you get put on the no fly list? I traveled to Hawaii last week had no problem “other then COVID restrictions” with flying mainland TSS was very nice and discreet. On my attempt to leave Hawaii i was required for additional screen. They did quick pat and wanted to know what was in my pants when I told them they didn’t believe me, and I quote “your told old to be wearing diapers”. So after that they in formatted me that they where going to do a body search. During the full body the made me fully declothe in the process I tried to explain to the guy my medical problems witch he didn’t care no believe me. Well the search was taking forever has they left me nude for awhile to get another person and search my clothes. Before the actual body search began I asked if I could use the bathroom, as I need to go now. I was asked what I was hiding that I need to use that bathroom at this point I’m pissed but just want to go home. Well right then they actually start the search. To my horror when he was playing “ I call it playing cause of long and extensive Search of just my testicles” with my Testicles I starting urinating. With him being where he was I urinate on him. Right there I was arrest and being informed I was being charged with assaulting a TSA agent. After spending 3 nights in jail I was released because they drop the charges but I’m was informed I was put on the No Fly list for every airline. long story short I’m stuck in Hawaii on the no fly list because of the TSA handling of my disability. Anyone know of a good disability lawyer can’t find anything here and need to get home.
What a Horror story Trucker!
I will see what resources I can rustle up right NOW
Do you have family that can help you financially to stay alright until this is straighten ed out?
Unbelievable and disgusting behavior on the part of "officials" who ought to be aware of medical problems! I hope you sue the hell out of them. Did you get the names and/or badge numbers? Good luck in your fight! We totally support you!
J would also call your congressman and both your states US senators - they may be able to help in ways a lawyer can’t b
Trucker, that is terrible!
So sorry to hear this has happened. I wish I knew of an Attorney. NAFC May be able to suggest one. Go to their main page and use the 800# see if they can help.
I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. You need to call the TSA Cares Line to report it first, then reach out to the ACLU to request help getting home. Once you're back, you'll be able to lawyer up and have your assets covered.

My true-life horror story from SFO (to HNL) in Feb of 2017:

I was late for a flight, and wet pretty bad on the 2.5-hour train/Uber ride to the airport. I was wearing a 247 with stuffer beneath a Birdseye cloth and plastic pants. I was expecting to make the 8-hour trip door to door, without incident. However, last night’s bladder decided to have a standoff until I was mid-route.

Upon check-in, I rushed to security where the nudeoscope flagged me for anomalies in my groin. They started to Pat me down and noticed the diaper. I requested private screening, where I was pat down by three different TSA agents. They asked why it was so stiff and I explained I had severely wet myself on the way there.

They told me they could get a drape to hold up, to have me remove the diaper, x-ray it, let me change into a fresh diaper, and then I’d have to dispose of the wet one after being cleared. I sat for 5 minutes, freaking out that I’d miss my flight.. when the supervisor returned and told me they were straight out denying me access to the terminal point due to the saturated brief.

My ultimatum was to exit the security zone, going back into the airport lobby, and remove the diaper in the public restrooms. Only then could I reenter with a fresh clean diaper on.

Before leaving, they pissed me TF off when asking for my ID and ticket. Only to take a photo of it on the side. This whole process is supposed to be anonymous unless you're found in violation of something, and even then, the police must be involved to take any personal information.

I got stopped again for abnormally while wearing my clean diaper and was patted down at the scanner since I had no intention of going to a private screening room again. So I sucked it up and had the search done there at the machine. When he hit my 247 waistbands with his thumbs beneath my shirt after stepping out of the scanner, I was coldly asked by the 2nd underscore agent what I had on underneath. He asked me back loud enough for others to hear “you’re wearing a diaper?”

I bashfully obliged, losing two points of my dignity.. and was granted access to the terminal, only to miss my flight. I travel a lot and have heard such horror stories, but assumed they were fap-fap tales.

After all was said and done, I filed a formal complaint with TSA Cares who followed up about a week later for a detailed report. I pleaded for them to comp me a year or two pass to the Fast Pass system, threatening legal action if I ever encountered something like this otherwise, but they didn't budge. I would've sued but at the time held a high profile executive position at a large auto manufacturer and was in the press a lot for work. So I didn't want this making airwaves in the media, in fear of it coming up when people did a search for my name online. Super frustrating, looking back.

I travel by air twice a month but have never been this late with a soaked one. A word from the wise is to never enter TSA when you’re borderline leaking at the seams.
Oh my God!, what a nightmare, I guess to the TSA incontinence does not exist. Not long ago I posted asking about flying with incontinence and a lot of people said it was o.k, now this just reignited my fear of flying in the U.S. Some one in major politics should bring this up again, we have way too many people on power trips within government dictating policies and turning it from a free country into a country of fear and humiliation, IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!!!!!!!.
Countless other countries that have body scanners too and just as strict security measures recognize medical conditions and do not terrorize people with unique medical needs.
@LiveLifeJR Most of their agents don't even know the definition of incontinence and are CLUELESS when you mention you're wearing a BRIEF. While their training around this has gotten a tiny bit better in the past two years, I still have anxiety when approaching the scanner and will usually opt-out and request a private search to streamline the process in private.
Mattyco do you think getting a letter from your doctor explaining that you have a medical condition requiring diapers would be supportive of your privacy?
I have to say I see the TSA agents and am not impressed by their intelligence or couth.They seem thuggish.
You will need a criminal attorney because you have been charged with a crime. Disability attorneys only help people get financial disability benefits from the government.
Are there any cruises you can book for your return back to the states? I think they’re all still on hold due to COVID. Do you have someone in Hawaii you can stay with? Sounds like you’re going to be there for a while; that’s a very expensive place to be stuck. This is going to take at least two years to settle in court, and you will likely have to return to Hawaii frequently for those court dates.

I know this topic has come up repeatedly in the past. Harassment by TSA of those wearing diapers is the norm, not the exception.

You’re going to need a really good attorney to battle the NSA attorneys. Alas, nobody wins when they fight government agencies. After all, cops get away with murder at least 100 times per day, on average, in this “great” country of ours.
@matttyco Wow, just wow!, so according to federal government this condition is non existent?????, I wonder why they don't train their agents to recognize a medical condition, that is so sad that our country is going from free to harassing its citizens for having certain medical conditions and treating it as if were a crime for something that we have verylittle control over
Trucker I e mailed a board member who is looking into what assistance NAFC can provide, if ANY. Given that you appear to be stranded in Hawaii I wanted to see what could be done by this group if anything to help get your situation assistance asap.
I agree with Snow I'm hoping one of this forum is a criminal lawyer or knows of one who can help you get kong term assistance but its chilling for those of us who wear diapers to now think of flying.
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