Diaper stigma


Staff member
So in the last couple months I’ve been watching you tube videos about people trying to de-stigmatize adult diapers. I am deathly afraid of someone finding out about me having to wear diapers, but that being said once it happens it turns into a non-issue and no one has ever made a big deal out of it but the stigma surrounded by what a diaper is and who people think should be wearing them is just too stressful to think about or try to deal with for me!! I would encourage you all to look up these videos and let’s all thank those willing to put there face out there for us to help educate the public on our need for diapers and that they aren’t just for babies and the elderly!!
I’m in the same boat as MayMay. Didn’t know about any videos out there. I’ve only used YouTube for fixing my car or appliances in the house. Thanks for the heads up about the videos. Will have to check them out.

Thank you,
It happens to all of us, we are not perfect and neither a lot of people. Our problems could be a lot worst. I did nto know about the videos but I will also check them out.
@Petejc I totally relate. Intellectually I think there should be no issues with wearing diapers, but emotionally I'm terrified about anyone finding out. I do agree if the concept gets to be more accepted by the public it will make individuals more comfortable.
I’ve learned over the years. Don’t stress over the kind of underwear that you have to wear for whatever reasons or whatever ability or disability. If folks don’t accept you for who you are as a person then maybe it’s time to hang out with other folks. Just a thought. But it’s better to have a few good friends then a bunch of fair weather ones.
I agree jrpoorman but it’s not that easy for some of us as our brains feel guilt and shame first and sometimes it’s nearly impossible to get past those feelings and try to reason through them. I personally struggle everyday with feeling of guilt and shame and have to find a way to move forward.
I understand completely that feeling having lived it for years myself. It’s a real feeling for sure. Not trying to discount what you are feeling by any means. Just saying after a while, letting all those negative stressors loop around in your head can be debilitating. I’d like to say more but am getting ready for work so have to go for now. There are lots of solutions to conquer this. Just have to figure out what’s the best for each person. You guys and gals have a great day.
I agree it's a goal to not worry about other people finding out you wear diapers, I think that's very difficult for most people. I think this is rooted in childhood and all the teasing kids did about being a "baby" or "peeing your pants". That cruelty stays with us all our lives and only a fortunate few can overcome it at least until attitudes change in society.
I agree that being a regular wetter in primary school was difficult. I probably went to the other extreme in secondary school and would hold on all day. I probably didn't drink enough back then. these days I try to drink plenty and not worry too much about the consequences. Only one person at work knows, I would like to keep it like that if I can, Phil
You nailed it. Most folks if they do notice either keep it to themselves, have issues themselves and are in the same boat, are completely oblivious and have no clue, or just don’t care, they have their own issues.
So get yourself dressed, go out and enjoy the day.🙂 life is too short to give yourself an ulcer worrying about something you can’t control. Just say okay, this is what I have to work with in life, let’s make the best of it, find a solution that works well and get on with our day. I love NAFC guide. Have tried a ton of solutions and found some really good ones so I can get on with life and enjoy it.
Took me a long time to get to that realization but no point in living a solitary life. Being miserable just doesn’t benefit ourselves and it’s exhausting.
Im pretty much a loner at best of times but bedwetting has made me more so. At least its pne factor if many that does
@Maymay941 That's sad, I'm a loner too, but I have my family and they keep me going, I hope you have someone too @Maymay941
May May,
The good news is that you have friends and a support system here. There isn’t anything to be ashamed of. It’s a medical issue. There are things available to keep us dry, medicine to help the body not produce so much urine at night, help with other issues or other procedures that are available.
You aren’t alone, there are millions of other folks that suffer too. It is good we have a support group and resources available. 🙂
I also used to worry about people finding out. I don’t broadcast it but when it is necessary like sharing a room with someone I will just let them know. I will put a diaper on after I shower at my health club which was only stressful the first time. After that and realizing no one ever says anything about it made me realize people really don’t care and we are over sensitive to it.
So, what does everyone do for fun? Just curious, I’ve made a few lifestyle changes over the years but still like to get out and do something once and a while. And for the folks that like to be loners, I have times I like to do that too. So what do you like to do? One of my co-workers at another site posted pics that he went hang gliding. I was thinking to myself I hope they include the diaper for that ride...It did look like he had fun though
@jrpoorman I was thinking about this the other day in the context of warding off depression, kind of the same thing. I have an old Mini Cooper convertible that I dust off when the weather warms up. It's amazing how much better I feel with the top down and some fresh air and sunshine.

I also take my dog to the dog park, we both need the exercise. I also like to cook, bake & take photographs. Oh and I am learning Calculus on my own for "fun".
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