

Staff member
I haven’t been on the board lately because I’ve been super depressed. I started therapy a couple weeks ago to help me with the fact that I lost my leg and became incontinent. It’s so much to deal with. And during all of this trying to find a product that works is daunting. Since my bladder is paralyzed it retains urine then just releases it. So most diapers can’t hold that much in a small amount of time. I’m overwhelmed and just want to crawl under the covers and sleep. And to top it off I’ve isolated myself so I feel alone.

If you have send me a pm please be patient. Thanks
Hey bud, hang in there! It is completely normal to feel depressed after a traumatic loss like a leg. I cant imagine. I do know how it feels to be immobile, or much less mobile that you are used to. Its really good that you are seeing someone for help. Know that you are in my prayers friend.
You’re handling very difficult challenging issues. Knowing you need help is a great start, it isn’t like it will solve the issue or give you back your life but it shows resolve. Keep at it, you’ll find a way through the hard times to the less hard times.
Hey EJ,
Hang in there bud. You’ve got myself and a bunch of others who care about you and your well-being. PM if you need to chat or just want to vent or whatever.
Have a good eve, sleep well all.

Hi EJ, well we cant undo the incidents that caused the incontinence or repair the accident that caused the leg but we CAN revisit what Ej was passionate about and interested in and how social or introverted one was. If you USE your lying down and thought drifting time to see yourself engaged in the activities that you were passionate about, the people that you felt relaxed and alive with you can guide your present to leapfrog the past and reroute yourself to connect with what makes you, you. Your body is a boat adrift on an ocean. Your thoughts fill your sails and your passions provide the horizon you are steering to.
It may be not jumping in with the full action but starting with some interneting, some emailing some 0hone calling but you are still you, aging in place only means we adapt and do what we do with what human body we have to do with.
thanks everyone. its just a process. its been 8 months since my amputation and im just starting to really delve into it and heal. same with my incontinence only its been 5 years. im having to accept a lot at once. and its not easy. today is a bit better. i gave myself a haircut yesterday (buzzed it off) so in trying to just move forward. seems as though i move like a turtle but thats ok.
I was really annoyed by Consumer Reports. The recent article on web safety says support forums are bad, supposedly because our medical data will be stolen or something. So how the hell do they think we are supposed to share and talk, anyway!!!!! I note they don't have an alternative to offer. Maybe we are all supposed to be able to pay a Pyschitrist $250/hour?
Let's all stick with NAFC and support each other. I read justej and would like to wring a few necks at CR. We all have our cause for depression. Actually, ej, you are a fine example for the rest of us, a survivor. If you have a bad stretch, remember we're rooting for you.
There are stages to a loss, whether a leg of a partner. You can hold on until the next stage. Do it, friend.
P.S. Justej. I'm not one to get into religion, usually, but when a family member died, I reread C.S. Lewis's "A Grief Observed". It took awhile for it to penetrate my thick skull, but it did lead me down some worthwhile healing paths. I turn to the written word, mostly, in hard or bad times. There is the "Four Directions Prayer" (check out WhiteBison, on the web. A native American group). The four gifts. The last is the hardest - the Gift to Forgive the Unforgivable. You've been handed the unforgivable. It seems like you are in that state. It can take awhile - MayMay's turtle. It's hard to listen and wait to hear the answer. Damn hard, but we care, guy.
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