It is interesting to see how discussions evolve. This one started with a question about the Depend Night Defense product. It quickly evolved into a series of attacks on the Depend brand and off topic testimony about various products including cloth diapers. Only a couple of responders stayed on track with observations about how this class of incontinence product works for them.
The Night Defense and other pull-up products are generally designed to deal with small volume leaks or voids. If this isn't the problem you face they are not the right product. The key to finding a product that works for a particular need is to first define the need and then search for a solution that meets the criteria.
I have used the Depend Night Defense periodically. Like most pull-ups it doesn't have front to back coverage. Thus, it isn't going to handle sudden voids well. It works fine for leakage and the rated capacity seems to be accurate. The key to this type of function is that the absorbent material has time to capture the release. Secondly, any product that doesn't offer substantial side and front to back coverage will work best when the wearer is sitting or standing. The Depend Night Defense works well for me in social situations where I have access to a bathroom or restroom. I haven't noticed an odor problem with them either during use or prior to use.
I don't mean to offend the responders who strayed off the topic. However, when a question is asked we should strive to respond to the question asked. If our response doesn't address the question asked or the topic I suggest that we read but not respond.