Depend Defense Night Pull Up

I don't think it's new. I was just researching products and came across these. They have them in Target stores, if you have a Target in your area. You can also order them off the Target or Depend websites.
Several people have echoed the "Depends are terrible-now they are great" statement. I think this needs a little clarification. If you read through the various threads on this any other incontinence forum you will see people complaining about or praising almost every product. The cloth diaper folks constantly recommend their choice to people who have expressly stated that they have mobility and dexterity issues which make tabbed and pin on and velcro closure products hard to for them to use.

The point is that all of these products work for some people in some situations. Depends are designed and marketed for a specific group of people. Their fit, absorbency and price points meet those needs. They don't work for everyone in every situation. The fact that they don't work for everyone does not make them junk nor does it make them perfect.
Yes I agree with you happily about depends issues. I think that some of people here are trying to get us to use depends diapers. Like I said tape on diapers work great for me. Why is this such a big deal about depends??? I don't get it and I don't understand why. From everything I read about depends on this site and other people saying that depends are the worst diapers out there and why I a big deal???
It really is based on a person to person case, some people dont need so much protection while others need more depending on their unique circumstances and level of incontinence. For a lot of people Depends work just fine, it all up to the individual to test what works best for her/him.
I wasn't trying to convert people over to Depends. I was just trying to give a plug for them since they seem to work for me. Ya'll are right! Depends may not work for everyone but I was trying to give it a review just in case someone on here wanted to try them. Sorry if it sounded like I was making a big deal about it. I was just surprised to find a product like this on store shelves.
Actually, people all have different needs and use products that work best for them. For a lot of people, Depends works best just as any of the other myriad products out there works best for someone else. Thankfully, there is no "one size fits all" as we are all of different sizes, shapes, heights, eye color, shoe sizes, religions, dietary preferences, etc.,etc. Well you get the picture!
Some of us may not find Depends are suitable for our needs and that's fine! But for a lot of people Depends are the best and most workable solution. Or else they wouldn't even be making Depends!
I think we can all agree that Depends aren't "the best" but are in fact perfectly acceptable for many. Add to that the national advertising and that they are available at every big box and drug store and you are going to sell a lot of diapers! But, when a Depends product won't get the job done I get the feeling that a lot of people feel they have no other choice and have to just put up with the leaks or way too many changes in a day. I'm really surprised that Depends hasn't come out with a Super Premium diaper of their own. Sure it would be very expensive, just like the others in that class, but at least people would know that there is an alternative to lesser products.
Attention haters: quit ragging on someone else’s product choice. You do you and your own version of protection and leave each person to their own. I’m so sick of seeing people on this forum be nasty about products. Act right; BE KIND!
@mhart82 You’re definitely not in the wrong here; you’re not the one telling others what to wear! The guys accusing you of that are they themselves the people prescribing protection choices. Please don’t think everyone or every topic on this forum is like this.
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