

Staff member
Its wonderful and yet evil at the same time. I love the taste and the energy but it messes with my GI tract something fierce. I’ve had 3 bowel movements today and one of those I didn’t make it.

I think it’s time to break up with joe
I feel your pain regarding the question about coffee. I have cut down on my coffee intake, but can't do away with it totally. Coffee is my last great addiction, and I do look forward to my first cup of coffee in the morning. Good luck on cutting down (or out) of your coffee consumption.
@artiejr - I used to work at Starbucks and we called decaf coffee why bother coffee.

I’ll look into kava
Stuart, I’m with you. Last great addiction. Not much else to give up and I’m holding tight to this one. Quarantine supplies most worried about? Coffee and cream.
Lee, I am with you. I do have one less worry than you as I drink my coffee black (insert your own joke here). I am a big fan of Peet's Coffee. They don't roast the beans until they have orders for them, so the coffee is always fresh! (my dad says I am a coffee snob - he may be right!)
@stuart - how is Pete’s on the stomach? I drink cafe bustelo espresso (which may be my problem. Hahah)
I never could drink coffee without my stomach acting up. I drink herb tea instead. It's hot and soothing, but no caffeine kick.
I was sipping coffee outdoors today and it’s 35 degrees out or less. I think I need to rethink what protection I wear. Pads don’t hold enough. Pullup or a diaper tomorrow when I’m back outside.
I just need to avoid caffiene in general after about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. And keep the total amount down. I don't think I'm a coffee snob, just have brands and blends i prefer. I've seen contradictory claims about which roast produces less caffeine.
justej said:
@stuart - how is Pete’s on the stomach? I drink cafe bustelo espresso (which may be my problem. Hahah)

It depends upon which bean you get. Peet's offer many different beans. I like the stronger types like Sumatra (my son says I like to drink dirt). I do have diarrhea on a daily basis. That could just be a side effect from the medicine I take. Even if it is from the coffee, I would not give it up. Peet's offer much milder coffee than the sumatra. Good luck on your search for coffee that has less side effects!
AlasSouth said:
I just need to avoid caffiene in general after about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. And keep the total amount down. I don't think I'm a coffee snob, just have brands and blends i prefer. I've seen contradictory claims about which roast produces less caffeine.

I, like you, also stop drinking caffeine about 3 in the afternoon. I didn't say I was a coffee snob, I said my father claimed I was a coffee snob. I just like really good coffee and don't apologize for that. However, I will drink whatever coffee is available when I am away. I have read that espresso actually has less caffeine that 'regular' coffee.
Oh man I feel for you... I have cut way back but not sure I could give up my morning coffee. Stopped evening ice tea and only 2 mugs of coffee very little change to urge incontinence though.
My, PCP, Urology PA, and my Sleep specialist bring up my 2-3 cups of coffee per day. I reply, I need to have this daily. They normally let it go, but they put it in their history. And bring it up in reviews.
Yeah, the PT types do the same. None of them drink coffee or tea, of course. (Choke choke)
Hey! Chocolate has caffeine! Oh, wait. Then the Diabetes nurse goes postal. I had a fat doctor who bitched about my weight. It's a distraction; they don't have an answer, so they try to blame the victim.
You may have noticed the reformers always want to reform other people's pleasure, not their own.
Life has to be worthwhile. Have a morning cup of Joe. Or Josephene, as the case may be. Let's be PC, here - equal time.
The image/photo is the berm on our porch. I had shoveled a path next to house. Oh well. Snow on roof let go. Yes, there really is a porch under that. It is actually a bit over 5 feet high. I built a new set of steps to the porch. 14 inch treads, 5 inch risers. My tracked snowblower can get up it, so next year I'll try snowblowing it as soon as each avalanche comes down, before it hardens. See how many sheer pins i can break. Buy an avalanche beacon so my wife can find me. The pagoda bird feeder is 16 inches high, not counting the cute snow cap.
The snow is so heavy because 2 weeks ago, the weather started going above freezing in the day, and the roof is dripping water on it. Now a week of off-and-on wet snow, with day temps over freezing. Does my back hurt. I'm trying to reduce the berm before it collapses the porch. I finish a couple of hours of shoveling and don't have to pee - sweat it out, i guess. That's one cure, but I'm not sure I'd call it fun!
Hi all,
Love the snow pic Atlas. They say we may get a nor’easter tomorrow so we will see. Be sunny most of the winter here in Maryland. Very mild winter this year. Hope everyone is safe and doing well with all this going on.

Have a nice Sunday!
Even on days it snows, most of the day is sunny - really dark sunglasses a must, especially as I'm still in recovery from cataract surgery. It is so good to be coming out of the winter short-day thing. No church, no Sunday breakfast at Eagles with friends. One of my credit unions closed the lobbies, drive-up only. What do i need cash for, anyway? Almost all my finances go through direct deposit, internet, credit cards. Not sure the espresso stand drive-ups will even be open, where i buy with cash, but I'm not going to town to find out. I'll save money but it hurts! The Barristas will be hurting financially. Our winter has been mild, most snow was powder, not much until recently. Most of us are usually stocked up due to older hard winters and power outages. Well water, even. Our hospital has first case, elderly, not doing well. Hope your neck of the woods is doing well. Stay safe, everybody, please.
Wow! Here's a great link. The NY Times asked for a new hand washing song - 20 seconds - to replace the Happy Birthday song, saving it for happier occasions. Videos, lyrics, links to sheet music. Very Gilbert & Sullivan. I'm going back to listen and watch again. Enjoy!

Can you believe how long these links are getting?
We had very little snow this past winter. It was great. A couple of big snows and clear the rest of the time. I managed to get the coffee and cream I needed for quarantine. Are we having fun yet? I even managed to be the last dog owner to get my puppy groomed before they were forced to shut. I’m in NY and all non-essential businesses are closed. Apparently alcohol is essential... stay well, all of you!
I enjoy my coffee in the morning and a glass of red wine in the evening and just monitor my leakage. I learned a long time ago to not allow my incon to control my life anymore than it already has!!
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