Update. Issue fixed. More questions.


Staff member
Well, that stress-out part of my life is over. Finally got the insurance issue taken care of. There is still a lot of stuff going on but that one thing is done now.

One of the issues I have been passing whatever vegetables I eat just a few hours after eating them. Also, I have seen mucus in my stool as well as very thin "almost tissue paper-like" pieces of stool.

I have brought this up to my Physical therapist and PCP. PCP said to talk to my GI doctor as GI is not an area he deals with.

My big issue is that I still am in pain. Like nothing is fixing it.

I have been having to get up multiple times a night to have very painful bowel movements. It is sucking my sanity away. And truly I feel like I have no energy at all.

Going to talk to my Therapist this coming week at physical therapy and just let it all out about how bad I have felt.
You can eliminate (sorry) veggies and fruits that are indigestible.
My personal body seems to do best with what I call "diner food" or "comfort food". I was a vegetarian for many years, now the only veg I eat is an occasional Greek salad or a can of tomato soup.

The point is you eat something and see how it affects you PERSONALLY. Junk food meals (not snacking) keeps me regular and healthy, much to the despair of my health food family.

For the short term, you are irritating your stomach lining so consider the Banana Rice Applesauce Toast diet to relieve irritation
If you like veggie eat them cooked. Also eat bananas. They good for you GI system. And talk to your primary doctor.
Hi FL Guy, At least the insurance kerfuffle is out of your hair!! And that's a biggie!!! When do you see your GI doctor next??? Because that will be your next step. In the meantime maybe you can eliminate (there we go again!) those veggies that seem to be passing through you and figure out a temporary diet that seems to agree with you. Maybe that banana, rice, applesauce and toast menu that May suggested could serve you in good stead for awhile, at least until you feel that things are under control. Eating things that act gently on your digestive system may alleviate the pain. If I were you, I'd try that. You don't want to overwork your digestive system.
Alaska Public Radio had a "medical" program, today. We react differently. If Keto works for you, stick with it. If it doesn't, go with something else. Or something else. Protein? Fat? Carbs? Go with what works for you.
I am hopeful that this month I get more solutions from doctors. My parents leave to go back to Florida at the end of the month which limits the people I have to take me to any big appointments.

Again, I will be talking to my Physical therapist on the 12th and she has been working in coordination with other doctors to get some more solutions on the table.

Just so people here understand.

I went full-on with several different diets already. I even went to like baby bites again like I was after surgery. Cut out red meat. I even went so far as to eat nothing but soup for a week.

I have tried giving up dairy.

I have tried eating oatmeal for breakfast.

I have done the five small meals thing.

The only thing I not tried is a pure liquids diet. (Soup always had chicken or stuff in it.)

Today after cooking stir-fry I passed the beans, corn, and pea that were in it just a bit hour after eating. Then felt tired and hungry again. I have said this before to doctors. It feels like stuff hits my stomach and then It is like puking out of my butt. My system just is not taking to anything anymore and I end up so tired that I sleep 12 hours a night and then nap off and on all day.

I am going to message my GI doctor in the morning with some of my issues because this is not working.
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