Hey EJ, I don’t get here as often as I would like so before I start rambling again, I just want to first ask how you are feeling? Last I checked in you weren’t feeling so well, hope your feeling better!
As to your point of going through back stock, I have a few tubs in the attic that I’ve thrown supplies that no longer worked, or I bought and didn’t like etc. that I always plan to donate, but never seem to get to. My wife and I go through the “Hurricane prep weekend” every fall which we did last weekend. For me this usually consists of a couple of duffle bags with a weeks worth of incontinence supplies, cash, spare ammo, a burner phone etc. What amazes me is the quantity of stuff that accumulates! Of course being as anal as I am I always bring something down that I don’t remember why I put it up there in the first place. Courtney, my wife; the only one in our house that actually has a memory and a big huge brain to match which she often reminds me makes up for her diminutive size of 96lbs soaking wet at a towering 5 foot and THREE / QUARTERS inches!
Most times she can immediately tell me (after the “I thought you said you got rid of those!”) why I put them up in the donate section to start with.
I might take a moment to “Man-Splain”!

to the single ladies here as for the married women here I’m sure you have already dealt with this “Miscommunication” in one way or another! To Courtney it means she donated it, recycled it or threw it out. It’s out of our lives, say Bye-Bye. The “Got rid of” in Guy-Speak often means it’s simply no longer in the same place it was last time we had this exact same conversation! Probably also explains why 99% of the junk in our house is mine, but I digress….
EJ, I ended up finding some great stuff: Purple Molicares (How old are these???) ID Slips both cloth & plastic backed, Confidry 24/7’s and a case of those Astronaut diapers! I look at this as a win in a few ways. I’m not spending money on things I don’t need right now, especially at potentially increased prices, and I’m not taking away something that somebody else needs right now. I did however order a couple of cases of doublers from Northshore yesterday and the overnight shipping was $328.00!!! Northshore makes ZERO on this, and although we’ve discussed the sky-rocketing increases in pricing in off shore shipping, when combined with our domestic shipping cost increases it can be quite alarming. Of course I chose the Mule Team delivery, but it may be delayed as I believe Donner Pass is closed because it’s on fire….
Again with all of the uncertainty out there, I’ve got plenty of cloth diapers and plastic pants. I’m not trying to sell anybody on anything its just a great affordable backup if needed. Not to mention peace of mind knowing you at least have something. I’ve said before back in the 80’s after my accident these were the only thing available that could withstand full bowel and bladder incontinence.
Courtney and I actually discussed this while making dinner together tonight as a matter of fact, I wouldn’t wish that experience on anybody. We, myself included are so spoiled these days with all of the great disposable products available, from a teaspoon to a quart we can find coverage. Back then it was how long are we going to be gone, how many diapers do you need and what size pants are going to fit over them…..
I still use cloth around the house at times and every night simply because I haven’t leaked on my wife in 20+ years!
Thanks again EJ!