CAVILON !!!!!!!!!!!

No matter how slight severe the issue the personal nature of the issue I think makes us humble and kind.

When I first joined in I was terribly depressed and felt alone and ashamed. After some years I've actually improved dramatically by little life style tweaks and stay for the scenes of community.
My issue was onset of nocturnal urination uncontrollably and spasms. My doc tested for diabetes and sort of shrugged it off as a women of a certain age.prescribed myrbetrix which I couldn't afford PT my insurance didn't cover and called it OAB.
Maymay941 -- So do you have Diabetes? I do & it complicates things. You can't afford Physical Therapy and your insurance doesn't cover it? That's unfortunate!

Pammy53 -- Yes, everyone is helpful & supportive. Welcome! I use Nystatin ointment for a rash that I sometimes get under my abdominal flap & on my inner thighs. Don't know if that would for you though.
No I don't have diabetes.strange as it sounds I was doing hospice care for my mother in Florida and I drank virtually only gallons of publix brand lemonade for over six months when the obviously smart thing is to drink water on that tropic heat swamp climate. I believe I totally irritated the bladder between coffee and lemonade and grief.

When I moved to NC after another horrible year of bad nutrition and started drinking water while wrapping up her life and one cup of morning coffee and eating more normal food I noticed gradually the spasms went the bloated burning sensation went even faster so now I drink water not soda not juice milk not alcohol which ever was my crutch and I'm comfortable in a low level of night incontinence.
If I can stop Dr water after 8 pm it be clever
Maymay941 -- Yes, coffee & lemonade are definitely irritants. Plus coffee increases Fecal Incontinence for me. I do so miss coffee. Found low acid coffee which is not such an irritant, but still not good for FI. But you might want to try it. You can get it from Amazon. Just type in low acid coffee under Grocery.
snow -- Speaking of powder, there is a powder that a pharmacist once showed me for my rash, but I forget what it's called now. Went along with my Nystatin ointment though. Worked really well.
@pegasi99 That is the same as my powder. What order do you apply the cream vs. the powder? Which one goes on first? My dumb intern doctor didn’t even know the answer. It was like she’d never ever even prescribed that kind of medication before.

Good news: I saw improvement today at long last so I didn’t go to the dermatologist yet. I would say it’s 20-30% better. What a relief!!!! Still a long way to go, but I am so relieved to see and feel some mending.
@Pammy53 I wish you all the best. Please keep us informed about how your appointment goes. I am glad somebody else is going through this at the same time. Thank you for sharing.
@Maymay941 Thank you for sharing your story. My beginnings here were the same as you, and yes, the sense of community and trust is comforting.
@snow Just got up and saw your post. So glad that you have seen some improvement!! Even some is an encouragement. Good news.
Snow I should add that I also might have damaged my spine in a very bad fall on a wet floor. I splayed my legs unnaturally which tore ligament in my right hip permanently and I lived in pain for a few years sometimes excruciating pain 24 hours a day. My right leg is now a couple inches shorter than the left. Hit my spine on a corner and felt I injured my ribs.

I was the sole caregiver of my dying other with mild senility and so I soldiered on with Alleve until one day I had severe back pain and could barely walk. I drove myself to the ER and a stranger procured a wheelchair to push me, weeping and inarticulate in. The male nurse at the front desk had two male nurses wheel me back to a small room as I cried so hard I couldn't speak. They asked in increasingly louder harsh voices WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU. the more they shouted the harder I cried. In fear I couldn't take care of my mother home alone. Of pain. Lost youth, lost beauty. Sexual assault survivor. Two men leaning over me yelling in anger that I couldn't speak. A woman nurse appeared with a syringe and I was jabbed with no explanation. It was some sort of sedative. I don't remember how I left there but that was the extent of my"treatment" and I drove myself home.
Later I was gifted a bottle of quality Tumeric and that quelled my pain quickly. Through rest and time i taught myself to walk with out a cane or rollator to continue d my life mission to get my mother all the care and comfort she wanted to her end.she only vaguely understood my situation. I was always stiff and in pain which has slowly passed after she did.

To add this: I got one highest quality Obama care plan with the assurance I could get an orthopedist assessment. The GP I saw who referred me did x-rays and practically salivated at the discovery that my hip had been damaged and was good for a hip replacement having cared for hip replacement patients myself I knew all about rehab and and pain and it not "always" being successful "requiring"additional surgery and as I said I couldn't leave my mother to the tender mercies of old age homes me would she accept that. So it was with some relief that the Ortho office called the day before the meet up exam to say they took Aetna but it Obamacare Aetna. Same response at the "superior quality" doctor office I took mom to. So Obama that's what your dying of breast cancer mother would have dealt with for the thousands that little adventure in healthcare for everyone cost me.
Lucky for everyone I'm a high pain threshold tranquil person and rarely get this worked up or have regrets on a life well lived.
Pardon typos I can't. Revise all his or speak about it usually.
@pegasi99 Re the Nystatin cream ,and the powder.If the powder is applied after the cream, wouldn't any urine episodes kind of wash it away? If you know what I mean. Pam
@Maymay941 What a story! Good grief I don't know how you did it. I have never heard of Tumeric for pain. Interesting. I am recovering from a broken hip.. The pain level is improving. My back seems to
be more problematic, What brand did you get and what is the dosage?
Hi Pammy I got a quality one with curcumin from someone line source gifted via Amazon I don't remember the name something about gold standard.
I subsequently bought from Walgreens but check expiration dates for freshest one.
I was pain free in a week after that forest go with the gift but continued for a couple months because magic is real lol
@snow Well, I have to say that the doc I saw this morning seemed to know what she was about. She said that although she thought I had a yeast infection, she thought that it had moved into including elements of a bacterial infection. She prescribed the Nystatin cream and a antibiotic Cephalexin. If I didn't see improvement to let her know or if I just had any questions. Pam
@Pammy53 Ohhhhhh wow, both an antibacterial AND a yeast med, interesting. They usually both cancel one another out, but I am sure she knows more than me! I got this problem while taking an antibacterial for bronchitis.
But if you put the cream on first, then add powder, the powder would be in the cream. Either way the dry vs. the liquid cancel each other out. I just don't get it.
Great. I just found out the Nystatin powder is available over the counter for less than $2 and with more ounces than the $30 copay I had. My copays these days are $1-$4, so the $30 was a lot. The pharmacist should have told me.
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