

Staff member
Hi family it’s been a while
I wanted to tell you I had an episode but it has been ones in a long while
And I got an admission to the university
university students wetting the bed is more common than people realize especially with heavy use of fermented beverages
Hi, actually I just found this forum recently, though my situation is not frequent it's occasional and I still don't know the reason am having such problem. I mean bedwetting. Sometimes when I go to sleepover or my guys come to my place to sleep over that when I do bed wet or at home alone sometimes I did just know why this thing happens on occasion days. And it's hard to know people with the sane problem. And anyone that witness it won't understand. Just fed up of the whole world itself.
I wish I could see an anonymous doctor that could help out.Thank you.
Deymeylarhor said:
Hi, actually I just found this forum recently, though my situation is not frequent it's occasional and I still don't know the reason am having such problem. I mean bedwetting. Sometimes when I go to sleepover or my guys come to my place to sleep over that when I do bed wet or at home alone sometimes I just don't know why this thing happens on occasion days. And it's hard to know people with the sane problem. And anyone that witness it won't understand. Just fed up of the whole world itself.
I wish I could see an anonymous doctor that could help out.Thank you.
Whenever you have a problem with Bedwetting or incontinence, you really need to see a doctor; especially a urologist. They can help you figure out what’s happening to you. And like anything there a good ones and bad ones so find a doctor you feel comfortable with. You may find it’s something fixable or maybe they can help you deal with the issue. I had had problems all my life and mine is a nerve problem but I live a fairly normal life. I’m married have to grown boys and had a great career. So never give up and live life to your fullest. Most people are understanding and don’t judge you, but you have to be truthful to yourself. Take care and be happy regardless.
@Deymeylarhor Why would the doctor need to be anonymous? All doctors are bound to strict rules of confidentiality. I highly suggest that you do see a urologist specialist who might be able to help you treat your condition. It’s a great relief to find out the reason, though for some people, even the doctors have no answers. But for most people, there are answers. It’s important to see a doctor because incontinence problems can be a sign of cancer.

@Babssimon Congratulations on Uni! You’re going to love it!!!!!
I strongly support the suggestion that you see a doctor about the problem. It's incredibly important to rule out potentially serious health problems of which bedwetting might be a symptom, and the doctor might even have a medical solution for the problem. It's also important to keep in mind that you won't be the only bedwetting student at your college or university. For that reason, most schools have policies about how to manage bedwetting and similar issues in ways that minimize embarrassment for those living with such issues. If you plan to live in a dormitory, let the school know about your problem before you arrive, so that you can be placed with a roommate who lives with the same problem or some other embarrassing disability.
I concur I strongly support the suggestion that you see a doctor about the bedwetting as well

Inconinmiss said:
I strongly support the suggestion that you see a doctor about the problem. It's incredibly important to rule out potentially serious health problems of which bedwetting might be a symptom, and the doctor might even have a medical solution for the problem. It's also important to keep in mind that you won't be the only bedwetting student at your college or university. For that reason, most schools have policies about how to manage bedwetting and similar issues in ways that minimize embarrassment for those living with such issues. If you plan to live in a dormitory, let the school know about your problem before you arrive, so that you can be placed with a roommate who lives with the same problem or some other embarrassing disability.
Yes for better or worse these doctors deal with this condition all day, every day. Finding out a cause is important so you can move forward in whatever manner you need to. Don’t beat yourself up this is a condition you probably have no control over.
Bedwetting seems to be a very common problem on this site. Most of us have suffered though it. I am in my mid 60’s so it was a little different back then. We didn’t have plastic disposable diapers back then it was all cloth and rubber pants. I was a bed wetter all through school and high school. My mom would spank me and put me in diapers and make me sit on the living room floor with just a diaper and tee shirt for all to see and make fun of me. I also had daytime accidents in occasionally. I remember in 5 or 6th grade I wet myself walking home from school. I tried to hide it but I got caught. Mom was very upset and spanked me really hard and brought me to tears. She then put me in a diaper in front of my older sister and my moms friend. Afterwards she made me go outside in a diaper and tee shirt. I was so embarrassed and I got teased by all the kids in the neighborhood. I was known as “Potty pants” for a long time after that. As I said I am now in my 60’s and have no nerves that work between my spine and bladder so I’ve been in diapers 24/7/365 for many years now. I’m not ashamed or bothered by who knows anymore. I wet the bed every night. I am married and my wife is very understanding. She encourages me to stay positive and just accept things the way they are. She reminds me all the time that things could be much worse. Of that, there is no truer statement. Be good to yourselves and stay positive. Times are different now and people are more understanding. Bedwetting back in the 1950’s and 60’s was very prevalent then just as it is today. Parents today are more understanding. Back then shaming was how it was dealt with then. It’s okay if your a bed wetter.
@Chris318 Sorry to learn about what your mother did to you. How humiliating and inappropriate. I’m amazed anyone ever gets past something like that. I’m glad you have a loving and supportive life partner :)
@Babssimon sorry to hear about your episode, but glad it had been some while since it happened. As others have said you are not alone in your experience. During my college years I was occasionally wetting my bed randomly not frequent but ever so often. Stress was a big factor, Finales week was assured some wet nights.

I hope you take comfort in knowing that others have and are experiencing the same as you.

@DPCARE True on the bedwetting more frequent than expected for college students, and I didn't even drink. LOL
@Deymeylarhor Totally get you. The randomness of my bedwetting is frustrating. Other than times of stress or very over tired when I bedwet there seems to be no reason or trigger. You are not alone.

I definitely agree that the randomness of nocturia and bedwetting is frustrating… and expensive, because you don’t necessarily need bedpads or a diaper every night but you’d better be be using them in case!
It was hard back in the old days being a bed wetter. It was cruel what my mother did to me but that was the practice back then. I mean shaming. The though was by shaming you you’d stop. They didn’t consider Bedwetting as a health issue. It was considered laziness.
I loved my mother and we reconciled over the years and I better understood why she did the things she did. I will say it made me a stronger person. It helped to I had a friend who wet the bed too.
Hi. Just found this forum but I am at my wits end. I have been dealing w this for years, adult bed wetting. I am 44 now and only thing the urologist says is , oh well, just set an alarm at night, there’s no cure (not in so many words, but basically, I go into such a deep sleep and I wet the bed and it’s frustrating setting a times every night or wearing diapers, I’d like to address this situation but urologist seem to disregard and don’t have solutions. I am very frustrated.
@NorB Welcome! I’m 46 and started bedwetting after falling down a cliff at age 39 and severing some nerves between my bladder and my spine. Nocturia is my worst symptom but I have OAB 24/7, leaks, and painful urges.

Alarm training works for very few people, like less than 1%. You should see a different doctor. Alarm training is typically only something prescribed to very young children, and even then, it doesn’t usually work. I’ve been on this website for years now, and I’ve only ever heard one person say that alarm training worked for their son or daughter. I’ve never heard it an adults say it helps. You deserve a good night of sleep instead! You deserve real solutions like medications, Botox injections, and all the other kinds of options. There are many potential solutions out there for treatment, though I never hear anybody say they have been “cured.”

There are things you can do to minimize bedwetting, like not consuming anything liquid after 6:00 p.m., including ice cream, soup, and yogurt. Remove alcohol and caffeine from your diet. Some people say avoiding spicy food and sugar helps. I find the only thing that helps are Botox injections, and staying perpetually dehydrated, which isn’t an awesome solution because dehydration is bad for the rest of your body. But do is endless insomnia caused by nocturia. I’d rather be able to get a few hours of straight sleep, then be hydrated.

If there is any way you want you can work your mind around coming to terms with diapers, they really are the best solution. Diapers are your best friend, just like eyeglasses or a cane. They are a tool that makes the rest of your life possible.
Remember Bedwetting is not something to be taken lightly, but it isn’t the end of the world either. I’ve tried many methods to make it easier but nothing has really me. For me coming to grips with it is really the only thing that helped me. I wear diapers now 24/7, but as a child/teen I was made to wear diapers at night. I didn’t like it but in my mind I was thankful for them because I wet myself a lot. I didn’t stop wetting bed till I was 16 or 17.

Today I wear them all the time. I have had 5 back surgeries. After my last surgery, I lost control of my bladder completely. They say I have a neurogenic bladder. That means the nerves between my spinal cord and my bladder don’t work. I can’t feel my bladder so I can’t tell when I have to pee. So I leak and pee all the time. I have tried many things but nothing really helped except catheters and diapers. I tried catheters for 2 years but I couldn’t stand it. They put in a superpubic catheter but it was too painful so I had them take it out. Now I wear diapers because I have more freedoms in my life.

Once I excepted them, I am a much happier person. My urologist said if they make me feel better, they are okay with them too. They pushed catheters for a long time. They are just trying to protect my kidneys. I do catheter myself twice a day just to insure my bladder isn’t retaining to much liquid.

Any way you need to decide for yourself what works best for you. Listen to your urologist because they are there to help you. Once you decide, live with it. You’ll be much happier. Life is to precious to let problems stress you out. Enjoy life by accepting your problems and find a solution that works for you.

The people here are great and have a lot of experience and can they hopefully will help you come to terms with your problems and possibly to find a solution/cure. It is nice having you here. Thank you for the topic.
@NorB I agree also to Chris318. It's was figured out by medical examinations that my combined dribble and urge IC has no serious harmful damage behind it and I was told that this condition will be more or less long term, probably permanent. We also discussed possible treatment options (meds to suppress the urges (with unpleasant side effects of course), botox treatment which has to be repeated every several months, or surgery) and other things.
I have really highest respect for everyone who is fighting his IC and trying out everything to avoid or cure it. Be sure, if I would be 20 years younger (I'm in my early sixties now) I would probably do the same.

I tried out - very open-minded, without shame or embarrassment - to handle my IC simply with wearing adequate protection (diapers)and found that it works fine for me. Nobody else can see (except of my wife, who is very understanding and supportive), we can still live our active and social life without big limitations, I have no kind of pain (as long as I don't try too hard to hold back an urge), I have no side effects.

That's what I'm doing also in the nights - I sleep diapered, and if an urge comes (minimum 3 or 4 times each night) I do not jump up any more trying to reach (often unsuccessful) the bathroom, coming back to bed and trying for half an hour to fall back to sleep. By doing that I found now back to recreating deep sleep phases and a good night's rest.

I'd like to break a little the ice for using protection and to get rid of the stigma which is still connected to diapers. Don't get me wrong - I'm absolutely not coming from any kind of fetish, that's for sure not my world - but for me they are simply and open minded a great tool to handle my IC without side effects and with no impact to other people. I don't feel any shame or embarrassment about wearing as my wife also is fully OK that I handle my IC in a way I'm comfortable with and it's not a big deal in her eyes.
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