Staff member
Hi!!! I'm so sorry that I've been gone. I've been messaging one friend here once in a while. I'm still recovering. Usually in a wheelchair but walk with two canes every day. My mommy died a short while ago. I was with her. Prayed and said a few personal things. Was her heart. Like my dad not 2 years ago. Anyway, I see a while bunch of questions regarding the best diapers to use. I've been in them a long long time and have used just about every brand. With great respect to North shore, as I see him here a lot, I have to recommend these. I've been using 2 kinds now. And only them. The Rearz rebel in medium and Rearz white in control. That's not the real name. My brain lost it. There are two plain white ones. One is identical to the rebel, just plain white. The one with the name "in control" is the big brother, thicker one. Let me tell ya, being in a wheelchair has been rough on the diapers. But the revel and white counter part one has never ever leaked. Ever. The thicker one is perfect for night time. Some don't like print. So go with the white. Order a sample. Try em out! I promise that you will not regret the money spent. Sorry to come back in advertising mode. Lol. Just wanted to come back and say hi and very pleased to see a few active and respectful new friends. Birds of the wetter diaper together. ( I think it's how it goes???)
Anyway, hi all . Hi may may, Phil, miss wise old lady who blesses everyone. (You know who she is
) and all my other dear friends. I'll be back.