Our British Friends, South African Mates etc

@Maymay941 Yeah, something's definitely up. All my blood tests were fine and with the negative MRI it's a mystery. Possibly a pinched nerve or something? It seems they can cause bladder/bowel dysfunction as well as muscle weakness. Being a teacher and lugging around a rucksack day after day may have caused some spinal issues. When I was teaching abroad, I'd do a lot of travelling between schools and I'd carry my laptop everywhere because computers were limited so that probably hasn't helped.

I'm sure someone will eventually get to the bottom of it. Whilst not a physical issue, I'm reminded that I first went to the doctor with depression when I was 18 and was diagnosed with autism at 24 so it can certainly be a long road getting the right diagnosis for stuff. My main concern is that my current physical symptoms aren't so bad because I've been taking it really, really easy but start work in a couple of weeks which will be pretty mental as September always is in teaching. I'm concerned that it'll flare up again. Still, at least it's nothing massively major. With the brain fog and mobility issues, I was concerned that the stress of moving house and preparing for work had caused a minor stroke as was the doctor at the hospital. Whatever's going on the doctor said that someone so young (which was nice to be called at 29!) shouldn't be having these symptoms.
Wow Sci Fi you do have to be kind to yourself whatever that takes. When do you have another medical appointment
Cam you did you discuss getting a letter for a modified schedule due to a medical reason?
Would a chiropractor be something to try?
HI Emily, WOW! you sometimes cook lamb? I haven't had lamb for well, decades, maybe! :O Lucky whoever has dinner with you! And a roast chicken doesn't sound bad., either!:) We used to have mint jelly with the lamb but when I lived in New England when I was a kid, it was almost a staple. It was a lot easier to get back then. Does your lamb come from places like New Zealand and Australia?
Hope those wasps finally buzzed off!:D No one is ever comfortable around those things. But working at the nature center I have learned that if you totally ignore them they won't bother you. Just act like they aren't even there. We tell the kids that if they make like they are going to swat or attack a wasp, of course it will sting. It's trying to defend itself just like a kid would if confronted with a school yard bully. Several times I've helped by showing the kids how to ignore wasps. When you do that, they generally stay up above, out of reach (the wasps, not the kids!:D.)
have been awake since 5 A.M filling my nappy, and when I say filling, I mean it stinks: I can't believe at 5 In the morning I am dealing with something so full. I couldn't get back to sleep after I changed (kept gagging on my own smell), so just got on with my day.

breakfast, alexa general knolledge quiz, checking the forums etc etc

also have a pretty bad stomach ache now but hope it goes away soon
another day, another smelly and full nappy

awake at 2 30 this morning just so I could make full use of it. litirally soon as I woke up, I had a bowel movement
again can't go back to sleep after my change

so I'm checking in on here. lol
checking in:

didn't get to bed until 10 PM yesterday (was hoping for 9 PM, but I was downloading music. lol)

never the less: I did get a better night's sleep, waking up at 7 30

changed a really smelly nappy (that pizza I had last night was huge!) and now I'm ready for the day.

it's raining today, which is good, we've been having ab it of a heatwave and could do with the cooling of the air

my plans are that I have to:

- eat breakfast

- write my grocery list

- call out a plumber (my sink has a blockage and all the water is leaking on to the bathroom floor, ugg!)

- post here and let everyone know I am still here (which is what I am doing now)

and them visit a friend. her husband just died, and I told her that I'd be their for her while she grieves, and while she processes

and then a little later find something for dinner

hope you all have a good wednesday

Hi Emily, glad you had a decent night's sleep and are ready to take on what sounds like a busy day for you. This may come a bit late especially if the plumber has already been there by the time you read this. If it's just a plain drain blockage I use something called Liquid Plumber. I would think they would have it in U.K. although it may have a different name. It's caustic so I would use vinyl gloves if I were you. It's sort of a viscous liquid. Just pour it slowly down the drain. It may burble and bubble a bit. Do read the directions on the bottle, of course. Wait about 15 minutes or so and them pour hot water down the drain. That should clear up any blockages.
Sorry to hear about your friend's husband but you're a terrific friend to be there for her. I know you'll be a big help to her.
And thank you for checking in and for wishing us a good Wednesday.
Glad you are still here!:D:heart:
my day was deecent

called the plumber about my sink (who will be out when he can), then went to see my friend

as I was about to go see my friend, I did mess my nappy badly- and for someone who had a small breakfast, it was sure smelly

so a little late in seeing my friend, but the visit went well, most of it was me sitting on her sofa listening to what she had to say and going yeah I
understand, I know, how are you feeling at the right times, that kind of thing- I do feel sorry for her, now she has no one.

came home, listened to some music, cooked dinner (chicken wings and fries), and after dinner wrote my grocery list.

so got everything I needed to do today done. which is the main thing
Hi Emily,
Why do you go to bed so early?Just wondering.
Would you be able to share your medical diagnosis with us?
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