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Hi am Vera am just 18years and am still bedwetting please I really need the genius help from here am too embarrassed to meet a doctor
has the bedwetting just started or have you been wetting for a long period if so how long yes I would highly recommend seeking medical attention to rule out any other medical conditions
You shouldn't be embarrassed to see a doctor. That's the only way to find the cause, a possible cure, or a solution, to your bedwetting.

I was a bedwetter as a kid until I was almost 15 yrs old. Then I started wetting the bed in my 30's, only 1 or 2 times a year. It increased over the years, until now in my 60's, I'm bedwetting again almost every night. I was also to embarrassed to see my doctor. But finally, a few years ago, I DID go to the doctor. In my case, it's family history, nothing physically wrong, so that just leaves deciding how to manage it.

The point is, don't wait YEARS to find out the cause and the solution. There are MILLIONS of bedwetters. The doctors have seen it before, and they're only there to help you.
The doctors don't always have an answer, but going to one can at least give you and her a chance to know if there is something seriously wrong. If nothing else is wrong, you can breathe a sigh of relief about that.
If it's the particular doctor you are embarrassed about, get a different one. Trust is needed on both sides of this equation.
Got support from parents, sister, aunt, grandmother? Ask for help; maybe from one you trust, who will accompany you for support, or at least to the door of the exam room.
I don't know how many 18 year olds we have here, but welcome.
I know you feel embarrassed, but you so need 2 see a medical doctor. Ask 4 a referral 2 a Urogynecologist. You didn't really give us any details about yourself, so this is all I can recommend.
I know the feeling I was a bed wetter too. I went to a lot of doctors from age 9 till 15 still wet the bed. Parents put me in diapers every night. Around the age of 16 was went to a different doctor after it got worse. Doctor told us it was a weak bladder and started exercising still never worked I’m 43 and I’m diapered all the time
Hi guy you really need to see a doctor to find out the cause and possible cure. I am 64 year old and I wet the bed most nights. I also have problems during the day. My urologist ran a whole series of tests. They say my nerves in my bladder don’t work. They want me to catheterize myself 4 times a day. That’s hard and at night nearly impossible. I wear a diaper most of the time and I don’t care who knows. I have dealt with problem a long time. I also have diabetes and that may be why my nerves are dead. I too was a bedwetter until I was about 17. My mom put me in diapers because I wouldn’t stop. Most people, family and friends, knew about it. I never let it stop me from doing anything. Be yourself. Don’t let bedwetting or incontinence control you. It is more common than you think.
@VeraReign I didn't wet the bed at all as a kid (just had daytime issues that have never gone away). But it happened when I was 18-19 too. I tried hiding it for months until my mom read my texts to my boyfriend and one day, smelled the sheets I was hiding. It didn't help hiding it. I still had to go to the doctor. My doctor said she thought it was constipation because I don't drink enough water and suggested I take a laxative. I NEVER took it. But after graduation, it stopped. It could have been me stressing about starting college. Who knows? After that, it started again after a bad experience with a counselor. That stopped months later and lately at 26, I have leaks when I'm having a nightmare but I wake up in the middle and finish in the bathroom so it's just my underwear or pajamas that get a little wet. I don't wear any protection or anything because outside of my nightmares, I'm always dry. I would really talk to your doctor if you're able.
But I almost did it again a few days ago with my best friend next to me and I'm still super sad about it. I should probably tell my doctor too
I woke this morning to a wet bed. Not unusual but my clothes and bed pad were wet too. I am so mad at myself, this really s**ks. Now feeling bad and that makes for a really crappy day. I’ve had day enuresis and nocturnal for over 5 years but it still hurst’s sometimes. I feel like less than a man. Oh so mad, just want to scream. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. Sorry all, just needed to vent.
I never stopped bedwetting and am now 40. I've tried to dehydrate myself, among other things. I was too embarrassed to talk to a dr about it, but finally did last year. Still working to figure it out. Meds don't work, alarm didn't work, CPAP worked for a month and back at it again. I'm almost at my waist end and accepting this is my life. But please, go see a Dr about it.
I wet the bed more or less every night. Most of the time I just don't worry about but sometimes it is a pain.
@Chris318, you are not alone. My wife and I got back from Vegas yesterday. I was exhausted and knew I needed more than usual help over night. I used an Abena with a booster, hoping to last the night. I woke up more or less dry at 1a, but the dehydration and smell was what woke me up. I changed into a another and proceeded to drink two glasses of water. This time the needle swung the other way and as I awoke sleeping on my stomach, I could feel that clammy feeling on my stomach. Sure enough the diaper was still fairly dry but I must have had press out. Once that happens, I cannot get back to sleep, sleeping in a wet bed that I cannot do. I decided to get up and clean up. Once my wife got up, I placed the sheets and bed pad in the washer. I will never feel like a part of my manhood is given over to the problem each time it happens. Luckily she does not really care, as long as she is not wet on her side.

I am not sure how to address that specifically, but maybe by sharing and knowing others have the same feelings, it gets a little better?
I'm 60 and have never been dry at night i wore cloth diapers until my teens then just woke to a very soaked bed. In my late teens I went back to diapers but disposable's Attends there wasn't many diapers back then
Woke up again this morning to a wet bed. I am so mad at myself. I hate this! At 64,I wet worse than a toddler. Got up had to change me of all clothes, my diaper, plastic pants, and strip the bed so I could wash the sheets, etc. My dear wife says don’t worry it’s ok, but it’s not. I am so embarrassed and ashamed of myself. Maybe I should go to a nursing home. It seems like all I do is wet myself 6-8 times a day and bedwetter at night. I know it’s not going to get better. My nerves have died or stopped working, whatever. My incontinence rules my life. Sorry for the downer post but right now today life stinks. Sorry all.
@Chris318 feel better sometimes days are harder than they need be. I have days when I just wet and filled up diapers I know it’s embarrassing but other days it’s ok.
Jayindiapers said:
@Chris318 feel better sometimes days are harder than they need be. I have days when I just wet and filled up diapers I know it’s embarrassing but other days it’s ok.
Chris318 said:
Woke up again this morning to a wet bed. I am so mad at myself. I hate this! At 64,I wet worse than a toddler. Got up had to change me of all clothes, my diaper, plastic pants, and strip the bed so I could wash the sheets, etc. My dear wife says don’t worry it’s ok, but it’s not. I am so embarrassed and ashamed of myself. Maybe I should go to a nursing home. It seems like all I do is wet myself 6-8 times a day and bedwetter at night. I know it’s not going to get better. My nerves have died or stopped working, whatever. My incontinence rules my life. Sorry for the downer post but right now today life stinks. Sorry all.
I understand your pain. I was only 50 when my bedwetting came back. I've had 10 years of it now. Some days are better than others. Main thing is you have the support of your wife.
Mine is brilliant and never complains about my wetting.
@chris318, I am going to blunt, but stop. You do not need a home, you are not broken, you are not alone. I know the shame you feel, I'm sure others here share it too. Our stuff does not work like others. You are ok, just different. A wet bed or pants is not the end of the world. Hug your wife, be honest with her, love her like she does you. This will be the key. Explain your feelings and problems, find solutions, and never get down on yourself over something so simple. There are ways of dealing with it. It sucks I get that. As a man we find strength in our bodies and stuff that is not the way we think it should be makes us feel less. This is not true. I wish you the best.
@wetdad, thank you for those kind words. I am feeling better tonight but just a little scared I’ll need the bed again. It’s hard when you feel like your life is run by something you can’t control. Most of us in this life have something like it. Our is a little hard as it isn’t accepted like cancer. My faith in the Lord helps come to grips with things and shows us just how important the little things in life are. Thank you for your kind words.
I have eczema. I had a review with my dermatologist today. My wife went with me but wanted lunch first. It turned into a fun time with her friends for two hours. I have a new condition where the pigment on my public region is being lost and has caused her and I some concern due to the drug I take for eczema. I needed to show him and find what it was. Well I had to wear a diaper but did not realize lunch would be what it was. I tried to void every 15 min but ended up wet well before seeing him. In the end I told him I have am embarrassing thing I need to have you look at. He treated it as no big deal, my wife joked about the incontinence and having sex in the dark and how pigment made no difference. Standing there with my wife saying no big deal, a doctor looking at my stuff with a very wet diaper under it, and trying to keep my dignity was interesting. In the end we all made a joke and moved on. He did ask about the cream is use for rash and was caring.

Life is what you make of it and not something to be ashamed of. Try to find a way to smile.
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