Bedwet my biggest nightmare


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My name is Hannah and am 25yrs old. All my life I have experience bedwetting and can't talk to anybody about it because it's embarrassing, pls I need help.
There's lots of us on here with bed wetting problems and bladder problems you will find support here welcome to the boards
Hello Hannah. I have live almost my whole life as a bedwetter. You are not alone. The first and best thing to do is go to your doctor and see what might be causing the bedwetting. I was diagnosed with over active bladder along with my sleep apnea. It was a battle at first trying to deal with it. I learned to coop with it now. Yes, I do wear diapers at night to deal with the bedwetting. I also have to wear diapers during the day due to the over active bladder. Take one step at a time. I know it is embarrassing. I've been in your shoes. This is a great place to start. This is a great community here. Any questions that you have, there is someone here that can always help you with an answer. We are here to help you.
You came to the right place Hannylight. You will find a lot of people have the same issue but feel unique and alone.
This is a medical condition not something you did wrong.
Welcome Hannah, as Maymay941 says you have come to the right place as this is the best online support group I have found for any condition let alone one as embarrassing as bed wetting.
Hannylight said:
My name is Hannah and am 25yrs old. All my life I have experience bedwetting and can't talk to anybody about it because it's embarrassing, pls I need help.
Always happy to chat and support other bedwetters.

Welcome, everyone here knows what you are going through and can help guide you. What's bothering you lately? We can all listen but will need a little insight before we can give specific advice.
Feel free to spill it all. I’ve been setting the bed (every night) and wearing diapers since I was 20 and I’m 40 now. Unfortunately my wetting carries over to day time a few years ago from aggravating an old back injury.
Hi Hannah,
Welcome. Glad you are here! And you are definitely not alone with bed wetting issues. You have come to the right place. Wetting is a challenge at times but there are allot of ways to treat or make it manageable. As you read through some of the forums you may find allot of really useful info that works for others, as well as some other product choices that work for others here.
And you are always welcome to chat as well. Lots of friendly folks here and the majority are all dealing with incontinence of one sort or another. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Welcome Hannylight and please don’t shame yourself!! This is a medical condition and nothing more!! All of us struggle with our type of incontinence and trust me shame is not helpful, understanding and making a plan is the best way to approach this, the better informed you are the better the decision you can make on how to manage and find a way to hopefully cure it will be. Stay in touch with us and ask any and all questions and someone will be able to help from this board!! You are NOT alone!!
joanne777 said:
There's lots of us on here with bed wetting problems and bladder problems you will find support here welcome to the boards
I still wet the bed. I'm 31 and have always had accident at night. Nothing to be ashamed of, I can't help it
Hannylight said:
My name is Hannah and am 25yrs old. All my life I have experience bedwetting and can't talk to anybody about it because it's embarrassing, pls I need help.
hi hannah, I'm a 31 year old with a beswetting problem. Its nothing to be embarrassed about we.can't help accident. Feel free to msg me if you like
Hi Hanna. I have many Kind of problems as of stress, urge and overactive bladder and also started to wet the Bed again recently. I have gone to many Drs. over the years with no many answers then I read somnewhere to go to a Utogynecologist and Pelvic floor Dr. She is helping me a lot more than anyone else. You may search for on . for me it was a good move. Good luck I will pray for you
I sure wish some doctor can help sone of these young bedwetters who have no idea what is the cause.
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